The Fourth Kind?

UFO's, extraterrestrials, abductions, the Universe, planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, white holes, wormholes, and everything beyond.
Lily Cantodea
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Post by Lily Cantodea »

I never did go see The 4th Kind. I planned to, but then I heard that it wasn't that great so I didn't bother.

To be honest with all you guys, I think it's very arrogant that people tend to think we're alone in the universe. The universe is huge, and there are tons of constellations and planets out there; it's silly to think that Earth is the only life-sustaining planet. For me personally, I believe there is. I believe Earth has been visited by UFOs and E.T.s.

I don't, however, generally believe in abduction stories. I attribute a lot of them to bouts of sleep paralysis, but I do have to say that I've heard a few in the past who sound intriguing enough to warrant further investigation. My disbelief in alien abduction in general doesn't mean that it hasn't happened; for all I know, it has. But sometimes these types of phenomenon have perfectly logical, earthly explanations, sleep paralysis being the most common one I can think of at the top of my head. I'm not saying that everyone who's experienced an abduction is suffering from sleep paralysis or there's another reason for it aside from actually being abducted.
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Post by Xal »

I think our problem with finding ET's stems from the fact that we are looking and assuming for the most part that they would be like us, IE 3rd dimension life forms which would operate using similar technology. Where if such beings are 4-5 dimensional ones they could be right under our noses and we would not realize it.
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Earth Ritual
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Post by Earth Ritual »

Xal wrote:I think our problem with finding ET's stems from the fact that we are looking and assuming for the most part that they would be like us, IE 3rd dimension life forms which would operate using similar technology. Where if such beings are 4-5 dimensional ones they could be right under our noses and we would not realize it.
oh no! you could be an et!!! :shock: :lol:

i have after all never seen a picture...
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Post by Magic_Bella »

Aliens are real ppl say they are being held hostage underground by the goverment. my granpa works for the goverment and he should me real pics and videos of it!! on the news teens killed an alien. so i think they are real cause why would there be only are kind on 1 planet and there is more galxys out there. there could be something out there too! bvirus
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Post by shadowx »

But how did they get here, that is the ultimate question. I believe there are alien races, for sure. I would like to believe they have been here there is a lot of "evidence" but unless they used a wormhole they wouldnt be able to get here at all. Assuming the wormhole spits out energy, which is fairly likely, then our satellites which monitor gamma ray bursts and supernovae would detect the opening wormhole as a flash of radiation and instantly track it, so we would know they are here. There is of course the argument that world governments would cover it up but given that that most of the stations are run by independent scientist... Im not so sure.
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Post by Xal »

Earth Ritual wrote:
Xal wrote:I think our problem with finding ET's stems from the fact that we are looking and assuming for the most part that they would be like us, IE 3rd dimension life forms which would operate using similar technology. Where if such beings are 4-5 dimensional ones they could be right under our noses and we would not realize it.
oh no! you could be an et!!! :shock: :lol:

i have after all never seen a picture...
Oh snap, you'll blow my cover. Many believe that in this time of spiritual revolution that e.t.'s have chosen to be reincarnated as humans to help the transition, so you may not be to far off ;)
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Post by Xal »

shadowx wrote:But how did they get here, that is the ultimate question. I believe there are alien races, for sure. I would like to believe they have been here there is a lot of "evidence" but unless they used a wormhole they wouldnt be able to get here at all. Assuming the wormhole spits out energy, which is fairly likely, then our satellites which monitor gamma ray bursts and supernovae would detect the opening wormhole as a flash of radiation and instantly track it, so we would know they are here. There is of course the argument that world governments would cover it up but given that that most of the stations are run by independent scientist... Im not so sure.
Man looking through some of the official nasa transcriptions there some pretty strange ass stuff. Bunch of astronauts seeing metallic like probes and what not.

Also what Firewolf, said some of those ancient pictures are very compelling. You have to remember shadowx that all our ideas about light speed travel, wormholes, etc etc, are all theories based on assumptions we have about the way things work. They could be completely wrong or their could be large factors we have yet to discover or are completely overlooking.
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Post by shadowx »

We could indeed be wrong. Until i read the article about light speed destroying matter i too thought it likely that ETs had been here.

The thing is, science tells me it is so, so, so, so unlikely that ETs have ever been here. And yet the evidence, like you said, its pretty big.

There are loads of accounts of RAF pilots seeing objects or lights and the radar stations picking them up too. Lots of instances of cigar shaped objects flying next to aircraft (not missiles, they have to fins or exhaust) and even google earth has out of focus metalic looking balls over certain areas and street view has captured a group of metalic balls flying over some houses here in the UK.

Its a problem for me.

If they did come here they would have to use wormholes and/or inter-dimensional travel. which is entirely feasible. But like i said, someone would have noticed a wormhole appearing, the other answer is that they made it appear the other side of the sun or Jupiter so it is blocked from the earth. I cant dispute that as i have no evidence to say it cant happen. But that is some bloody precise map work, given the size or just our little galaxy, let alone the entire universe, these ETs need to punch a hole in space/time at the exact right place, its probably more difficult than throwing a dart in the air and trying to hit a single grain of sand a million miles away.

Perhaps wormholes are easier to manipulate than i imagine or perhaps they just land a few lightyears away and then travel under light speed for 4 or 5 years to get to us.
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Post by Xal »

That's why I think a dimension shifting theory is more feasible as it would be the easiest thing for them and also be the most hidden.
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Post by shadowx »

Well the theory is that if you amass enough energy and/or matter (after all energy=matter matter=energy) in a small enough place in space then you can punch a hole through spacetime which gives you a wormhole.

One theory suggests blackholes do this naturally and is part of the "whitehole" theory of creation (whereby there are multiple universes like bubbles and when a big blackhole forms in one it sucks in loads of matter and then spits it out into a brand new bubble/universe, this is then seen as a big bang from inside the new universe.

The thing is, let's assume there is another universe that gave birth to ours. In that universe a massive blackhole forms and sucks in one star, it then spits it out the other side into our new, baby universe causing what we see as the big bang at the very beginning. The thing is, in the "mother" universe, that single star could have absolutely enormous, that single star could have held all the matter that now fills our universe. We only think there is a lot of stuff in our universe because our little corner is so, so, so small in comparison. It's like going into a huge, huge room and realising you walk really slowly and then stepping outside into a narrow, short corridor and feeling like you are walking much faster. It is just a comparison.

so the mother universe could be a billion, billion times bigger than ours, and the stars there are a billion billion times bigger, hence one star there is the same size as our entire universe.

This doesnt really add to the alien/wormhole thing, but if you are interested in the physics behind the universe then check out the white hole theory, i think it is a competition between that and my own semi-theory of zero point energy and matter condensation from energy.

It wouldnt need any sort of magick or witchcraft, just pure technology. Get a big enough energy source, probably dark matter/dark energy (scientific energy, not dark magick) or anti-matter, get it into one point in space and release the energy. With any luck it distorts space time so much it just punches a hole in it. The problem is controlling where the other end appears... But if any race is able to form a stable wormhole i think location is something they have already worked out!
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Post by shadowx »

Perhaps the same reason children like to look at insects under a magnifying glass. Curiosity.
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Post by Xal »

I think your looking into it too much technologically. How would they shift dimensions? The same way we do when we project, only to higher dimension and with the ability to transfer matter not merely consciousness through said dimension.

As for why they would help us?

Why did people want to help starving children in Africa?

Also I would suspect that more advanced E.Ts would not only be technologically advanced but spiritually advanced as well. I don't think one can access these higher dimension through purely technology alone.

Also there is the 2001 theory of E.T's perhaps creating us or having a hand in our evolution.
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Post by shadowx »

Im a technological person :P

I think if they visit us physically then they must use technology unless they truly are amazingly spiritually attuned. I think it would take an immense amount of spiritual energy to transfer even the tiniest amount of matter between dimensions that to send a spaceship would be virtually impossible.
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Post by Xal »

shadowx wrote:Im a technological person :P

I think if they visit us physically then they must use technology unless they truly are amazingly spiritually attuned. I think it would take an immense amount of spiritual energy to transfer even the tiniest amount of matter between dimensions that to send a spaceship would be virtually impossible.
Not necessarily. If we are to believe that higher dimensions are less dense and thus require less energy to manipulate things like on the astral plane, than it should be fairly easy for them to this.
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Post by shadowx »

Perhaps... That is of course assuming that the aliens that have been reported are inter-dimensional.

There is no argument against that idea as no-one knows what the extra dimensions are like, or indeed if they truly exist.
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