Oh. My. God. Ginger on the rampage!!!!!!

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Post by Alhandra »

OMG people in Britian just dont get it. Red is the next blonde!!!!!!!

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"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Heh heh. Thanks. :D

So called Red Hair


Blackened Rose,
I don't know if you have read any of my post's I am Gallowglass,

I live in London, I'm an Irish man with proudly flowing Celtic Blondy Ginger hair. When I was in school I got so much crap from these little idiots about my hair I developed an inferiority complex untill good old mum helped with a "your a beautifull specimen of manhood and sod those little bastards spell"

Now if a girl look's like Julia Robert's and all the other girl's looked like Margaret Thatcher in her class, who do you think get's the shit thats right poor Julia.

Let me explain when your a teenager you are starting to be a fully conditioned adult, which is a change and change is scary,

so you become self concious vunerable to attack about the way you look and talk and think,

and the best form of defence is offence and who will I offend the easiest target, and now I'm gonna shock you!! the Ginger coz ther is'nt that many of us is there, too fuckin right there's not were too fuckin special!!!!!!

But seriously please don't worry about it in a couple of years I know what you will do, the same as me, look back and laugh coz you still have your hair and half the boy's wont,

genetic fact ginger hair is the strongest healthiest most long lasting of all strand's and sweetheart it really is unique because its the only hair colour they still cannot perfect a dye for (hmm might work on a spell for that) no serious tell the little pre-pubesint git to come back to you when he's a man ie, when his squeeky voice breaks and his family factory opens for business, that il shut him up for a while, stand up your not any different to any one else in ur spirit body!!!!!

Ginger Blessings FRom Gallowglass the Ginger
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Lol thanks Gallowglass the Ginger! Ginger greetings to ya!
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Post by Elem »

Hah, it always makes me laugh when you get young lads in High School / School taking the p*ss out of red-headed people..

Because, come a few years later, they soon realise that red is quite obviously the most attractive hair colour and quickly stop with the p*ss-taking.

I say to you - Don't worry about it! They'll soon change their minds. Red hair is unique and beautiful.. Plus, the gene originates from the Vikings.

So if they carry on, you've got some Viking blood in you to kick their arses ;).

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Post by Wolf* »

So if they carry on, you've got some Viking blood in you to kick their arses ;).

Yeah, grab a big war-hammer and go pillage their houses! XD

sorry, couldn't help it :lol:

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
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Post by Elem »

Yeah, grab a big war-hammer and go pillage their houses! XD
Haha, hmm.. Maybe not ;).

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Just a comment

Post by [Kristin] »

Just a comment from a teacher.....I am always apalled when teachers loose their composure and throw out comments that either hurt or offend students. As far as I am concerned, it was the teacher's fault that you had a panic attack. Some people in this world should not choose this profession....my opinion.
Also, red or auburn or ginger colored hair is just lovely. I envy those lucky enough to be born with such beautiful locks. Be proud of your hair!! Be proud of yourself!!! Don't let some rude ass of a teacher ruin your days. Sounds like you have one jealous or just one embittered teacher to deal with. Cheers to you and hope this has helped somewhat... :wink:
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Post by Kristofski »

I never heard of the word "ginger" ever being specifically an insult, though I have heard it used to tease people with (myself included). I used to be very ginger when I was young, now I just have a ginger beard :D

On a side point, I was talking to one of my sister's friends about this guy he knew who used to be involved in a web group about ginger discrimination. It was mostly about complaining when ginger people were made fun of in adverts. However the main guy went away for a while, and while he was away a load of white supremicists took over and were all like, "Yeah, white ginger people are so oppressed, we should be in control ect ect". As you can imagine the people in the group wern't to impressed by this.


Kristofski x

EDIT: Also apparently ginger people have a lower pain threshold. SCORE!
Irisis Cada-Merrell

Post by Irisis Cada-Merrell »

Heh. Next time, if it's a girl, (or even a boy XD) just smile very sweetly and say "Hating me won't make you pretty."

Haven't tried it myself yet, on account of the fact it'd sound ridiculous coming from me, but it sure sounds good. XD
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