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Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:21 pm
by Klia
Esbat Ritual

Full Moon
In addition to the eight Sabbats observed every year, most modern Wiccans and Pagans celebrate a regular Esbat, in which magic is performed and the gods and goddesses of the tradition are honored. Most covens and groups meet at least once a month, and time this ceremony so it coincides with the full moon. The word Esbat is of French origin, from s'esbattre, which loosely translates to "frolic joyfully." In addition to frolicking, this is a time to commune with the gods of your tradition. In some groups, the Esbat rite is followed by a Cakes and Ale ceremony.

You will need:
• a bowl of water
• a moon candle for the altar. This is traditionally a white unscented pillar-style candle. You can decorate the moon candle with sigils or inscriptions etched with a hot knife.
• To adorn your altar with lunar symbols -- mirrors, silver ribbons, white crystals, a crystal ball, etc.

1. Cast your circle. This will establish the space as sacred and bring you closer to the God and Goddess.

2. Turn to the altar, and hold your arms open wide. Tilt your head so that your face is skyward -- after all, this is a celebration honoring the full moon.


Goddess of the moon, queen of the night,
keeper of women's mysteries, mistress of the tides,
you who are ever changing and yet always constant,
I ask that you guide me with your wisdom,
help me grow with your knowledge,
and hold me in your arms.

At this time, light the moon candle, and take a moment to reflect upon the gifts you have in your life.

3. Hold the bowl of water to the sky. Say:

The moon is the symbol of the mother,
and she watches over us day and night.
She brings the changing tide, the shifting night,
the flow that changes women's bodies,
and the passion of lovers to their beloved.
Her wisdom is great and all-knowing,
and we honor her tonight.
Keep your watchful eyes upon us, great mother,
until the cycle returns once more,
and bring us to the next full moon,
in your love and light.

Take a few moments to think about the things in your life which have changed in the past moon cycle. Are there people who have come into your world that you're thankful for? Have you ended a toxic relationship? Have you experienced good fortune at work? Meditate on all the things you have to be thankful for, as well as the things you would like to see change for you by the next full moon.

4. When you are ready, close the circle and end the ritual. If you choose, you can move into healing rites or magical workings, or a Cakes & Ale ceremony.

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:24 pm
by Klia

House Protection Spell Bottle

Since the earliest spell bottles were created for protection, it seems fitting to begin with one made for this purpose. Ideally, such a bottle will be walled up in a new home under construction, or placed under the floorboards. If this is impossible, simply place it in a position of importance somewhere in the home.

Items needed:
• 1 glass jar with cork stopper or 1 canning jar
• 1 bowl
• 1/2 to 1 cup salt (depending on size of the jar)
• 3 cloves garlic
• 9 bay leaves
• 7 Tablespoons dried basil
• 4 Tablespoons dill seeds
• 1 Tablespoons sage
• 1 Tablespoons anise
• 1 Tablespoons black pepper
• 1 Tablespoons fennel

In the morning, ideally on a bright and sunny day, assemble all items.

1. Place the salt into the bowl and say:
Salt that protects, protect my home and all within it.
2. Add the cloves of garlic to the bowl and say:
Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within it.
3. Crumble the bay leaves, place in the bowl and say:
Bay that protects, protect my home and all within it.
4. Add the basil and say:
Basil that protects, protect my home and all within it.
5. Add dill and say:
Dill that protects, protect my home and all within it.
6. Add the sage and say:
Sage that protects, protect my home and all within it.
7. Add the anise and say:
Anise that protects, protect my home and all within it.
8. Add the pepper and say:
Pepper that protects, protect my home and all within it.
9. Add the fennel and say:
Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Mix together the herbs and the salt with your hands. Through the movement of your hands and fingers, lend energy to the potent protective items. Visualize your home as a shining, safe, guarded, secure place of sanctuary. Pour the mixture into the jar. Seal tightly and place in your home with the following words:
Salt and herbs, nine times nine
Guard now this home of mine.
It is done.


Dream of Your Love Spell by EUTM

Find something that symbolizes the person you want to dream of such as a photo, something they gave you, something they said to you written on paper, etc. Just before going to sleep recall your most favorite memories with them, then hold the object on your heart and chant:

With these treasured memories,
sweet dreams of you shall come to me.
The way you laugh, the way you smile,
my heart, it skips, it leaps a mile.
Your gentle breath, your tender touch,
I long for you, so very much.
Your lips so soft, your eyes so bright,
I need you on this lonely night.
Let me feel you, smell your scent,
taste your mouth, you're heaven sent.
Close me in your warm embrace,
and make my heart begin to race.
Pull me ever closer, near,
tell me what I need to hear.
Fulfill my every earthly desire,
until my passion roars like fire.
As is my will, this shall be done,
my magick dream has now begun!

Put the object under your pillow after reading the chant and then go to sleep straight away.


Cat Protection Blessing by EUTM

Bast of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (name) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over (name) from day to day
And guide him/her home, if (s)/he should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress.

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:28 pm
by Klia
Calling the Elements

Quarter Calls
I welcome the East--bring your winds here,
Blow away doubt, confusion, and fear!
I welcome the South--let your fire glow,
Let desire and passion of life through me flow!
I welcome the West--let your healing rain,
Wash away negative feelings and pain!
I welcome the North--bring stability,
Strength and balance here to me!
The quarters are called and the circle's cast,
To raise the power and send it fast,
And when my sacred work is done,
Bless the magick that I've begun!

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:56 pm
by Klia

To the Goddess
I call upon you Goddess Divine,
I stand before your sacred shrine.
Spread your arms, let in the light,
I pray you'll help me do what's right.
Help me steer from what is wrong,
and any evils for which I long.
Help me live out every day,
according to your righteous way.
Let your voice ring loud and clear,
to comfort me of all my fears.
And if I ever shed a tear,
I pray Mother Goddess, that you'll be near.
Your guidance I need throughout this life,
I pray you'll never leave my side.
And when at times my faith is weak,
in you, Dear Mother, please let me seek.
I call upon you, Goddess Divine,
I stand before your sacred shrine.


Divine Mother of All there is, whose essence lies within us all and in all things.
Please fill this place with your sacred light and presence.
Please protect me and heal me.
Please bring me to wholeness and wisdom.
Make this a day of fresh starts, new beginnings.
Melt all obstacles in my path--gently, gracefully, lovingly.
Reconnect me to my highest self.
Awaken me to what I need to know next.
Let my higher self select and connect with the divine energy that is right for me, right now.
May I be uplifted and empowered by your Love.
So be it and so it is.


Oh Goddess of Wisdom,
Be with me this day
As I go forth to seek knowledge.
Guide my path,
And let my mind be open
So mote it be.


Goddess Prayer:
Blessed be to the Maiden, Mother, Crone three. Triad Goddess and ever changing be, ancient and sacred so never to be forgotten. Come to me now by my worship, shine your radiant light upon me. Unveil to me your mysteries, so your sacred presence may surround me. Let me offer you my praise, for I ask for nothing from you but that I may feel not alone. Praiseworthy you be.

Blessed be to the Maiden, the young Goddess.
With your innocence I find my beginnings, in thee the renewal of life.
With the Maiden I know no pain, and it is the joy of life that runs through the Maiden that I feel. Stand by me, blessed Maiden, innocent and gentle one.
At the start of my path I look to you, praiseworthy you be.

Blessed be to the Mother, from her womb I arise.
Most revered Goddess, the one I look to most in my times of need.
My Mother is my Protector, life giver, and life keeper.
My path has many crossroads, and it is you that guides me.
It is at the crossroad that I feel your warmth and feel you peace, praiseworthy you be.

Blessed be to the Crone, from whom I seek her wisdom.
With age comes knowledge, as the Goddess knows.
Where I am born, I am to die. Where there is a beginning, there is an end, and another beginning.
I look to you, Ancient Crone, when the time comes for renewal, both in my life and in the world around me.
Praiseworthy you be.


To the God

God Prayer:
Blessed be to the Father, Son, Sage. Essence of the god in three, the stages of man. Lord of the forest, ancient and scared so never to be forgotten. Come to me now in my worship, embrace me with the green of the Earth of which you protect. Let me offer you my praise, for I ask nothing from you but that I may feel not alone. Praiseworthy you be.

Blessed be to the Father, strong in will and the protector.
As the Father and the lover, you are the Hunter and the Defender.
I ask for your security against the stones along the Path, so that I may not fall.
It is from you that I feel the warmth of safety, to whom I look to in my time of need.
To be like you is what I strive to be, praiseworthy you be.

Blessed be to the Son, the young God.
The innocent and playful, full of energy.
I ask you to teach me to have your innocence, your love of life.
Let me be by your side, be filled with the energy that fills the earth beneath my feet as I start my path.
It is your vigor that I pray to have in each step I take, praiseworthy you be.

Blessed be to the Sage, wizened from age.
I know that I do not know everything, that I do not know much at all.
I look to the Sage for guidance, as with age comes wisdom.
When the wheel turns and the end comes before the beginning, I look to you, Ancient Sage.
When the time comes for renewal, in my life and in the world around me, I pray for guidance. Praiseworthy you be.


To Both (and more)

Make me strong in Spirit
Courageous in action
Gentle of heart.
Let me act in wisdom
Conquer my fear and doubt
Discover my own hidden gifts.
Meet others with compassion
Be a source of healing energies
And face each day with hope and joy.


May my heart be gentle
My mind still and open
My spirit unshackled
My awareness keen
My conscience clear
My nature giving.
May I be a healing energy
May I be of benefit to all
May my life enrich others
May I know what matters
And live in harmony with Nature.

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:02 pm
by Klia

I call upon the wisdom of the North,
The creativity of the East,
The passion of the South,
The emotion of the West,
To create this sacred space between the worlds.


Spirit of the Earth, Guardian of the North, You ground me and feed my connection to the earth. Be with me now to be witness and guardian to this ritual.

Spirit of the Wind, Guardian of the East, You fuel my imagination and give me creativity. Be with me now to be witness and guardian to this ritual.

Spirit of Fire, Guardian of the South, Your power leaves me in awe, I am comforted by your flame. Be with me now to be witness and guardian to this ritual.

Spirit of Water, Guardian of the West, you are my pathway to the Goddess, you bring me peace. Be with me now to be witness and guardian to this ritual.


We call upon the powers of Earth and welcome you to this circle.
You hold the seeds within you, warm and deep, waiting for the return of daylight. Keep the roots of life sacred within your womb until it is time for growth to begin once more.

We call upon the powers of Air and welcome you to this circle. The whirling winds of winter bring snow and cold to our hearths and homes. They also bring with them change, opportunity and renewal as they blow.

We call upon the powers of Fire and welcome you to this circle. May you keep us safe and warm in our homes, spirit of the sun.

We call upon the powers of Water and welcome you to this circle. Snow and ice, sleet and rain wash away that which we no longer need.

We gather tonight to rejoice by the light of the moon. We celebrate the season of darkness, knowing that the next turn of the wheel will bring light. We use this time of darkness for thought, introspection and growth.

As the moon above, so the earth below.


Spirit of the North, Spirit of the Earth,
You who are stone and rock, bone and crystal,
You who are tree and root and branch,
You, whose soil is the body of the Goddess
And whose grass is the green of her hair,
Spirit of Earth, come to me!
Spirit of the Wolf, Spirit of the Gnomes,
I call upon thee.
You who rule from the blackest caverns below To the highest mountain tops,
Hear me.
Bring to these rites your spirit of prosperity, Of stability and manifestation.
With a ring of stone and bone and crystal,
I encircle this sacred space and all within.
Let nothing enter unwelcome. Spirit of the Earth, welcome and blessed be!

Spirit of the East, Spirit of Air,
You who are mist and vapor and cloud,
You who are fresh breeze and wild hurricane,
Webweaver at the edge of dawn,
Sweeping out the stagnation to weave a new day,
Come to me.Spirit of the Hawk Spirit of the Sylph, Hear me.
Bring into these rites purification and clarity,
Sweep through and remove stagnation.
With a ring of mist and vapor and fog,
I encircle this sacred space and all within,
Let nothing enter unwelcome.
Spirit of the Air, welcome and blessed be!

Spirit of the South, Spirit of the Flame and Faerie Fire.
You who are the crackle of bonfires,
you who are the golden sun and glowing lava,
You who are the heat of the desert
and the sparkle of phosphorescence on the shore in the the water.
Come to me.
Spirit of the Phoenix, Spirit of the Flame Dancers,
Hear me.
Bring into these rites your spirit of creativity And passion,
Your ability to transmute and rise new from the Ashes.
With a ring of sunlight and lava I encircle this sacred space and all within.
Let nothing enter unwelcome.
Spirit of the Flame, welcome and blessed be!

Spirit of the West, Spirit of the Water
You who are the Moon Mother,
You who are the Undines of the Rivers
And the sirens of the crashing ocean breakers
You who are the Naiads of the grottos,
Come to me.
Spirit of the Shark,
Hear me.
Bring to these rites your deepest intuition and truest emotions,
Teach me to be flexible, to adapt and flow Like your waters.
With a ring of wave and rain and tears
I encircle this sacred space and all within
Let nothing enter unwelcome.
Spirit of the Water, welcome and blessed be!

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:11 pm
by Klia

Of the Goddess

Crescent One of the starry skies,
Flowered One of the fertile plain,
Flowing One of the gentle rain;
Hear my chant 'midst the standing stones,
Open me to your mystic light;
Waken me to your silver tones,
Be with me in sacred rite!


Gracious Goddess,
You who are the Queen of the Gods,
The lamp of night,
The creator of all that is wild and free;
Mother of woman and man;
Lover of the Horned God and protectress of all the Wicca;
Descend, I pray,
With Your lunar ray of power
Upon my circle here!


Of the God

Ancient God of the forest deeps,
Master of beast and Sun;
Here where the world is hushed and sleeps
Now that the day is done.
I call You in the ancient way
Here in my circle round,
Asking that You will hear me pray
And send Your Sun force down.

Blazing God,
You Who are the King of the Gods
Lord of the Sun,
Master of all that is wild and free;
Father of woman and man,
Lover of the Moon Goddess and protector of all the Wicca:
Descend, I pray,
With Your Solar ray of power
Upon my circle here!


Great Rite Invocation
Assist me to erect the ancient altar,
At which in days past all worshipped;
The great altar of all things.
For in times of old, woman was the altar.
Thus was the altar made and placed,
And the sacred place was the point
Within the center of the circle.
As we have of old been taught that the point within the
Center is the origin of all things.
Therefore should we adore it;
Therefore whom we adore we also invoke.
O Circle of Stars,
Whereof our Father is but the younger brother,
Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space,
Before whom time is ashamed,
The mind bewildered, and the understanding dark,
Not unto thee may attain unless thine image be love.
Therefore by seed and root, and stem and bud,
And leaf and flower and fruit do we invoke thee.
O Queen of Space, O Jewel of Light,
Continuous Ones of the heavens;
Let it be ever thus
That men speak not of thee as One, but as None;
And let them not speak of thee at all,
Since thou art continuous.
For thou art the point within the Circle, which we adore;
The point of life, without which we would not be.
And in this way truly are erected the holy twin pillars,
In beauty and in strength were they erected
To the wonder and glory of all men.
Altar of mysteries manifold,
The sacred circle's secret point
Thus do I sign thee as of old
With kisses of my lips annnoint.
Open for me the secret way,
The pathway of intelligence,
Beyond the gates of night and day,
Beyond the bounds of time and sense.
Behold the mystery aright,
The five true points of fellowship,
Here where the Lance and Grail unite
And feet, and knees, and breast, and lip.

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:23 am
by Klia
Prayer for Someone's Health Troubles

Great Mother, You of infinite love and grace, I, your Pagan daughter/son (name), call upon You in the name of (person praying for) so that he/she may be healed as quickly as possible.
Give him/her spiritual assistance to mentally overcome this medical problem, lift his/her spirits, and give him/her hope and confidence so that he/she can be well again.
Bless his/her body with restorative energy and lighten the stressful load, and calm his/her emotional pain.
Bring harmony to body, mind, and spirit.
Ensure that he/she receives the right medical care from the right people at the right time.
I know that You will do this for him/her and I am confident that he/she will receive what is needed, and more.
In the name of the Lord and Lady, so mote it be.
(by Silver Ravenwolf)


Everyday Prayers
May I always see beauty in the world
And hear music every day.
May I know the touch of gentle hands
And walk the peaceful way.
May the words I speak be loving
And show concern and care.
May I be blessed with hope and joy
In all I say and do.


Goddess, creator of beginnings,
The maker of all things,
Grant me faith and hope.
For times of trouble, help me cope.
If ever from You I do stray,
Make me remember Your righteous way.
In You and God, I will trust,
So mote it be, so it must.
(I wrote this - you are welcome to use it)

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:44 am
by Klia
Pagan 13-Step Program

1. I admit that I have a problem with _____, and NOW is the moment to reclaim my Will and Balance.
i. I admit that I had a problem and made the decision to reclaim my life.

2.I came to believe that there was hope for healing, health, and balance.
i.I come to believe that the Goddess, God, and Magick, outside and within, can restore my Balance and Will, so that I may feel whole again.

3.I now honor my connection with the divine, as I understand it, and I accept the process of change.
i.I will become open to receiving help from the Goddess and God, and from others who want to understand.

4.I make a searching, fearless, and honest inventory of my behavior and beliefs. I consider their effect on my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves and their impact on my relations with others.
i.I name the Darkness and the Light; the weaknesses and the strengths, within us, and recognize where they have become disruptive; I realize that ______ cannot fill my void or restore my Balance.

5.I admit to myself and to another human being what is both healthy and unhealthy in my life and I make a daily commitment to heal myself in body, mind, and spirit.
i.I seek to restore Balance, and learn to let go of that which disrupts me.

6.I am willing to seek my Highest Good and to grow both spiritually and emotionally.
i.I make a list of ways I have acquiesced to oppression and repression, and how this has caused me to harm myself and others.

7.I let go of dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors and I consciously welcome joy, love, and peace into me life.
i.I will say NO to these oppressive and repressive ways, and attempt to live in Balance.

8.I make a list of all beings I have harmed, including myself, and I become willing to make amends to them all.
i.I become open to change, and realize that it is necessary to cultivate patience.

9.I work to restore balance in my life. I make direct amends to others wherever possible and I value and care for myself.
i.Having experienced these changes, I continually seek Balance in my life through my connection with the Web of Life.

10.I continue to take personal inventory and promptly acknowledge both my mistakes and my achievements whenever they occur.
i.I continue to be conscious of my Will, my actions and my thoughts; acknowledging my mistakes, and enjoying my successes.

11.I continue to grow in compassion, strength, and understanding. I learn to celebrate my life and my connection to all living things.
i.I use the events life brings me as lessons for growth, and accept my mistakes as part of life.

12.Having had a spiritual and emotional awakening, I work to help others along the path and I practice these principles in all my affairs.
i.I believe that I am doing the best that I can, in the Now, and this is enough.

13.I seek to find my calling and to develop the will and the wisdom to follow it.
i.I accept myself the way I am, trust ourselves, and deeply realize that health, happiness, freedom, and love are His and Her rituals.

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:47 am
by Klia
Hello everyone! Back finally and I have some things to add to my online BOS. I'm so excited. I just started making my own 'acknowledgments' for the Sabbats. To me they are like invocations, but more like a summary of what each sabbat means. This way, when I sit down with my non-Pagan husband, I can read off these acknowledgments so he gets an idea of what I'm/we're celebrating. Make sense?

Now I haven't done every sabbat because it helps me to be near the holiday to understand it more. That way I can write in that moment. Here goes:

Yule Acknowledgment

Yule is the Earth’s Winter Solstice. It is the longest night of the year.
Our Goddess becomes the Mother as She gives birth to our God.
Tired from a long night, He is born again from His annual incarnation.
He is the Son who represents the Sun in the sky, the brightest light on this darkest day.

He represents our New Year as we focus on rebirth and new creations.
We rid ourselves of obstacles from the past year, and get ready for a fresh start.
He brings all of our hopes, wishes, and dreams for the coming year.
From Him we learn to rest and be renewed, and to trust, that change will come.

The colors silver and gold represent the Goddess, the Moon, and the God, the Sun.
The color red represents childbirth and Holly tree berries that are alive in the dead of winter.
The color green represents the ever-living Evergreen trees while all other plants are dormant.
These representations show us They are a constant in our lives and that They always watch over us.

As we focus on this beautiful day, we must remind ourselves of new beginnings.
It is a time of rest and relaxation with the most important people in our lives.
Gifts can be given to represent our God’s birthday and the New Year.
Most of all, we focus on the celebration our Divine has given us, in perfect love and perfect trust.


Imbolc Acknowledgment

Imbolc is when the Sun’s strength grows and the days become longer.
It is the middle of Winter and Spring is coming soon, bringing its warmth.
Our Goddess has recovered from childbirth and is now the Maiden.
This is the time to acknowledge fertility and feminine aspects in our daily lives.

Also known as Candlemas, this Sabbat represents out with the old and in with the new.
We rid our homes of negative energies, dust, and dirt that the Winter can accumulate.
Since Spring is coming soon, we focus on fresh starts and being at our finest.
This is the time for hope; we wish for the Sun to shine brighter so that we can be our most alive.

The element of this time is fire, encompassing the Sun’s warmth.
With fire comes water, where the snow melts and turns to rain, bringing Spring life.
The many candles lit heat our home and brighten the darkness Winter claimed.
The bowls of water are the rain and snow from the Divine used for our survival.

As we focus on this beautiful day, we must remind ourselves of new beginnings.
It is a time of emotional and physical energizing, refreshment, and care.
Being cleansed inside and out will allow us to be the best we can be
So that we will be closer to the God and Goddess, and Them to us.

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:51 am
by Klia
Here are some invocations that I didn't write, but thought I would share with you all. These are in my BOS as well.

Imbolc Invocation

The earth flutters with the beginnings of new life at Imbolc.
We see her stir from the slumber of winter.
Awake, Maiden, your Young Lord calls.
Join him in the dance of renewal.
Make ready the fields and forests with your dawning abandon.
Prepare us for the coming of spring.

We have traveled the caves of winter, deep in planning and introspection.
Now we see the growing light.
It beckons to us, come, join the new cycle.
First we must purify ourselves, our minds and our spirits.
Cleansed and refreshed we will greet the Maiden and Young Lord.


Mabon Invocation

As the leaves loose the green of summer we look again to the obvious turnings of the wheel.
In the oranges and browns of autumn we see the Crone coming to her full power.

As the second harvest festival, Mabon is a time of giving thanks for what we have achieved over the last year, as well as a time to look at the paths laid out before us and begin to make our choices for the coming winter.

Many see the cold months ahead as a death.
Surely we should celebrate these things, because we know that without death, without ending, we cannot start fresh.

If the crops continued through the autumn and winter there would be no place in the garden for new life come spring.
And it is the same with our lives.

We must allow some things to end, and attempt this with grace.
So that we can move past them to new things, new experiences and new blessings.


Beltane Invocation

The power of the sun mingles now with the power of the earth.
The Lord and Lady unite as Their love blossoms into new life.
Even as the cold sits in our bones, we can see the warmth and promise of growth.
Let this season stir in you passions and motivations.

We will see every day with new eyes.
These are the blessings our Lord and Lady have bestowed upon us, their children.
With each new bud and blossom, with each new birth and amorous advance, see the quickening energies of the Divine.
Let your soul be open to the awe-inspiring beauty that surrounds us.
May the blessings of Beltane warm us like bale fires upon the hills.


Yule Invocations

Goddess Invocation

Waiting long,

Alone in cold darkness
The Divine Child
Sleeps within Your womb.

He is Your gift to a the cold, gray world
Your gift of hope,
The Child of Promise.

With this blessing, You remind us,
That though the nights have grown darker,
You are always here to sustain us,
To nurture us,
To offer new beginnings,
To turn our darkness into light.

Be with us now in our circle,
So that we may prepare ourselves
For His birth,
For our rebirth,
For the transformation of darkness.

God Invocation

Radiant Sun
Soon to be born anew
Emerging from the cold, shadowy skies,
Transforming all our darkness,
Filling us with hope and light…

Though Your rays are low on the horizon,
We know, that in time, they will grow stronger.

With this coming warmth,
You will remind us
That You are the Child of Promise,
The Child of Hope,
The Child Sun,
Who never leaves us in darkness for long.
Be with us now in our circle,
So that we may prepare ourselves for Your rebirth.

Re: Klia's Book of Shadows

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:42 pm
by tea_and_pigeons
Thank you for this very detailed BoS!