Wicca/Witchcraft Shopping List: Ideas & Prompts

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Re: Wicca/Witchcraft ShoppingList- Ideas&Prompts

Post by AnaisStar »

I also dont use a lot of tools. Most of my spells/rituals involve:

- some symbol of deity that Im working with (statue, picture, etc)
- Candles (color corresponding to intent)
- cauldron
- incense (corresponding to intent)
- matches/lighter
- herbs (corresponding to intent)
- runes
- tarot cards
- oracle cards
- salt (multipurpose)
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Re: Wicca/Witchcraft Shopping List: Ideas & Prompts

Post by SpiritTalker »

Most used...

. 🔔 bell to call or farewell
. 📒notebook ✒️ or 📝
. 🕯candles - & lighter; holders
. 🥢incense sets mood
. 🧂salt & 💦 to purify
. 💧oil - 🌲balsam, ⚱️frankincense and myrrh, 🍋lemon, 🌹rose, & lite🫒olive
. 📆 moon-phase calendar
. 📿 prayer beads & stroking 🪨 stone
. 🧶 twine✂️ for knot spells
. 🫖 tea fixings 🍂🌱; infuser tea mug for brewing; 🌿Herbs of choice
. 🥘🫕 cooking pot - 1 quart
. 🥣 bowls and 🥄measure spoons
. 🍯 recycled jars, thrift store mason jars
. Dowsing rods & pendulum to ID energy fields
. 🗡🍷🪄🌟Y 🧹🪘tools of your path, if used
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