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Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:17 pm
by SpiritTalker
When I was working at the cemetery, I enjoyed watching the crows. They would pull flowers out of the headstone vases and then drop pebbles in to get the rain water. Then the squirrels would steal the flowers, and holiday decor for their nests. I've looked up many a tree and seen US flags and Christmas bulbs hanging 50 feet up. You gotta love them.

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:06 pm
by Firebird
SnowCat wrote:I somehow missed this thread until now. ^ we were in Yellowstone over the summer, I saw a group of ravens sitting in a tree croarking at each other.
I termed it "The Conference Caw."
Bwahahaha ha ha ha! Indeed :D I'm a little slow sometimes or a year slow :lol:

Those calls are a unique language I found some interesting info, this site has recordings of the calls.

By the second year, a new generation of crows had been born, so the researchers again donned the masks and went out. Again, 100 percent of the crows mocked the troll mask. One hundred percent. Meaning that the new generation, a whole population of crows that had never seen the mask, could correctly identify which of the several masks was associated with being captured.
In this article we learn that memory is inprinted in such a way that it need not be taught.

Blessed be the corvid,

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:25 pm
by TwilightDancer
Ravens are beautiful creatures-I love how their feathers are so black they look like oil. They are super needy. I've thought about having one as a pet but they require so much attention that I just don't think I could give. For now I admire them from a distance. Plus there's always that guilt factor that comes with owning a bird.

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:18 pm
by Gubbinz
Yex wrote:I've always felt a strong connection to crows. I consider Crow to be one of my foremost spirit guardians. I know that traditionally, and to many people still, the sight of a crow or raven can be interpreted as a bad omen, but it means just the opposite to me. For example, to-day, I was feeling uncertain about a current matter in my life, and I went outside to smoke a cigarette, and as I was smoking, a great many crows descended upon the ground across the street from my house. I immediately knew this to be a good omen and a sign from the Creator, telling me that I needn't worry. The sight of crows always fills me with simultaneous ecstatic joy and complete calm, and when they show up, I know I'm protected.
That's kind of a strange coincidence, I used to and still see crows when I go out of the house! I give them french fries. :mrgreen:

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:40 pm
by SpiritTalker
They've got you trained, at last.

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:41 am
by Ethereal Moon Rose
I love ravens and crows. I have a murder of them living in a tree across the road from me. I see/hear them almost daily, sometimes they even come into my front and backyard. Curious little creatures they are. I have joked that they are my pets haha my kids think I'm nuts! I don't see them as one of my totems, though.

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:35 am
by Yex
The Hawaiian crow (Corvus hawaiiensis) is known in Hawaiian as ʻalalā. The bird plays a role in traditional Hawaiian religion. They were some Hawaiians' ʻaumakua (familial gods). If an ʻalalā was seen or heard upon entering a place, this was seen as a warning sign to not continue on. ʻAlalā are associated with ʻanāʻanā (Hawaiian dark magic). Their name was also given to a particular type of chant.

The species went extinct in the wild in 2002. Efforts are being made to reintroduce them into the wild. This coming Saturday, I will be traveling to Hilo, on the big island, to attend a celebration of their reintroduction, which will include screening of live footage of their release. I'll include a link with information below. If any of you happen to live in Hawaii and are going to this, drop me a line.


Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:19 pm
by HazelWolffe
Although the Raven is not my totem, it is my Boyfriend's, as well as a potential totem of a Deity that might be talking with me.

Maybe a little over a year ago him and I traveled to Ruidoso, NM. As soon as we arrived, we were welcomed by a pair of large Ravens calling at us. It was chilling and exhilarating. As simple as it sounds, I'll never forget it.

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:33 pm
by Firebird
Yex wrote: The species went extinct in the wild in 2002. Efforts are being made to reintroduce them into the wild. This coming Saturday, I will be traveling to Hilo, on the big island, to attend a celebration of their reintroduction, which will include screening of live footage of their release. I'll include a link with information below. If any of you happen to live in Hawaii and are going to this, drop me a line.
I had no Idea we had a crow in Hawaii that was almost extinguished,
I will pray for their survival, what day are they releasing the birds? Would like to focus my thoughts on that day.
And can I just cool is that !? You get to BE there!!!
Blessings! , Firebird

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 1:50 pm
by L.J.Hex
Oh crows, I love those things. Around where I live, they're black/grey mostly and then there's another crow like bird which is black/white, I have no idea what they're called in English though...

Ravens around here are a rare sight, to see one, you would need to go quite far in the wilderness and they tend to live up north anyway. I live in eastern Finland, near the Russian border.

Anyway, those black/grey crows are quite an usual sight, but I've had interesting encounters with them lately. I have been looking for a good place for a circle from the forest near by, some hidden nice spot where I could meditate and do my stuff in peace. And I found one, I was familiar with the area before.

I have went there few times to prepare the place and see if it is the spot I want to spend time in. Last three times big bunch of crows have came over, they don't usually hang out there, mainly just fly over... But the way they showed up is interesting, out of the blue, its as if all the crows in the forest are circling over the place, and yep, they fly mostly in a neat circle just above the treetops and make so much noise. They're not even nesting there which makes this peculiar. I have always liked these birds a lot... And it feels like an good omen to have them come over just after I'm there.

The last time which was yesterday was interesting, they were already there, I saw some sit on the trees above and sure enough after I sat down for a while, a huge swarm of them came by cawing like crazy. They did their usual circle few times and then left. But some of them stayed on the trees nearby and just sat there quietly which they had not done before. I'm thinking to befriend these guys, maybe leave some food for them. Any forest where the birds are is a nice forest. If birds are gone and quiet, something's up.

Btw, I've never seen them circle above a place like that unless they're nesting near by. Makes you wonder... :roll:

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 3:28 pm
by SnowCat
The black and white birds are probably magpies.

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 3:37 pm
by L.J.Hex
SnowCat wrote:The black and white birds are probably magpies.
Oh yea, I think its that one. They often times hang out with crows, seem to get along pretty nicely. In the forest nearby all I've seen are just usual crows for some reason.

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 6:19 pm
by Corbin
Auspice 19/07/ 2011


I sleep, yet recall with distinct lucidity beyond mere fancy of a vague duplicity,

not simple dream, nor morpheus lay, no tumbled end to jumbled day.

A raven

a-perched on my gable; my aerie.

Peering inward with curious cocked head; assumed pretence of innocent inquiry.

Questing gaze piercing the setting suns gloom to draw out my eye though darkened room.

Toc … Toc … Toc

An audience request, chiselled out on stony ledge.

Irresistible in its insistence, unmistakable in its command.

Impossible to politely refuse; I acquiesce to its frank demand.

Let good manners guide me, instinct-led, spirit-fed, an aegis, a balm.

Acquainted with your brethren, raucous Magpie, bullish Jack,

Lonely crow and his guttural crack.

Not yet you though.

I recall “auspice bearer ill fame” but I feel no dire misgivings or ruffled fears.

Just a coy kinship, wile and cheer, in your canny taps as I feed you scraps.

Cheek, confidence, charm leave me disarmed.

I call you true friend now, even perched atop raven stones.

Father of omens and guardian of portals, your darkness feathers hide mild promise.

The thought; new beginnings; the memory; dreams unsung.

A history; a half guessed hint, a half formed, thrice blessed mystery.

Now in my dreams your feathers reflect, turn the fading golden light,

ebony black to silver bright and as you cry and flap we fly,

inward and outward; to limitless sky.

Re: Ravens and Crows

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:26 pm
by MizLynn3
The raven is my spirt animal n I carry a silver with a raven on it, it means:
I am not afraid.

Re: Ravens and Crows/ Ravenmaster

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:56 pm
by Firebird
Here is a good website.
The man who is the Ravenmaster at the Tower of London wrote a book called "Ravenmaster". My mom was reading it last time I was at her house, she said it was pretty interesting.
bb, FF