The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Talk, spells, rituals, and questions about the four elements.
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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by presentcharisma »

wow. what an awesome conversation. Blood, spirit, life force, energy.. can actually be the same thing in a way.
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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I can see why the OP would think blood is the fifth element, But spirit is not something you can touch, is something that can touch you though.
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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by LittleBit1309 »

I was taught that spirit was the fifth element... So I kinda stuck with it. But I can understand what you guys are saying though, I think the fifth element is a kind of "as you see fit" sorta thing. There's no wrong answer really, unless you decide to add poptarts as an elemental force. That's a wrong answer.
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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by presentcharisma »

... unless those poptarts are charged with intention LOL j/k

Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by darkangel721 »

we see her point with blood. but even though you need blood to be alive to cast, without spirit, one would have no motivation or see any cause to believe and to cast. blood may be essential to life, but spirit is a must. thank you for inputing that fact about blood, it is definately something that should be thanked in addition to the 5 elements.

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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by skyslide »

I see the point in Spirit not being an element, but connecting them, but I still think Spirit is. I'm not so sure I agree with blood being one though, because not all life has it. Plants and insects don't have red blood cells, but they are still life.

As for energy, it can be argued that it is onebin the same as spirit. =)
Fionn The Mutt

Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by Fionn The Mutt »

Blood manifests as a liquid, which is ruled by Water. It also doesn't really bring anything new to the table element-wise as all of the other states of existence are covered by Fire, Water, Air and Earth. While Spirit is included in the elements by many folks, I don't see it that way due to the other four elements being manifestations of Spirit.
Luna Lisa
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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by Luna Lisa »

Victoria I would agree. I was always taught that the fifth element was a spirit or some kind of energy that is within when people can since vibes or something of that sort. The fifth element being an energy would make more since.

Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by DreadXCrow »

spirit can be worked with and physically manifested just because you cant see something doesn't mean it isn't there spirit is the rush you get when you learn a new spell its the loss you feel when you lose someone important without spirit we would have no feelings or emotions it isn't an element but it is the thing that ties every element together. that is my sentiment on the matter
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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by skyslide »

I say it's spirit because without spirit there is no life. Without earth there is no life. Without water and air there is no life. Without fire there is nithing to keep life in check and ro keep certain species warm. Life needs all five of those.
Little Shadow

Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by Little Shadow »

Here's something for you to think about.Earth shows energy from growth,not just plants and animals but even all rocks and minerals and soil.Water shows energy through movement,whether it is flowing,evaporating,freezing,or falling from the sky.Air shows energy in movement including the molecules which make it up.Fire is energy,needing 3 things fuel,heat and air take away one of them there is no fire.Spirit is the energy of life within us.Even blood is energy as it is constantly moving through the body,if it stops,loses the energy the body would die.
Skye Shadowstone

Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by Skye Shadowstone »

Just wondering, what element does electricity fall under? If I had to guess I'd say fire, both are physical forms of pure energy.

As for the 5th element, I think that it could blood. It's not an unreasonable belief.
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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by Truthseeker »

I have always considered the fifth element to be spirit but in reading through this thread I wonder if it is not simply energy.

Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by DreadXCrow »

Skye Shadowstone wrote:Just wondering, what element does electricity fall under? If I had to guess I'd say fire, both are physical forms of pure energy.

As for the 5th element, I think that it could blood. It's not an unreasonable belief.
lightning is a combination of heat and dry air so its one of those combo things like ice could be wind and water mud could be water and earth so on and so forth
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Re: The Mysterious Fifth Element.

Post by raynelae »

I think spirit is the Divine source (a.k.a. the Goddess and God) it is within everything. I don't call it into my circle, but I think it's acceptable if you choose to.
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