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Re: Vampires

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:42 pm
by Lost_Demise
Tehfluffiez - you're ether trying to troll or you honestly don't know that pansexual is a sexuality. Also- grandson, not son. His father was my son, his father is dead. That grandson of mine is close to me because his father and mother died when my grandson was young. That is all I will say concerning the topic considering that is all very personal and honestly none of your business.

pansexual is basically labeled as you don't love someone for gender or appearance, but for who they are. Be it a transsexual, a male, a female, or a hermaphrodite my grandson wouldn't discriminate.

shadowx - demon doesn't mean without family.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:06 pm
by shadowx
But they arent *really* family, they can only be related, by DNA and nothing more, to the body which you puppet, they have no link to you.

Plus bisexuality is loving someone regardless of gender, heterosexuality is of course gender related but bisexuality isnt.

Anyway, vampires arent real and dont exist AT ALL! The post i made was merely twilight facts (Edward is a sparkly vampire who doesnt go out in daylight.)

They arent real, end of.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:10 pm
by Lost_Demise
There are vampires, they are just nothing like the mythology. They don't sparkle, they aren't undead, they aren't immortal, I could go on. Also, I never said how my grandson was related to me so please don't make assumptions. Also, there are other ways of being related besides DNA. If you disagree with that then lets just agree to disagree.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:13 pm
by Tehfluffiez
So basically your grandson drinks blood, and you refere to him as a vampire? he is no vampire just as you are no demon.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:24 pm
by Lost_Demise
Please read the forum topic vampires 101 in the section Psychic Powers, Channeling, Mediumship, Empathy.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:35 pm
by Tehfluffiez
Am i supposed to take some random rubbish someones wrote as a bible on vampires? i think not, someone who doesnt produce enough energy and need to get it from somewhere else? certainly a medical condition but only a fool would consider them a vampire.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:49 pm
by Lost_Demise
It's not a bible, just informative. To each their own.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:30 pm
by JuniperBerry
In the mermaid thread I mentioned this:
For instance, Norse mythology also has dragon myths. Through intellectual study we have come to fnd the basis for these myths, and develop an understanding that our ancestors probably already had living in that mythology every day. Dragons were developed according to the North view of heroism and fame. A man could NOT inherit his father's gold or assests. It was shameful for a son to take what he didn't earn, and he was expected to earn his own fortune and name. This created a mythology about grave robbing. An ancestor was said to curse those who stole the grave goods, the gods were said to turn their backs on a grave robber. Eventually, through story-telling, this concept became romanticized into the dragon's treasure.
The Germanic equivalent of the vampire was the Draugr. (Sounds like dragon, doesn't it? Remember that.) The Draugr was the undead within the grave mound. It's unclear whether the Draugr was that soul and personality of the body, or whether it was something residual that lived within the body after soul had passed on. A draugr protected the grave goods and the treasure within the grave. (See the connection between dragon and draugr?)

So, again, to me the myth of the draugr in relation to vampires would still impart the same lesson in behavior expected according to the heathen worldview (earn your own treasure through worth not inheritance). But: Fafnir, the dragon (draugr?) in the Volsunga saga didn't begin life in the form of a dragon, but only became one after jealously guarding his treasue. I would also take from this the idea that it's not ok to hold on to what you had on earth, to let go of material possessions and sense of worth on earth and just be ok with moving on. Because you become cursed, unhappy, a lost soul.

There are still sightings of Draugr today, but it has come to mean ghost in more modern terms.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:40 am
by shadowx
Vampires do NOT exist.

What you are referring to is a sanguinarian. A person who chooses to drink blood, usually because they want attention or because they have a psychological disorder.

It is in NO WAY related to vampirism.

Vampires are entirely mythical and do not exist, there is rerally no more that can be said on the topic. This forum gets worse every day...

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:02 am
by Lost_Demise
I never said what he used to fill his needs, don't make assumptions concerning someone you've never even met or spoken to.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:41 am
by Tehfluffiez
Shadowx is right, You describe the complete opposite of a vampire apart from "drinking blood", if i was to drink blood right now it would NOT make me a vampire, im afraid your grandson is nothing more than what is most likely a goth who likes his steak cooked under rare.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:01 am
by Kitty
from what I've heard sang vamps [and psi vamps] need to feed of another person's prana or life force, whether it be from in the blood or from their aura.
In my opinion, it's a real condition ... We all unconciously feed of the energy around us but they just have a physical NEED to do it.
Of course the mythological versions are also really interesting but from what I've read/seen vampires weren't really romanticised until around the 18th century, before that they were basically considered demons, such as in the story of 'nosferatu', and it would have been unusual to find them seductive.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:14 am
by shadowx
Of course psychic vampires exist, but this thread is about literally vampires and is pure fairytale and nonsense. I have no qualms with calling those that believe they know real vampires idiots, liars, or at best, misguided.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:54 pm
by Kitty
gotta agree with you there haha ;)
I kinda remember someone asking if 'real' vampires sparkle [possibly here actually]
I was like -_- "Damn Twilight" *shakes fist* lol

I saw a great documentry on the mythology of vampires and what first sparked the ideas - I think it was called Vampire Secrets or something - definately worth a watch if you're interested in the actual history behind mythology - it mentioned like how blood would be pushed out of a body after death and how the body would bloat giving the illusion of feeding and things like that.

Re: Vampires

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:14 pm
by shadowx
Also the skin and flesh contracts around the nails and hair giving the impression that the nails and hair have grown after death.