My mum is a problem!

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Post by Traumwandlerin »

You associate fire with hatress? I always associated it with power, being determined, having a strong will, and with powerful anger. Sheesh, there really is not many hatress in my system ^^ Probably this will be one of my big challenges, regain hate ^^
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Post by shadowx »

Not hatred exclusively but there are two sides to everything, spiritually and, as you know, scientifically. Particle anti-particle, and assuming super-symmetry is correct (oh yes, back to science :D) then it should apply to the spiritual world too, if even only in a philosophical sense so to have a positive there must be a negative so i believe that each element has a positive and a negative side. But the negative can still be used for positive purposes. Fire for example, spiritually it can drive away the darkness/negativity, i believe it could be used to heal by burning away the illness, metaphorically speaking, and of course it can be protective. On the flip side i could use it to cause suffering and general negativity around a person. I could perhaps use it to bombard a person's aura/shield to drain it of energy and disrupt it. etc...

All the elements have two sides and since fire is perhaps the most straight to the point and abrasive element i attribute anger/hatred to it, in the right circumstances. At the same time of course it can be loving and warming, it all depends on its use in a certain situation.

And at the end of the day i believe the elements are just attributes or personalities of energy, so i would not literally use fire, but i would use energy which has been polarized, if you like, to have those fiery characteristics.
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Post by CristryShannon »

I will try everything and I hope that my mum wont see me because then I'm definately dead!
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Post by Traumwandlerin »

How could she mad at you? You're meditating? That's healthy! That reduces stress and stuff and obviously she forgot how stressful life is as a teenager!

(sry, my inner teenager just sympathizes with you. ;) Above could be something you could tell your Mum if she sees you sitting on the ground holding a stone. Stones are quite common for meditations practice since the coldness and hardness is an intense feeling while hold)
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Post by CristryShannon »

My mum doesn't beleive in magic and she says that those things are #@*@%#! you know!
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Post by Traumwandlerin »

But meditation isn't magic. You can do magic but it looks like meditation. That's what I do all this years, saying I meditate, don't interupt, and then actually doing magic. Meditation is just to calm down, doing it on a reglar basis will help you against stress. That's actually scientifically proven and not magical at all. So it's real and healthy and has nothing to do with witchcraft except witchcraft yould look totally like meditation ;)

But nevertheless, good luck and we hope all your Mom just is away at this time :)
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Post by CristryShannon »

She's at the restaurant right now so hopefully Im free to search and find out more for witchcraft
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Post by Peregrine »

Okay, I am running the risk of getting shot at but here's my input.

I need to ask first, why do you think this is a ghost? All I see is that you believe that you said something to make this spectre angry, and that is it. Were you trying to conjure a ghost or was this spontaneous? If yes, have you thought of simply saying, "I am sorry to have bothered you. You are free to go."

I had encounters with shadowman starting many years ago and even went to seek counseling on it. (I mean the mental health kind.) He gave it the brushoff to stress. This started happening around the same time that the faith I was raised in was collapsing big time.

I tried avoiding him, denying his existence, etc. One morning, after a very bad, nearly sleepless night, I went into tears. I paused and asked, "What do you want? If you have something to say, say it. If you want to help me, then help me. I never intended to insult you." The negativity disappeared and my health started getting better. From that day forward, he has been like my own personal guide and a comforting friend when needed.

Have you tried simply asking, "What do you want?" or "What do you need to tell me?" Also do not forget to apologize for the unintended insult because we as humans to have these brains that like to play tricks on us from time to time.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
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Post by CristryShannon »

Yeah I did say sorry but it appears again right outiside of my mum's restaurant were I work
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Post by shadowx »

Okay, I am running the risk of getting shot at but here's my input.

I need to ask first, why do you think this is a ghost?
Im with you to be honest, i have a feeling it is an over-active imagination and a desire for this situation rather than an actual entity. But a little shielding advice wont hurt anyone :P

Still... i repeat Peregrine's question, why do you think it is a ghost? If i were to ask you what evidence there is, what would the answer be? (what evidence do you have?)
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Post by Traumwandlerin »

When push comes to shove I know a quite drastic thing you could do that should help:

Open all the windows. Take all your tools and symbols of witchcraft/spirituality/everything that remembers you of witccraft and other worlds. Take it out. (Close the windows of course while outside) Burn what could be burned on an open field (when there is one around, please be sure not to start a fire). Dump the rest in random garbage disposers.

Then do you last spell: Write a letter to all your deities. "Dear Gods, I quit, Sincerly Cristy" (or whatever fits your mood. Make sure it cuts the bond unmistakenly).

Then you quit all these things and do some really earthly stuff. Studying science. Laugh at witches. Go out with friends. And don't care about any other worlds, believe they are fake and were only in your imagination. Think about boys and your friends and school and music and all those stuff normal teenagers at your age do.

You should at least not touch (mentally, no harm done if you accidentally touch an amulet or anything ^^) anything about this area about a year or two. That will cleanse you out, ground you. After a year of two you might come back to the craft, stronger.
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Post by Traumwandlerin »

Oh, forgot:

Bury or burn the letter. Go home, open all the windows and watch TV for about an hours. Something without paranormal things or witches.
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Post by CristryShannon »

But I don't want to quit
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Post by Traumwandlerin »

Try anything else first. But if everything else fail, this would work for sure. And it would be only for a few years. You are still young, so it's sad, but not really a problem. And when you quit you really must stop believing in anything. Always explain it with "it's the wind" or other scientic things. You could sign up in a sciene forum and ask people there how they explain this and then believe them.

This would cut any connection so you won't see shadows anymore, they won't see you anymore, nothing could harm you there, just living in another world where there is no connection and therefor no harm. Like I said, it's radical but it works.
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Post by CristryShannon »

I don't think that I will do that so to make the ghost leave,I finaly found a place were I fit!
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