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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:53 pm
by Silus7
The Moon in sensitive Cancer is both challenged and supported today. The challenge comes from Mars, the expert in challenging! Mars in Sagittarius wants ultimate freedom to come and go as it pleases, yet our emotions want to hang on to the security that being surrounded by the familiar affords us. Adjustments need to be made in the way we think about freedom and responsibility to those we take care of. Later in the day Neptune trines the Moon giving us access to loving compassion or escapism. Best to do the work necessary and then spend times in alternate realities so that when we do land, there is somewhere to land.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:59 pm
by Silus7
The Moon in sensitive Cancer comes up against the transformational giants, Pluto & Uranus today. We come face to face with powers greater than ourselves as well as some possible shock from left field. We are being tested to see just how emotionally self reliant we can be. This isn't our first rodeo however, this process has been happening once a month going on two years. We are moving forward, and we are stronger for it. Give yourself a hug, you deserve it!

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:00 pm
by Silus7
The Moon spends most of the day in Cancer. We may feel as though we have had to battle our way through the last few days, yet today we do get support in the guise of Saturn in Scorpio. There is structure for us to understand our emotions and share that understanding with others. The Moon shifts into Leo late so we'll start to feel more optimistic as the day ends.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Friday, September 19, 2014

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:02 pm
by Silus7
The Leo Moon makes a flowing trine to Mars in Sagittarius. We feel the need to express ourselves in word and deed today. There may be some confusion created and some blow back from those in positions of power. Do your best not to take it personally, just because we suffer for our art, it doesn't mean we should stop creating.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:18 pm
by Silus7
The Leo Moon gets an early morning boost from Jupiter, and the Moon makes a self expressive trine to Uranus, our emotional need to express ourselves is high. Be willing to listen as well as express. Having the Sun in Libra should help this. Later in the day the Moon comes up against Saturn in Scorpio and we may feel as someone has put the kibosh on our creativity. Fear not it's a temporary speed bump. We have plenty of time to be creative in the coming months as we co-create our own reality.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Fall Equinox: Balance- V. Scerbo

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:24 pm
by Silus7
Monday, September 22nd is the Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Equinoxes are points within the wheel of the year that we have a moment of balance, when the light & the dark are on equal footing. Once that moment passes either the light or dark has the upper hand. At the Fall Equinox the dark begins to rise. The Sun moves into the cooperative sign of Libra and the dark half of the year begins. We are in the process of counting the fruits of our labor, both metaphorically and actually.

At first glance the chart for this Equinox may seem quiet, yet it has a subtle and powerful undercurrent permeating it. There are two major astrological occurrences that happened shortly before the Sun moves into Libra responsible for creating that undercurrent. One day prior to the Equinox, Mars, the planet of action makes a last quarter square to Neptune, the Great Dissolver. This is one of the more challenging aspects in astrology. Mars likes a goal, an aim, a purpose, especially in Sagittarius, which is the sign of seeking out the truth and finding a guiding principle which to follow. Yet Neptune as the planet that dissolves boundaries, interactions between these two have confusing and generally unforeseen consequences. What you think you’re getting into, is actually not where you find yourself . This author cannot help but connect this aspect to the September 10th speech President Obama made about combating ISIR.

As if the connection between Mars and Neptune isn’t enough of a stickety wicket, the fact they are in a last quarter square to each other adds a flavor of doubt all by itself. Last quarter squares between any planetary pair deals with a questioning of conventional wisdom. Called a crisis in consciousness we come to ask ourselves, is what those in authority saying what we consider correct based on our own experiences?

The other occurrence happens just 2 hours before the Fall Equinox as Pluto changes direction. Pluto, which had been retrograde since April 14th, turns direct. Because Pluto is so distant from the Sun it takes around 7 days to change direction from the point of view of planet Earth. In reality no planet moves backwards, it only seems that way from our perspective. In that time a lot of energy is produced, not unlike the stretching of a bow back just before the arrow is released. The possibility of seismic activity, whether actual or metaphorical is very likely. Pluto in Capricorn, as a theme is transformation of power structures.

It shouldn’t take too long to see the results of either of these influences. Within a few days of the Fall Equinox we have a New Moon in Libra, that means that this Equinox occurs during the dark of the Moon. A natural time to tie up loose ends and release

As I have said before the Old Paradigm is falling away, and the New Paradigm is being formed. Focusing on what you want to see, feel or be is one way we can exert our own power. Feelings of powerlessness is normal during times of great change. Yet if we continue to see ourselves as victims of our circumstance, instead of creators of our circumstances, we will continue to give our power away.

One of the major themes of Libra is just that, giving your power away, often to keep the peace. Yet Libra is also about equality and working together for a more equitable future. That’s the part of Libra we need to focus on as we move forward. Let’s take this opportunity and continue to build a world based on fairness and equality. We can no longer wait for those in charge to do it for us, It’s up to us to do it for ourselves through cooperation and love.

Dr. Victoria Scerbo at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:47 pm
by Silus7
The Moon shifts into Virgo from Leo. We are willing to do more detail oriented work with the Moon in Virgo. Mars and Neptune make their last quarter square to each other today. Last quarter squares are times when we question authority and conventional wisdom. Whether those in power are being purposefully shady or maybe they are just taking missteps because of blind spots created by their beliefs, they will find themselves getting involved in things that start one way and end another. In our own lives we can also experience this, so before you take an action be circumspect. If it's the same thing you've done before, don't expect the same results. Spirit has a hand in this and we never know what cards we'll have to play.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

New Moon in Libra: The Choice is Ours- V. Scerbo

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:53 pm
by Silus7
Because the New Moon in Libra occurs two days after the Fall Equinox on September 24th, the charts are very similar, save for the position of the Moon. So the points made in the Fall Equinox article also apply to this chart, except for the fact that the New Moon is a time of beginnings.

The Degree of this New Moon 2 degrees of Libra has an interesting image associated with it. There is a system of symbols called The Sabian Symbols, in which each degree of the zodiac has a specific image. It is not the only system of symbols, yet it is the most popular and has in the past has proven quite prophetic.

The symbol for 2 degrees of Libra is as follows: “The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh”. This symbol is at first confusing, and obscure yet even without having studied any of the Esoteric Wisdom literature we can sense that we are moving up some sort of ‘level’. In more current terms we could call it vibrating at a higher level or Ascension.

The breakthrough to higher levels of consciousness occurs in the pattern of concentric circles. Our experiences in life become the basis of our reality until something happens to shake us and we are propelled to a higher or larger circle. The process of breakthrough can be painful, confusing, scary & disorienting. In each moment we have the choice of how and if to proceed. Once in a larger or higher circle we have both perspective on our previous circle (what our life was) yet no real idea of where we are at. We have yet to figure out how to be or move through this higher reality.

As a planet we have been going through numerous shifts in our reality. Astrologically we connect this to the interaction between Uranus and Pluto, along with Neptune, the Great Dissolver being in Pisces, the sign of Unity Consciousness. The combination of these Transpersonal (beyond the personal) planetary activity has shaken the very foundations of our world, leaving us somewhat adrift and searching for answers.

There is a higher order to the Universe, seen in Natural Law, or the Law of Nature. As above, so below; as you sow, so shall you reap; everything in balance. To quote just a few. It is Natural Law that we need to access to figure out our next step. Living in alignment with the planet, instead of the idea of dominion over the planet. This is the idea of Immanence versus Power Over. A great book that talks about this very thing is Starhawk’s seminal work Dreaming the Dark for anyone interested.

We are surely at a tipping point in our evolution. Interesting that the symbol for Libra is the Scales. In Egyptian mythology it is the Goddess Maat that holds the scales on ‘Judgment Day’ and measures a person’s heart against a feather. Is your heart heavy with guilt, sadness, anger, hate, regret? How would your heart measure up?

We have the power to change our world and that power is within each of us and the name of that power is Love. Jesus tried to tell us before the powers-that-be usurped his message to keep their dominion. Yet in truth, they couldn’t have taken the power unless we let them, or we where unaware that there was a choice. Well the scales are falling from our eyes people. Now we have no one to blame, we are ‘growing up’ on all levels, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically and it is our world to make. Choose well.

Dr. Victoria Scerbo at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Monday, September 22, 2014

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:12 pm
by Silus7
The Moon is in Virgo today, we can get a lot done today if we don't get caught up in unnecessary details. Today the Sun moves into Libra, meaning we have moved into Fall in the Northern Hemisphere (Spring in the Southern Hemisphere). This is the day when the light and dark are equal. Pluto the planet of the Soul stations direct today, just 2 hours before the Equinox. There is a lot of power behind Pluto changing direction. Expect some profound shifts as we move into the dark half of the year. Eclipse season is coming, it's time to step into the unknown future with your hearts full of Love!

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:14 pm
by Silus7
The Virgo Moon puts us in the mood to get down to the nitty-gritty. We love to clean up our environment when the Moon is in this practical earth sign. Today is a perfect day to do just that. Tomorrow is a New Moon making today the dark of the Moon, a perfect time to release that which you no longer need. A good day to clean out that closet you've been putting off. Whether it be a metaphorical closet or an actual one, you'll be glad you put in the effort.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Re: Daily AstroLunar Forecast

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:48 pm
by Silus7
I want to apologize for my absence and lack of update of the AstroLunar Forecast. I have been faced with some unfortunate events and have been having to fully devote myself towards them. I do plan on updating everything as soon as I can, and hopefully it shall be soon. Mercury retrograde was not very good to me this time around, but it has definitely made me stronger. Please send any positive vibes and energy you can spare to help with a full recovery. Thankyou all <3 blessed be. ~8~

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:20 am
by Silus7
Today is the New Moon in Libra. New Moons are starting points and this starts a cycle in a new way of relating to ourselves, others and our world. Libra reminds us that we need each other, that no one is an island and that we learn about ourselves through our relationships. Libra's ruling planet Venus is in Virgo today, reminding us that it's going to take effort, some perspiration and some adjustments for us to work together to co-create a world that is fair and cooperative versus unfair and competitive.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:21 am
by Silus7
The Moon is in relationship oriented Libra. There is plenty of opportunity to express ourselves today, sharing our feelings, coming up with progressive new ideas. Yet expression is only half the story. The Sun in Libra reminds us we must also listen and today the best thing to listen to is your higher self as Uranus makes a flowing self expressive trine to Jupiter in Leo. There is great creativity all around us and within us trying to make it's voice heard. A great day to meditate or go through your creative process. You'll be amazed at what comes forth!

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Friday, September 26, 2014

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:23 am
by Silus7
The Moon moves into Scorpio, can give us the courage to look deep within our own psyches to get to the bottom of our motivations. The other expression of the Scorpio Moon could be someone who is unwilling to look deep within and projects their own unclaimed shadow on others. We will see both of these expressions today. A trine of the Moon to Neptune in Pisces gives us access to healing compassion if we take the opportunity to utilize it. As with all things this can also support our delusions around our shadow. The North Node in Libra reminds us that we are mirrors to each other. What you see in others is what is within you. Claim, it heal it and this world will become a more loving place.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:25 am
by Silus7
The Scorpio Moon makes an early sextile to Pluto. We can get in touch with our sense of power and/or powerlessness. What emotional triggers keep you ensconced in feeling the victim or the victimizer? Mercury moves into Scorpio today, our minds take on a psychological bent. This can help us to dive deep into our feeling mind. Introspective day all around, give yourself the time and the space to explore.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook