Spring is Here 2005

Discussion of nature and nature spirits and dragons.
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Post by hedge* »

Hi there Chris :D

I have never grown Mugwort myself, yet it is one of my most used Plants!
Go figure!
Maybe I'll add it to my spring collection.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hi Hedgewitch,

I am glad there is another mugwort fan out there!!! If you don't mind me asking, what ways do use mugwort? Tea? Baths? carrying around etc???
I am interested in finding more creative uses for this beautiful red and white flowering herb!!!


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Post by hedge* »

Hey there :D

I use Mugwort in baths and ointments and I just love it's properties. I'm surprised I have never looked into growing this Plant before you mentioned it, now I'm gonna check out my Seed supplier and try to get hold of some Seeds, and I'll check my local garden centre as well. I'll let you know when I have success.
Thanks for bringing it to my mind :D

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hi Hedge, :D

I am not sure if you or anyone here has grown catnip in their garden before. If so, is there anything I need to know about it that may be useful? Thanks,

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Post by hedge* »

Hi Chris :D

So many Plants so little time. LOL!

Catnip is beautiful isn't it, and me being the owner of 4 cats I have a hard time growing it and establishing it, but hey, my cats are happy :D

Catnip is great for upset stomachs, reducing fever and as a mild sedative. It is a pleasant tasting Herb and this makes it all the more suitable to give to children suffering from colds and flu. It is great in the treatment of headaches caused by digestive problems. The tincture of Catnip is beneficial as a rub for easing pain caused by arthritis and rheumatism and it can be made into an ointment for treating haemorrhoids.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Thanks for the awesome info. I think I'll try to grow some in a pot on the deck this season. It will keep our 3 cats quite happy, which keeps me very happy. Blessings to your cats Hedge, they can understand us better than most!!

Thanks again,


Post by Heaven_and_Earth »

Im with bsp :P its no where near spring here in alaska heck its still snowing!!! Im jealous you you guys that have spring already:P

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Post by Moon_Stone »

Yep (sniff) we (scratch) sure (sneeze) do (sniff sniff) have (eyes watering) Spring here in California! And needless to say, I'm a bit miserable. Again. :? So, Hedge, do you know any secrets for the Allergies? :28:

And I so envy you guys with the flowers and veggies you can grow... I have a nice big back yard that would be perfect for that, but I also have a nice big dog that eats everything, digs holes and makes her messes where ever she pleases! *sigh* And you know I just couldn't bear to block her away from one part of her yard... that is where she spends most of her time anyhow when we're not home (she eats Lazy-Boy too)... but really it's just because she's bored that she chews everything up, poor girl! So it's the battle between those sweet little brown eyes or the veggies.

I'd love to grow some tomatoes... in fact (and I know this sounds totally gross but it's not, really...) when I was a kid, my mom used to grow tomatoes and had to protect them from the dogs too... she grew them out of an old toilet. Yup, a toilet full of tomatoes. In the back yard. *(It's kind of a wonder I still love the smell of tomatoes after that, huh?) :28:

I can more or less do plants pretty well, but I completely butchered my Bonsai last year, and I seem to have a nasty problem with mold. I caught it just in time with Lilly (my aloe plant).... but now I have a once-again very unhappy string-of-pearls plant (and she was doing so much better!) An overly-happy plant that came from offspring of one of my mom's plants, and my eight year old plant, Mortimer. He's a good little guy and still happy. Which makes me happy. :28:

Say, have any of you guys ever noticed that plants get really friendly with eachother? This giant offpring plant (Harley, came from Harvey)... loves to wrap herself around Mortimer. It's just so darn cute!

Okay, despite the sneezing, sniffling and complete misery my sinuses throw at me, you've gotten me in a spring mood. :28: Happy Spring, guys!
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Post by hedge* »

Hi Moonstone :D
Do you know where your allergies come from? Is it definately from Plants?
If so then the best advice I can give you and everyone is to eat the LOCAL Honey for a few months ( even better if you can do this before spring arrives, but no bother if you can't ). What it actually does is prepares your body so as it builds up an immunity to the local pollen which the Honey will be derived from. By slowly introducing the pollen into your body via the Honey, your body becomes immune to it.
Cool HUH!

Moonstone, my mum used to grow Tomatoes in the weirdest places too. Such as old wellington boots! And would you believe the best Tomato Plants my mum ever grew, sprouted from the compost heap!!!!

I'm not too hot with Bonsai's ( never grown one in my life ), but I do know that other members on here have successfully grown them so maybe they will chip in and give you some advice.

I think it's so sweet you name your Plants :D
My friend does this too.

Love and Peace to you

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Post by Moon_Stone »

Thank you Hedge. I never would have thought about honey! (But I do love it on Shredded Wheat) :28:

And the allergies are specifically grass, pollen, weeds, cats and about April first through June 15th. :shock: I had the most miserable thing done to me when I was a teenager... the doctor stuck me with a huge pokey brush full of things I'm allergic to (to see what it is specifically that I was allergic to), then made me lay on my belly for a good half hour while these things just welted up and itched like ...... *&#@~!!!!!!!!!! Oh ya, lemme tell ya. :D

Thank you for the advice... I (sniff) really (wipe nose) needed (sneeze) it!

*So far as the plant names, thus far I have Harley, Mortimer, (and they are in love, but that's a different story entirely), Rowley, Lilly, Madison, Who-plant (we forgot his name so he's had that one for a long time) and Ducky. Yup, when you don't have any people friends, you've gotta name your plants. (I'M KIDDING!!!!) :28:

Blessed Be to all~

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hedge, that Honey idea is absolutely brilliant. I am telling all whom I know with hay fever to try this. Thanks for your genius! smiley_dance

MoonStone, I had spring allergies as a kid and they went away when I worked for parks and rec and cut grass all summer when I was a teen. I know how horrible it was so you have my deepest sympathies. Good luck this season!

Light and Peace,

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Post by hedge* »

Honey really is amazing stuff, in fact it's so amazing it deserves its own topic!

Just so as you're all clear, to treat Hay fever you must eat the LOCAL Honey!!!

It'll cost a wee bit more but it'll taste SO much better and it'll help treat your Hay fever.

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Post by Starwitch »

I'm so FREAKING GLAD that it's SPRING!!!!

I'm sorry for all of you who suffer from allergies. That must really put a damper on Springtime for you. It's my favorite season. Here's a picture to celebrate!

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Post by hedge* »

That is a lovely picture . I'm waiting to get my camera back from the uk, my other half left it there when he went back for xmas. As soon as I get it I will take lots of photos of my garden :D

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Post by Starwitch »

Now that I have my own house, I'm starting to get into gardening too, Hedge. I can easily see how it can become an obsession and I'm getting quite obsessed with it already. :) I loooooove flowers and colorful plants and bushes and trees, etc. I'm thinking of maybe an herb garden as well, but we'll see. I also have strawberries and tomatoes I'm working on.

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