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Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 1:54 am
by CrystalMoon
Seraphin wrote:
Kassandra wrote:Well, I'm a Fuscia Witch, so watch out (but I hear it's those Aquamarine Witches you really should watch out for...they ain't nothin' nice, doing that Aquamarine Magic on people)
Me, I'm a back-and-white witch. hee

My fiancee is more a rainbow-colored witch. :lol:
Kassandra wrote:Maybe "satanist-looking guys" all wear Aleister Crowely t-shirts. Er, if that's the case, then, um...

Having said that, I therefore conclude that Barack... *pauses*

Hey, this isn't my facebook account?!

*tabbing over to FB* hee...

Heh no, not that kind of looking xD More of a gothic style, but didn't really seem to be just a goth, don't really know how to explain it.

As for black witches... Didn't really mean the ones that really care about rules

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:45 am
by loona wynd
CrystalMoon wrote: Heh no, not that kind of looking xD More of a gothic style, but didn't really seem to be just a goth, don't really know how to explain it.
Thats just a clothing style. I dress like that from time to time. It doesn't mean anything. Those of us who embrace the Gothic clothing style and worldview see beauty in the darkness. There is light in the darkness and there is darkness in light. A person can dress in a perfectly acceptable business suit and be an ass or be one of the most caring person in the world. How we dress and look really has nothing to do with a philosophy that we hold.
CrystalMoon wrote:As for black witches... Didn't really mean the ones that really care about rules
*head/desk* All witches care about the rules of the universe and the rules of nature. Not all witches however follow the law of return, the rede, or the like. A witch who casts a curse knows full well what their actions will bring. They accept their actions and anything that comes along with it. A witch who casts a curse is as responsible for their spell casting and the effects of their spells as is a witch who heals.

There are no "rules" for witchcraft. Every witch must follow his or her own ethical considerations and content. For some it will never be ethical to harm anyone via magic. For others it depends on the situation at hand. No two witches will ever agree on the same ethical actions on any given situation. Each witch must decide for themselves what sort of ethical and moral guidelines they wish to follow.

I will say it again, some curses could be beneficial. You could curse those who would do harm to the environment. Those curses are more about protection than they are attacking. However they are still a curse as there is still baneful magic sent to those who would in this example harm the environment. Likewise you could send a curse to those who would harm and abuse children or people. Again the curse is helping the victims of the abuse and teaching the abuser a lesson.

I know not everyone shares those views and thoughts. I just needed to be clear about magic. Black and white magic were terms given to basically the practice of the church. The magic done in the name of God for healing and protection was white and loved. If it was against some one, if it was love magic, or if it was about getting something back it was considered black magic as it went against Gods will. People at the time were just as likely to get a blessing for one thing from one magical practitioner and a curse sent at an enemy by another person.

It is important to remember that in magic intent is everything. I could say a blessing to some one like "May you be blessed with interesting times" and actually mean that their life will be hell or full of troubles and issues for them. To some one else I could say that same thing and mean that their life be full of positive varieties of experiences that bring them good luck and succsess. One persons blessing could be another persons curse.

There is no such thing as a black witch or a white witch. A witch is simply one who practices witchcraft. Each witch has different ethical considerations in their paths. To some witches there are very good ethical reasons to curse another person, and to other witches there is never a reason to curse some one. They are not evil nor are they dark. They simply practice magic according to a different ethical consideration. They still take full responsibility for any action they take magical or mundane like any other witch or magical practitioner.

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:19 am
by Kassandra
loona wynd wrote:*head/desk*
...when *face/palm* isn't enough. :wink:



Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:55 am
by loona wynd
Kassandra wrote:
loona wynd wrote:*head/desk*
...when *face/palm* isn't enough. :wink:

Part of the problem is the fact that many books on witchcraft still continue this dichotomy of black and white magic, good witches and evil witches. A witch is a witch and magic is magic. While I do understand many witches today wanting to get as far away from the Satanic curse throwing witch sterotype as possible, the rabid denial of traditional practices and that witches dont practice baneful magic today has actually done more harm than good.

Now if you say your a witch but don't follow the rede most people will stare at you as if you have three heads or something like that. I will say that for years I avoided even learning about hexes and curses because I didn't want to be "tempted" by the power to hex or curse anyone who I thought slighted me in High School and College. Now I have found that by understanding the concepts of baneful magic I can work to prevent those types of spells.

I also firmly believe in the saying about a witch who can't hex can't heal. You may need to hex the illness a person has. Yes you can do that. You may need to curse away the illness. Curses and hexes are really just another form of magic. They aren't bad or evil. They can serve a purpose.

Its also important for people to understand that most folk magic traditions and practices don't have issues with curses or hexes. For them it was just another way of working magic to ensure that they got what they wanted and their loves were lived to the best of their ability. If a person is going to explore folk magic than they need to understand that the ethical practices and considerations are going to be different...

I see a new thread coming...