genral teen talk

Teenagers are a special bunch with concerns different than adults. Teens can chat with each other here and learn from one another.
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Teen Talk eh?

Post by Leo*Moon »

Well, love sucks...
My girlfriend went on a month long trip to Japan. I think I've been a pretty good sport about her going on a trip to a foreign country plagued by earthquakes and monsoons for a month. When she left we were very much in love, and I hadn't heard from her since mid-july. Then on Aug 2nd I got an email from her in Japan, not to tell me Happy Birthday or to say I love you, but to say "I've been thinking and we need to talk, and you might get mad at what I have to say but it's too retarded to say in an email. See you in a few days." She doesn't get home until the 11th, and it's been torture. I think she's going to break up with me so I both dread and want her to come home. I guess I'm holding onto a little hope that we're not going to break up.
I had been alone for 3 years before I met her and when I did it was like a breath of fresh air. So, if she breaks up with me, I just don't know what to do. I feel like my love life is really redundant. Whenever I think I've met someone, they just betray me in the end. Am I too nieve...or does everyone in this town just suck at life? :? Everyday is the same thing, nothing new ever happens and I never get out of the house because I can't drive and my parents suck. So I just live this monotenous miserable life....Now I'm
The fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. ~Shakespeare

Post by red_passionate_roses »

Leo, just a bit of advice, and I don't mean to be a downer but the chances of her breaking up with you are very real. I know this because I am in this situation. I am breaking up with my guy who is in the navy when he gets back, because I have met someone who I can truly relate too.
Anyways, pet enough about me. Your girl might either be telling you about the new embark or outlook on life she has made or something else and probably think you will get mad, sometimes some of the most hardest things are really simple. I mean have you ever had a time where something happened and you felt or thought it was huge when come to find out it was really really small? I know I have.
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Post by Wolf* »

My mom was just telling me to keep my altar straightened up. My christian mother was just telling we to keep my altar cleaner, and was even giving me tips on how to keep all my ritual and spell stuff more organized. What the hell!??! :shock:

Her: you know you could clean out that other stuff and put all of your witch stuff under that compartment in your desk and have more room. *insert more tips and cleaing advice*

Me: :shock: uh...yeah....good idea

Her: ......and why am I telling you this? You know I must be a neat freak. *laughs*

Me: ..... :shock:

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Post by dark_babe13 »

i have almost lost my virginity more times then i can count.i asked my boyfriend why he always stops.its because "he don't want to hurt me,because he had put another girl into a position like that and she got pregnant.she lost the baby and was so depressed she nearly had to drop out of really screwed her life." then he said somethin' about "loving me to much to hurt me like that."he's like obsessed!!!
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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:31 pm
Gender: Female
Location: North Carolina

Post by Wolf* »

Your boyfriend is smart. If he is that worried, why not just wait untill you are both ready? Its also might be best to wait till after school graduation, so you aren't put in that kind of position.

Or...I have an idea...its kinda crazy but....HOW ABOUT GET A CONDOM!?Image

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Post by dark_babe13 »

actually i agree,now.i felt like i had to live up to everybodys expectations of me.just cause some perve told everybody he slept with me to make his friends jealous.what a moreon!!!!!!!!
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