Spell To Stop Smoking

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Post by fatalism »

Consider it a self-restraint exercise similar to the ones that Crowley often wrote of. Focus the energies that come from yearning cigarettes toward another goal so that by the time you've quit cigarettes you've also accomplished something else that also means a lot to you.
"Nothing is True; Everything is Permitted"

Post by Bstnactrs »

I quit smoking cold turkey about 7/8 months ago. Like many smokers, I tried a million times but always went back to it. This time, however, for some reason, I did not have the intense withdrawal symptoms or the cravings I used to in the past. I all of a sudden just didn't care anymore. It was unbelievable.

One weekend, I was feeling so bad from all of the smoking, I knew I had to quit or I would be in big trouble. So, I said a prayer to my grandmother who had passed away 2 years ago from lung cancer (yes, she smoked and no, her death didn't even make me stop then). I begged her to help me quit & not want to smoke anymore. I threw away the few cigs I had left & went to bed.

The next day I woke up & I haven't touched a cigarette since.

Then, as an added measure, I started exercising EVERY day. At work, I take 15 breaks - instead of smoking - and I walk. After work, I go to the gym. That helps a lot b/c it makes you feel even better & healthier.

One thing I can tell you for sure though is you won't be able to quit until YOU are truly are ready. There are a number of quit smoking websites that have really helpful tips on stuff you can do to help you through cravings, etc. You should Google smoking and see what comes up.

And if you have a relative or spirit guide or angel or whatever they are to you, ask them to help you out. Can't hurt. It certainly helped me.

Good luck!

Be well, Stay safe,
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Post by GenevieveDawn »

That's a really good idea. The last 3 months I've went from a pack a day down to 5 and I had not thought about doing what you did. Breaks are so hard at work because I don't know what to do w/ myself. Most non-smokers are always eating on break and I don't want to go there. I make myself bring fruit if I really have to eat and I really don't like fruit. Plus everyone at work knows I'm trying to quit and if I do go out they all look at me like what are you doing and that makes me NOT want to go out.

But that is AWESOME that you quit. Good for you!!!!!!
...magic consists of removing the limitations from what we think are the earthly and spiritual laws that bind or compel us. We can be anything because we are ALL. - Mary Greer

Post by Bstnactrs »

Yeah I know. When I first quit, I never left my desk! I think it makes it worse 'cause you think about taking a break more. It works out well...also helped me lose some weight!

Be well, Stay safe,
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