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Re: Harm None?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:03 am
by DPhoenix
Rosie wrote:I know I'm relatively new to all this, but I would assume it is all
about intention. If your intentions are good, but things backfire or result in some harm in another way, that wasn't your intention and so you shouldn't blame yourself for it. That said you should recognize it and be apologetic for it, that's my opinion though.

Also, I think that before spells should be cast some serious thought should be into the possible pitfalls that the spell could create.

Harm none just doesn't seem possible even with the best of intentions and the most through you can put Into something, it could still accidentally cause harm. I think the phrase "harm none on purpose" might be more attainable.

That's what I believe too. It's the vibration of intention that matters. There's a difference between doing something out of genuine love and doing something half heartedly because you know you should do it. Motivation is key, imo anyway.

Re: Harm None?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 3:16 pm
by Kassandra

Aack! DPhoenix. Hi!


Re: Harm None?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:10 pm
by DPhoenix
Kassandra wrote:.

Aack! DPhoenix. Hi!


Re: Harm None?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:10 pm
by Vervain
An it harm none, do as ye will.

I've always interpreted it as a map for a thought process.

1.) Does it cause harm? If not, do what you want to do. If yes...
2.) Does the good done outweigh the harm caused? If yes, do what you want to do, knowing that you will reap both the benefits and the consequences. If no...
3.) Are you sure this is what you want? You are responsible for all of your actions, and for reaping the benefits and the consequences. In Wicca, this is where the Threefold Law or the Law of Return comes into play.

You have the ability to do anything. The Rede and the Law of Return simply stand to remind you that it all comes back to you, intentional or not. There's a common phrase, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions..." I don't believe in Hell, but I can agree with the point made. Even though your intentions may be pure and good, think long and hard about the consequences of your actions. Someone or something is ALWAYS harmed. Make sure you know who or what that is, and make sure that you are at peace with the harm you must cause in order to do what you need/want to do.

One last thing: in my experience, nature is much better at science than we are. If a vine is growing on a tree and they're both native plants, EVEN IF the vine will harm the tree, it is better to leave it be, because the ecosystem will balance out in the long run. When you're dealing with invasive species, it may be a different story, but you'd have to do a lot of research to know the best path to take for the situation. Often you may find that vine and tree are in a mutualistic relationship, or at least that the tree is unharmed. In a similar situation, runner beans that grow up stalks of corn need the corn for support, but they don't harm the corn. In fact, they fix nitrogen in the soil which provides valuable nutrients that the corn needs to grow and be strong! Plants are not solitary, and they're very good at what they do when left to their own devices.