the truth, and who can hear it?

Teenagers are a special bunch with concerns different than adults. Teens can chat with each other here and learn from one another.
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Post by Alhandra »

So if we have a like anyone of those things you said, do we just e-mail it to you? And can we give you spells that we have made up (not the stuff out of the books)

Romany Saying~
"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
The true way to be a wise man is to see, to hear and to bear in mind.

Post by Laveda »

My majors are in Classical History and Latin/Japanese (haven't decided on that one yet lol)

Alright, I'll see what I come up with and email you. Although mid-semester exams are fast approaching, this will probably be my destress thing.

For the creative pieces I got 20's if my memory serves. I was quite choofed. lol.

I might take you up on the coven issue and teens topic. Although the coven I was involved in wasn't a teen coven (I was the youngest initiate at the time, but it was a mature aged coven) I would like to write on the pro's and con's for a teen, or anyone for that matter, to consider when joining a coven.

I'll email you when I get somewhere with it so you can check its suitability for your mag.

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Post by Solus »

nastypawz wrote:
Solus wrote:I'll write but I'm mainly only good with writing stories, as in fiction, I am really bad a recounting something or writing a news article.
There's a bedtime story section, you know for young kids with original fey, magical themes, or you could do a short story, 1-2 pages long, if thats something your interested in?

That'd be good, I like writing and my roots of writing was in fantasy but I moved away. I went through a period where I tried recounting my life in stories but that failed misserably, I don't like my own life it's either strange depressing or at points some people just have no faith that what I tell them is the truth so I quit, I'm tired of people not believing me.

Solus is Alone in Latin
Solus is Light and Knowledge in Gaelic
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Post by Starwitch »

I'm not picky about links being posted on the forum. It's fine. If you want to suggest a site to everyone you can use the Web Sites forum. Otherwise, just post the link wherever it's appropriate, like here.


Post by Laveda »

LOL! Ok, better safe than sorry I suppose. Not that I'm implying that you'd come around weilding an axe or something...ok, thanks for letting me know and I'll stop now before yabbering on and wasting more time that I should be using to study for my Latin test tomorrow...LOL! Gotta love the procrastination power of the internet...Ok, I'm going, promise...


Post by nastypawz »

Alhandra wrote:So if we have a like anyone of those things you said, do we just e-mail it to you? And can we give you spells that we have made up (not the stuff out of the books)
Yeah, just paste your work in the body of the email along with the name you want printed with it (you dont need to use your birth name if you dont want to) and any infomation you want printed with it, like if it were me i'd say something like "nastypawz, a ... year old witch uses this cream to revitalise sun damaged hair." you could tell us your age, or what you are especially interested in, like herbs or divination, or you could simply say when the spell worked for you last, like something that cheared you up after a bad breakup, or how it worked, like "be careful with this one, alittle bit goes a long way and if you add too much .... it can really stink the house out. Trust me!" or "this ones powerful, two days and i was ...." Get me?

Spells created by you are exactly what we need as copyright gets us into trouble if we print something created by someone else without the authors permission!

Cant wait to see what you've got!


Post by nastypawz »

Laveda wrote:My majors are in Classical History and Latin/Japanese (haven't decided on that one yet lol)

Alright, I'll see what I come up with and email you. Although mid-semester exams are fast approaching, this will probably be my destress thing.

For the creative pieces I got 20's if my memory serves. I was quite choofed. lol.

I might take you up on the coven issue and teens topic. Although the coven I was involved in wasn't a teen coven (I was the youngest initiate at the time, but it was a mature aged coven) I would like to write on the pro's and con's for a teen, or anyone for that matter, to consider when joining a coven.

I'll email you when I get somewhere with it so you can check its suitability for your mag.

Sounds great, cant wait.

Classical history and latin/japanese, interesting. By classical history are we talking ancient greek, roman or more like england in shakespears time? Either way you'd have your work cut out for you remembering facts and dates wouldn't you? They sound interesting though, new ideas, new characters, new social structers/ or sentance structures! lol.

Hows it going so far, i find the assignments easy and the exams nightmareish!


Post by nastypawz »


That'd be good, I like writing and my roots of writing was in fantasy but I moved away. I went through a period where I tried recounting my life in stories but that failed misserably, I don't like my own life it's either strange depressing or at points some people just have no faith that what I tell them is the truth so I quit, I'm tired of people not believing me.[/quote]


I too love to write and use my past as a resource sometimes. but i chuck in abit of fantasy. No one knows truth from fantasy and in a way i like that in my stories. then i can just say, "no, mum that characters not based on you its based on so and so who used to live down the road." i can express myself without worrying about hurting people feelings.

In exploring my past i once took an even from my early highschool years which i regreated and wrote how i would rather it have hapened as a series of letters between myself and an imaginary friend of mine. The result was like closure for me and every time i think of somehting i'd have rather been different, like the time i waged school and got caught and grounded for weeks and totaly humiliated and chased by the police etc etc, i just jot it down for further exploration in the form of fiction. you know, why dont i like that memory, what could i have changed, why'd i do it in the first place and what might another person think about it (thus the letter writing genre). Its great fun and works wonders on the self esteem and self awearness fronts.

Anyway thats just my opinion i hope you enjoy the bedtime story genre, i love reading them to my daughter but am not too skilled at writing them!


Post by Laveda »


Classics at my uni is more of the Roman, Greek and Egyptian side of things. I'm really enjoying the lectures as they're on such a wide range of areas but all relate back some how to religion and government as that's the main themes of the course.

I haven't had a Classics exam yet but I've had a Japanese one of a Latin/Ancient Greek (ILAG) test that were both nicely challenging. :) I like the essays more though because they test your skills in argument and persuation more so than recall of dates (which I suck at btw lol)

As I said, I'm still in exam mode at the moment, so I might have to put off writing for you till the mid year break...


Post by nastypawz »

Hi Laveda.

I've been studying as an english/teaching major for the last couple of years, with a religions minor. I only recently picked up some business/marketing units. In the english units i'm being told that i dont express my own opinion enough and in the marketing units i'm being told that i dont recall enough of the 'facts'. There total opposits!
I am hoping that my exams will be nicely challanging! (my strengths are more in the essay side of things too!)

Laveda wrote:Hey,

As I said, I'm still in exam mode at the moment, so I might have to put off writing for you till the mid year break...

There's no real rush, but the oppertunity is there if people want to take it and the magazine will certainly benifit from everyones input!

good luck with the exams!

blessed be


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