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Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:38 pm
by Firebird
When will it be realized that brilliance comes from the arts. :| ?
Is there anything that can be done? A private individual or corporation could step in?
This is just sad.

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:06 pm
by YanaKhan
Now that it's gained publicity, probably something will be done. There are still good people here, so my guess is, if no rich person does anything, other artists will donate (not that anyone gets paid millions, but I for one would donate). But most of all, now that people know about the problems, the Ministry will just HAVE to do something. At least that's the hope. Lately nothing the politics do can surprise me. We have the most corrupted politics of all, worse than anywhere in the world.

I was just so mad to find out what these people have been through - you know, it was the greatest honour to work in this ensemble. Only the best could be a part of it and it's beyond sad anyone could let this happen to them.

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:24 pm
by YanaKhan
Today is not my day.

I went with the kid to the dentist. And while I do have a great fear of all kinds of dentists, she's something else. This is the fifth time we go and she won't even sit on the chair. The dentist is a very very sweet and patient lady. The problem seems to be my daughter's fear of what's to happen.

To be fair, I do understand her. The problem is, she has yet another baby tooth that won't move. The permanent tooth is growing beside it and she's like a little shark with two teeth rows. The last time she had her tooth taken out, the dentist went and showed it to her colleagues and said this is the first time she sees such a thing. I swear it was an inch long - it had a root. And my daughter was terrified by it.

So it's the same story again and I just don't know what to do. I went 4 times with her and her father went once. Nothing has helped so far, no promises, no threats, not even grounding her. Last time I just lost it and I'm afraid the whole neighbourhood now knows she didn't open her mouth, but I just couldn't control myself. And they also know I do have a pretty strong voice :D

I just have no idea what would work. And she's not a baby, she's 9 and understands perfectly well the tooth needs to go. I just can't figure out a way to make her open her mouth :(

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:55 pm
by Firebird
Oh dang, you have been having a day. I do not have any good answers here.
I am really fearful of the dentist too. Even after having a mouthfull of braces for 3 years. (Course that was like 100 years ago)
I'm sure you have let her know she may have to have braces if the tooth does not come out. Remind her this is important for her adult smile.
I'm thinking some sort of positive reinforcement might work, but what.... :?
I remember when they used to give out lollie pops after a trip to the dentist :lol: now that was a bit of incentive! and job security for the dentist!
Wishing you the best

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:59 pm
by smogie_michele
I refused to get a tooth pulled once, and it ended up infected and I was on crazy medications because of it. It was disgusting and hurt like all get out... maybe she would prefer getting it pulled than the alternative :/

Deep breaths and a glass of wine are in order, me thinks.

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:51 pm
by SnowCat
Is any sort of mild sedation available? I'm not good with dentists because I had horrible ones as a child. I was told that it didn't hurt, I was a baby, etc. I even had a dentist yell at me for being scared. I was 7. I wish I had some words of wisdom. Your daughter may have to work through this on her own.


Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:48 am
by YanaKhan
Thanks, guys!

She will get there I hope. It's her dad's turn to take her. And we'll try grandma and grandpa too :D I'm also thinking of sedation. Although she knows she will get anesthesia, because it can't be taken out another way.

I can't get over my own fear of dentists, because we had one in school that used to shout and scream at us and I even got slapped once (it was during the communist years, students didn't have any rights back then). I kinda deserved it to be honest - I bit her :D

She knows how many problems she's going to get if it's not taken out - it's not going to be in place anyway and she'll have to get braces. Not only because of that tooth, but her jaw apparently is smaller than normal and this is why she's becoming a shark.

We'll figure it out, I guess. But really, thanks so much, your support makes me feel a lot better <3

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:36 am
by smogie_michele
I had the same problem- stubborn teeth and a tiny jaw. More deep breaths and wine :)

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:53 pm
by SnowCat
Me too. It almost required mining equipment to get my wisdom teeth out.


Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:34 pm
by smogie_michele
Okay guys... Gotta vent...

So I started this new job at an assisted living facility as a member of their culinary department. So far, I like the job. The work isn't hard- pretty much it is a lot of time management and anticipating the needs of the residents. My coworkers are nice, the residents can be great, I like that I am constantly moving around and keeping busy...
I don't like the chick who trained me.

I use the word "train" very loosely. I watched her play on her phone for two hours and she told me about all the shortcuts I could take and how to avoid management.

But, I can't work like that. I've been busting my butt to make sure that the residents are well taken care of and that my job is being done to the best of my ability. Not to brag, but I'm doing a good job... in fact, I have had many residents and care givers tell management (and myself personally) that I work extremely efficiently and that they prefer me to the other kitchen aid.

So what is the problem? Apparently, this girl found out how much I make hourly... and it was more than what she makes. She is livid- she has been there for 6 months, I've been their for 3 weeks. I get it, I would be frustrated as well. However, when she started, she had ZERO culinary experience... I had 10 years restaurant training- that alone but me in a higher pay rate starting out.
Because she got a hold of this information, she has been going around to all of our coworkers talking crap about me, causing a few of them to start actively trying to make my job harder than it needs to be. I'm not mad that they suddenly don't like me now. I'm not there to make friends. I am frustrated that these ADULT women and going out of their way to make me work harder while enabling their friend to be lazy.

The crazy thing? After 90 days, you are subject to a performance review- if you do well, you get a raise. SHE COULD HAVE GOTTEN MORE MONEY THAN ME. It is not MY fault that after 6 months you STILL haven't tried to improve your work ethic enough to get the raise. It blows my mind... this chick literally tried to teach me "how to get away with not working," then gets mad that she can't get a raise?! just. pretend. to. care. Just act like you care about your job... it isn't that hard.


End rant.

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:48 am
by SnowCat
People in senior living are really at the mercy of the staff, which is not the way it should be. Knowing shortcuts can be valuable, because you may need to use one some day. I applaud your ethics. I have worked enough in long term care to know that people like you are in short supply. Your coworker will eventually hang herself out to dry.


Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:37 am
by Firebird
smogie_michele wrote:The crazy thing? After 90 days, you are subject to a performance review- if you do well, you get a raise. SHE COULD HAVE GOTTEN MORE MONEY THAN ME. It is not MY fault that after 6 months you STILL haven't tried to improve your work ethic enough to get the raise. It blows my mind... this chick literally tried to teach me "how to get away with not working," then gets mad that she can't get a raise?! just. pretend. to. care. Just act like you care about your job... it isn't that hard.
GAH!! Imagine :annoyed: . ..she needs cheeze to go with her whine.... Unfortunately she spent too much time avoiding management, and they saw that.
Nose to the are an amazing being. Those residents are blessed to have you around.
Like Snow said, she will provide her own rope soon enough.

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:49 pm
by smogie_michele
She has gotten her band of "merry men" to make my life sooooo much harder at work.

that's fine... the residents like me better. I take care of these people :)

Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:50 am
by SnowCat
The dingaling and her chimes may think they rule the roost right now. They are likely in for a rude awakening. The residents will revolt, and take her down in favor of you.


Re: Fumaroles aka Vents

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 7:47 pm
by smogie_michele
I'm picturing my residents brandishing torches while shuffling down the hallways with their walkers... while wearing slippers.
I never knew I would love them this much... but god, do I love these people.