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Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:48 pm
by hayal
Yeah double wow!!! I felt exactly the same when i first went to the UK!! I just dint want to go back. But since i was little i always felt i was egyptian even tho i had no idea about egypt :D my aunts husband has relatives in egypt. (They were sent by the ottoman empire to egypt he was a Pasha and they stayed there) they used to send souvenirs of egypt and my aunt hung a hieroglyph on the wall i was sitting there admiring the art n i knew i was one of them. In one of my posts i wrote about muslim naturally i spoke and put a spell in an ancient language i know deep down it was arabic,,,,

Yeah i was egyptian ;)))

Love & light

Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:34 pm
by Autumnal Eclipse
I'm a fox at heart. I've spent a long time as a fox, far before industrialization. I can see fields of sweeping green grass, dark, but safe feeling forests, and tundras of pure snow. I loved those days, or at least, from what I've seen in meditation and scrying. Another life that has recently been awakened to me is that I was a Knight in some sort of Medieval time period. I am drawn to anything Medieval, and am a big fan of old weapons, before guns were even close to a thing. I can see banners and lion insignias, but I don't know enough to pinpoint exactly where and when. I also believe I spent a lot of time in feudal Japan for similar reasons. Lastly, even though I am male, I feel as though much of my past lives were spent as a female. I have many feminine tendencies.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:24 pm
by Jonjonsalinas_
I have actually been told by a friend that I am a young spirit :) I have had dreams before of myself as a Greek priest (not sure for which god/goddess) in Ancient Greece and also I have dreamt myself as an Aztec healer/priest (ironically my dad is Aztec). Once I actually went to get a spiritual aura cleansing with my mom and the Healer actually started crying when she had cleansed me and said that she had never seen such a young and beautiful spirit :) she said that I had been a healer in my past lives and that it is my destiny to always be a healer! This really made me happy because I've always had a knack for healing people, animals, plants, etc and I one day want to become a healer :)

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:20 pm
by River SilverWolf
The ireland one was amazing.
However it was more amazing to have it validated when I actually got to visit and see the land that I had dreamt about and saw in the past life regression! :)

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:08 am
by charmecia5
I think at one point I was a Japanese miko (shrine maiden), particularly after my penpal sent me a postcard of a temple in a wooden forest, and I remember living in a place similar to that. I could also remember doing rituals and in cleansing myself before I partake in events (like weddings or funerals and before I perform rituals). I even remember doing the dance that shrine maidens would do in Japan.

I also believe I may have been Spanish at one point also, as I love the Spanish culture, the foods, the dance, the movies, etc. And I've always wanted to go to Spain, particularly Barcelona or I think Madrid.

as for a celebrity....I think it is possible that I may be the reincarnation of the late singer Minnie Riperton. She had died in 1979 of breast the arms of her beloved husband. I was born ten years later in 1989. She was born on November 8, 1947. I was born on July 8. And she died on July 12...4 days and 10 years before I would be born. She was known for singing in high notes and for her whistle register. I could also sing high notes (but I don't have a whistle register). And I would always fear that I would have breast cancer and that I would die in the arms of the one I love. Did I mention she loved opera and jazz. Same with me. Everyone would even want me to take up opera rather than go into the music industry (I always dreamed of being famous and being a singer.) And my family would always call me a young Minnie Riperton when I was little (but I didn't know who she was until I started listening to the song "Loving You" in high school and wanted to know who sang that lovely song.)

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:34 pm
by BelleSun
I've had more than a few dreams/visions/etc of my past lives. I've always known that I've lived many times. Here are a couple:

I think that I was a woman in New England when it was still colonies. I remember my death after being questioned for witchcraft. I don't know if I was a witch, I can't remember anything from that life except my gray dress, long dark hair, and my two small children. I was tending to them by a hearth fire when they came to get me. When they took me away I had one distinct thought, "I'll never see my children again." I think I was killed a few hours later. It was dark when they came for me and the sun was rising when they killed me. I was thrown of a cliff to the ocean and the rocks below. I floated out of my body and I distinctly heard it when it hit the rocks below. (All this came to me in a dream when I was about 14 or 15.)

When I was meditating a couple years ago. I saw myself as a Native American. I was a young man and I was riding a horse in a beautiful grass field. There was another young man with me. We were best friends, maybe even brothers. I believe that he is the same energy that became my father in this life. In that meditation I remember feeling sad and knowing that I some how left my friend/brother long before he was ready for me to. I died a young man that time.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:15 pm
by AmethystRayne
I was told by a couple different psychics that I was a very powerful high priestess in ancient Egypt. It didn't surprise me though because it was like I already knew that.

I did a guided past life meditation once on my last life. My name was William and I was born very poor, somewhere around England in the country side. When I was in my early teens I was like an apprentice for the town banker. In my early 20s my first love died giving birth to my first child, a boy. I inherited the bank when the owner passed as he had no children. I became a very rich and wealthy bank owner....quite wealthy in the gut too lol. I married again, but only for money. Had 7 more kids, and an enormous estate. But I was really an awful person. After my first wife died, my heart grew so cold, I didn't care about anyone but myself. My second wife and 8 kids hated me, as well as everyone else. I think I died in my early 50s of a heart attack....sitting at a round table with a bunch of other rich guys smoking cigars and drinking scotch or something. I was such a mean and selfish person in that life! I neglected my family and did what ever I needed to to get ahead. I'm the opposite in this life. Poor and always giving! :)

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:08 pm
by feelee
Ohhhh I would love to find out!

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:52 am
by __Oracle__
I would love to know about my past lives someday. I have a strong feeling I was killed by being crushed by a tree in a past life. I have always had a fear of trees falling on me . And nightmares of them crashing through my home . It think it may have been a very bad storm that caused it.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:30 am
by Artemis
I think perhaps I was Egyptian in a past life. I was drawn to it when I was studying about Egypt. Maybe a gypsy too. Sometimes I feel deep down in my soul that I wasn't meant to be in a place for too long. My mind is always wondering to the past. How different everything was back then when there were only dirt roads, and people mostly traveled on foot. How nature was all around. I can always see it too. At one point maybe I was Asian, Japanese specifically in one life.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:13 pm
by p3nathan
I only know the way I died and it wasn't nice. Stab wound to the gut.
Other than that I know nothing.
It's strange that I would only remember my death when I don't even know where I lived or whether I was male or female; I don't even know the context in which I was killed... but maybe the trauma of it stuck more than the detail of the event itself if that makes any sense :S

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:14 am
by TheGirlOfSecrets
p3nathan, how can you remember how you died? I'm genuinely curious, I'm not saying you're lying. Sometimes I think in a past life I might have committed suicide, so it would be interesting to hear other's thoughts. :flyingwitch:

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:50 am
by p3nathan
I've had psychic dreams for as long as I can remember ... I remember no great detail from the dream, just the way it happened. I do remember some feelings, which are basically what you'd expect in that sort of situation. I've always been able to tell the difference between psychic and non-psychic dreams too and I knew that it was me, but not in this life. Hard to describe really, most of it was just intuition :S

After I had it, it explained a lot about my current life. I believe the issues with anxiety and such that I've had may stem from that trauma. Also weird, and I'm not necessarily making anything of this it's just bizarre, I had to have abdominal surgery a few years a go and the scar is in the same area... weird.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:39 pm
by AnaisStar
PLR #1 Since a young age Ive been obsessed with Marie Antoinette (I collect anything about her, of her etc) and France. Ive never understood why I have this fascination with her and her life.

The first plr I did I found myself as her primary doctor. I was also a close confidant of hers, and had helped to deliver at least one of her children. I died young (I think before the revolution and she was tried for treason).

PLR #2 I was a young black man who worked on building the first railroad in the Western states, heading into California. I even found the actual name of the railroad and had the dates correct. I wasnt a slave per say, but was treated poorly by my boss (who is now my best friend in this life, and we have a tough relationship now). I was married but we lived a poorly existence, had no children and my wife hated me for being a lazy drunkard, and not being successful and wanting more out of life.

I think we can relive our past lives and learn from them, which is why we come back again each time. This life taught me that Im worth more, than I can do and be whatever I want, and have to not let self doubt get in the way of me achieving my dreams.

PLR #3 I was a Beguine in 15th Century France (another tie to my obsession with France). I lived in my own cottage on the outskirts of a small village. I worked with herbs to offer cures to local villagers, and was also a midwife and delivered all the children in the neighboring village. I lived alone with no spouse, or children. The villagers kept away from me and left me alone unless they needed my help or one of my herbal cures. I saw myself later burned at the stake for heresy as a witch.

I think this is where my leanings toward a Hedge/Green/Kitchen witch come from, and my interest in working with herbs. I used herbs a lot today, and in most of my spells.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:41 am
by Sakura Blossom
Uh, well, I know of one... From meditations. I was... Unfortunately... A... Call girl. I don't know the specific time period, though. I just remember seeing some pretty old fashioned clothes. I'm thinking 1800s....

But other than that, I honestly have no idea. I would love to learn though.