Encounter with a Monster in a Labyrinth -Was This My Shadow?

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Re: Opinions wanted about an experience.

Post by Becks »

Oh that's not a problem-It sounds like you know your path and have ideas about the vision and what things mean, and that's important.

I felt for you and your brother as you told the story about him. That must be really hard. maybe someday he will take down the wall, but regardless you know the validity of your path.

I so hope that your brothers daughter never has to know what it is like to cope without her father, I lost my dad through tragic circumstances..not suicide however, and being without your dad is hell.

I'm glad you are enjoying the connection here. I'm happy to talk to you.
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Re: Opinions wanted about an experience.

Post by HopefulChild »

I've tried a few more times to find my Labyrinth again to no avail.

It eludes me. Maybe too much noise in my skull box lately.
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Re: Opinions wanted about an experience.

Post by Silversong »

Without reading any replies due to lack of time (something I seem to have too little of lately, haha)...

The creature you describe here sounds, to me, like the embodiment of Chaos. Constantly changing, constantly destroying to make space for something new, something almost all of us are uneasy with or outright afraid of. Humans don't like change, period. I don't know what more to tell you there, to be perfectly honest. I've never been good at interpreting dreams.
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Re: Opinions wanted about an experience.

Post by Vesca »

HopefulChild wrote:I've tried a few more times to find my Labyrinth again to no avail.

It eludes me. Maybe too much noise in my skull box lately.
Isn't it always strange that you seem to find your way to these places only when you aren't looking for them. But when you actively try to find them again, you can't find the door.

Conundrums... they're everywhere.

And for the record, I hate facebook and I haven't had an account there in over 5 years. :)
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Re: Opinions wanted about an experience.

Post by HopefulChild »

It would be much more difficult for my parents to see video of the kids without facebook. So as an interface it really doesn't get any simpler.

Silversong, you aren't the only person to suggest that what I encountered was a manifestation of chaos.
And I have to admit I am still intrigued by that idea because of what I feel I understand about chaos and it's role in reality.
But why would an aspect of chaos want to ...let me rephrase that. Why would any aspect of chaos bother being in my labyrinth?
I'm not on any trajectory to interfere with chaos and I certainly don't have any plans on telling people not to believe in chaos. I believe in chaos. Though to be honest up to this point I will say that I had probably marginalized chaos a bit. It is a rudimentary function in my opinion. Not like a deity.
And I can't express enough that it wasn't a "dream". I understand how it sounds, trust me. I'm all about science and reality, but this was something different.

I think maybe I've found something I have faith in. For the other thread about faith. I'm giggling to myself now as I realize this.

@Vesca And yeah it is frustrating. I have attempted similar exercises to no avail and I've tried walking back through the memory of it in meditation, but it isn't the same. I have a vivid recall of it, but it feels false. It feels like I'm attempting to reconstruct something instead of existing in something.
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Re: Opinions wanted about an experience.

Post by HopefulChild »

Still no change in meditation or in reconnecting with my Labyrinth.

I'm very disconnected right now. I still feel pretty centered, but not focused at all.
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Re: Opinions wanted about an experience.

Post by Myrth »

I am coming to this discussion late. But I just wanted to say that the monster may be the unknowable end of your spiritual journey. You could not make it out due to your own confusion. That was merely my impression.
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Re: Opinions wanted about an experience.

Post by HopefulChild »

That is an interesting idea.

I do know that I didn't want out. I wanted to stay in that place.

Oh wait maybe I see your point. Had I not encountered the monster then I would have been finding my way around in the labyrinth and potentially worked my out on my own terms as an achievement on to a next level or next phase but I allowed my own...what fears,,,anxiety, confusion, manifest as something beyond my control and or comprehension and it held me back and maybe some part of me is still too afraid to deal with the monster that I don't allow myself back into the labyrinth?

If that is the implication then that is very interesting indeed and I should spend some serious time contemplating that.

I have been inching closer to insomnia since that event than I have in 4-5 years really.

Thank you Myrth, that is something I'll have to put some real time into thinking about.
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