Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
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Post by Release.the.bats »

We'd be forced to revert back to a primitive state, which might be better for the human race.
A little touch of reality since so many humans think that nature exists outside of where they live and work, when instead they live within nature.
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Post by Rifts »

Nah, maybe for 20-30 years but we'll be right back on it, I doubt we'll EVER die out as a race...

I mean its just tech, and only for a while. Didn't force people in 1879 back to cavemen It sure won't do it to us. Hell maybe 10-20 years.
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Post by Release.the.bats »

If we're forced to live without everything were used to.
We will revert back because we won't know how to survive, we'd be forced too.
We'd have to re-learn how to preserve food without refrigerators and freezers. How to communicate without phones, computers, technology of any kind.
I'm not saying we'd go back to the stone age, we have come a long way from then not just with technology.
But you take technology away from our society, and you've got a shit storm coming your way.
People will kill, rape, steal, burn etc. people and buildings.
Like the people that were stealing TV's and DVD's while people were being rescued from Katrina.
People are awful when faced with desperation and dramatic change, both of which a major outage for years could and would cause.
Think about it.
The people that would survive would be the rational people.
There are many MANY irrational people in America alone, the type of people that bought all the bred, eggs, milk etc. from the local grocery stores when 2000 was going to hit.
Those are the types of people that will die, because they can't break out of their bubble long enough to realize not everything is as bad as they think it is.
But you would have to change your way of life therefore primitive because we'd revert back before we had technology, and we'd have to survive for a little while.
That is my point.
The chaos that would occur would be unbelievable.
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Post by Imalorki »

I say whatever happens will...and even if we didn't cause this solar storm if it indeed happens...we brought it upon ourselves and the arserags in the world made it induced on the rest of us. I'm still on my theory I left on Nostry D thread.

Post by Velusia »

I apologize for hijacking about twinkies, I was having a preggo craving moment I believe.

Has anyone seen the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still?

I think that if the entire power system were to be eliminated, it would be chaotic for a period. I would worry more about the short term, looting, riots, unrest than I would the long term. We have enough scientists and printed literature to give us the tools we need to survive. They teach everyone in school the basics of electricity and motorization. If the world could be controlled for a long enough period, things could be restored. In the meantime, we would have to rely on agriculture and barter systems.

I don't know if humanity has the overall capacity to "calm down" and "think" instead of react and pillage. But if it could be, then we have a fair chance as I firmly believe humans individually are more than capable of adapting to different climates, lifestyles, and environments.
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Post by Imalorki »

I think all in all no matter what theory we choose...humanity(not prepared...us special few that are prepared are gonna laugh) will react very badly and very stupid. Because that is what humans have done in the past...and will continue to repeat because they are TOO BLOODY STUPID to think of something new

Post by Velusia »

You know what strikes me as odd?

My weatherman can't even predict accurately if it's going to rain on Saturday until Thursday night.. how are scientists so sure of an electrical storm three years into the future?
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Post by Release.the.bats »

The patterns on the sun.
And chances are it's on it's way already.
Like meteors and asteroids, they take years to come close, but scientists are constantly trying to eliminate them before they become threats.
It's like how the stars we see are already dead, the travel of light in deep space.
Everything takes longer to happen in space.
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Release.the.bats wrote:The patterns on the sun.
And chances are it's on it's way already.
Like meteors and asteroids, they take years to come close, but scientists are constantly trying to eliminate them before they become threats.
It's like how the stars we see are already dead, the travel of light in deep space.
Everything takes longer to happen in space.

Yea, everything does take longer it quite possibly IS on the way because the distance between us and the sun...if I remember correctly takes 8 years for the light to reach us, which would mean that the storm has been on it's way for the past 5 years....
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Post by Orion »

ShadowPhoenix wrote:
Release.the.bats wrote:The patterns on the sun.
And chances are it's on it's way already.
Like meteors and asteroids, they take years to come close, but scientists are constantly trying to eliminate them before they become threats.
It's like how the stars we see are already dead, the travel of light in deep space.
Everything takes longer to happen in space.

Yea, everything does take longer it quite possibly IS on the way because the distance between us and the sun...if I remember correctly takes 8 years for the light to reach us, which would mean that the storm has been on it's way for the past 5 years....
8 minutes.

And the problem with declaring scientific 'proof' is when it is not proven as an overall fact but a theory. Even global warming is heavily disputed. The media does more to control both sides of that argument then scientists, similar to the Large Hadron Collider.

I disagree greatly with the earlier statement that Science is shaky as Religion. Science is more skin to Spirituality. Both seek to ever improve on their understanding not distort things to create their own versions of dogma.

Those do who seclude themselves in bomb shelters might have a decent chance if they get the right guess. The theories of massive flooding with the galactic/sun/earth alignment will make that a most inconvenient.

Plenty of theories, the trick is discovering which ones are solid and if this is going to be a 'reset' button for Earth.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods." -Einstein

There are always facts, the best most of us can do is try to continuously adjust our opinions to become closer to those facts. For that, there is Science and Philosophy. One to argue facts and one to argue opinions. The result: The big bang is some sort of sexual innuendo resulting from your subconscious.
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Post by Release.the.bats »

The same could be said of religion though.
Most people say, well one has to be right, right?
Why not choose Christianity just in case if hell actually exists.
It's the same mindset of the people hiding in the bomb shelter, they hope they're right and if they are.
Hey, that's great.
But what are the chances that your anymore right than anyone else?
Very slim.
Also, most scientific theories are constantly changing, they are being disproven, proven and always leave room for error.
Like Einstein for example, a few of his theories, that were taken to be the truth in the past, are now being disproven and changed.
This happens over and over again in history and i'm willing to bet 20years from now, most of the theories we have or that we are taught will be disproven and changed.
Nothing is always constant.
That's because we don't know anything 100%.
There is even a theory that says that we could develop the same gravitational force as space [which is almost non existent]. It's not likely, but just because something isn't likely, dosen't mean it can't happen or won't happen [not saying I believe it would happen, but the fact that it COULD happen, however slim, proves that nothing about Earth or our existence should be perceived as a permanent constant]. Everything we understand to be true, could change if the conditions change appropriately.
Which goes to show you, as I said previously, that science is always changing.
If things we are told to be true, can be disproven if one small thing goes wrong [despite whether or not it is very possible] it proves that our world is truly beyond our understanding.
Everything we believe to be true about the Earth and our existence could very well be a huge stream of fallacies, just like religion.
We don't actually KNOW anything.
Therefore, science is just as shaky as religion.
Both were made by man and therefore exhibit the faults of man.

Post by Velusia »

Thank you Release_the_bats.
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

oh only minutes I knew it was 8 something couldn't remember if it were minutes, months or years lol :oops: This, once upon a time was my best subject :(
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Post by One Walker »

Well said, bats! Personally, I'm not sweating it. I already know I can survive very well sans electrical power but if my body happens to die instead due to this event I'll just come back in a future incarnation.

One Walker. :D
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Post by nature_in_control »

ok,heres what is predicted to happen in a week:

electricity shuts down

oceans dry up,no water left on earth

animals and plants die due to lack of water

human race ends

and to top all that off,those nuclear war predictions are becoming more of a reality,as north korea is testing nukes for an unknown reason,and no doubt america will attack north korea,they hate each other![/b]

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