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Re: Plaid

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:55 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Gods of Oz

The politician claims to be
whatever gets the votes;
the banker inexplicably
puts faith in worthless notes;

the lobbyist will kneel and pray
to nothing but his cause;
their bosses, as the strawmen say,
are from the Land of Oz.

What diff'rence does it really make
whose gods they claim to serve,
when banks and corporations take
possession of their nerve

and in the silent shadows reign
above the Laws of Man,
for whom the quest to find a brain
still lacks a master plan?

But while the hidden Wizard's rule's
been wrongful from the start,
the yellow brick still shines and fools
the tin man's missing heart.​

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:01 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
How Not to Build a Burger

No buns would satisfy the Wonder Bred;
pink dough would be the only way to go.
No ketchup would approach the shade of red
so easily extracted from "the po'".

No lettuce leaf would muster up the green
that's printed out of thin and poisoned air;
no mayo'd spread the int'rest that they glean
from human suffering and mass despair.

No beef would get those snakes to open wide
their non-existent arms to set us free.
No burger could be built by bona fide
transmitters of their alien disease.

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:33 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Bottom Dollar

The only kind of banking worth a damn
involves the banks that are riparian,
where George and Benjamin and Abraham
could fish as revenants of paper men...

and reminisce together on the shore
away from troubled times they fought to end,
but NOT to have their faces evermore
disgraced on little notes to save and spend...

and keep the unwashed masses well in check,
to free the wealthy few to rusticate
at distances prescribed to save their necks,
when fifty bucks won't buy an ounce of bait.​

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:42 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
On political Zionism...

Cut the Cord

Since long before its god-forsaken birth,
the offspring of our false religious zeal
has bitten at its feeder's hand and heel,
exempting neither friend nor foe on Earth

within its grip of treacherous deceit:
the maimed or murdered by King David's bomb
that afternoon of broken British calm
in 1946's Summer heat;

civilian targets of its failed affairs,
the cinemas, the libraries, the schools
run by American and British fools
in 1954 caught unawares;

from Liberty to Lockerbie and worse,
the progeny's fulfilled the promised curse.

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:44 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Somewhere in Gaza

A tiny human shield stood guard today,
too young to fully comprehend his role,
to see his home and future blown away

by heartless men in concrete camo-gray.
Reluctant witness to their death patrol,
a tiny human shield stood guard today,

to hear his dying mother softly pray
and cough and gurgle through her bullet hole,
to see his home and future blown away.

Unable to avoid the leaden spray
of automatic rifles on the roll,
a tiny human shield stood guard today.

At war (decades) before his first birthday
with enemies in merciless control,
to see his home and future blown away.

And now where badly mangled corpses lay,
including his among the murder toll,
a tiny human shield stood guard today
to see his home and future blown away.

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:52 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
A Word to the Wise

For those inclined to buy Israeli lies,
step back and ask yourselves, who benefits
from sticks and stone-age rockets in the skies
that "justify" the never-ending blitz?

In what can only be called 'genocide',
as fraudulent elections place the blame
on citizens whose options to decide
were limited to leaders who'd inflame

the sentiments of false security,
the builders of the concrete barricades
have pushed "the enemy" into the sea
of blood they've drawn for more than six decades.

So, take the next report of rockets fired,
or tunnels, giving credit to Hamas
with all the skepticism that's required
to pave the way for Truth to come across.

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:57 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Regarding 9/11...

Scripted Terror

During the past
14-odd years
the War on Terror's
have rooted through
the rubble of
the Towers razed
to raise our fears...

and flags to wave
in pseudo love
of 'God and Country'
placed above
the truth and justice
thus denied
the widely varied
victims of...

the greed of those
who should have died
in place of every
body plied
to fatten wallets
with the lives
their scripted terror
took in stride.​

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:00 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Never Forget

Never mind the physics (molten steel
that ran like tears down stories never told)
of demolitions secretly controlled
and falsely waving flags to seal the deal.

Never mind the motives (black and gold)
of greedy hearts of war too sick to feel
the pain of innocents who'll never heal,
of those corrupt enough to be so bold.

Never mind the casualties, reveal
the truth that nine-eleven was foretold,
"A new Pearl Harbor " waiting to unfold
the flag of so-called "patriotic" zeal.

Just never grow so cold as to forget
the LIES that fostered national regret.

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:05 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
A 9/11 Invocation

My God, look down upon this land
where truth has long since turned to dust
beneath the rubble of our trust
and neither can no longer stand.

Remove the concrete from our eyes
and wash away the microspheres
with waves of molten iron tears
that thoroughly disclose the lies.

Bring Justice down to bear on those
who planned to frame the innocent
and did so with that false event
I humbly pray you now expose.


--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:35 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
*steps down from the soap box ... for awhile*

Re: Plaid

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:33 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
A rare uplifting sonnet (I'm generally such a 'dark' son-of-a-gun, or so I've been told.)...

The Song of Life

The Song of Life surrounds and serenades,
evolving over scores and signatures
of keys and tempos kept like integers
somewhere between the spaces life pervades.
As order over chaos promenades,
in music, as in art and literature,
some gifted to be more than titular
composers, each to their own palisades:

the ocean belts her chorus to the skies,
whose winds whip back and forth in harmony;
where land and sea and air jointly decree,
the orchestrated habitats arise;
there lover sings to lover earnestly,
and mothers, to their babies, lullabies.

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:28 am
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Each Other's Shoes

To walk a mile in each other's shoes
is not the course of action I would choose,
just thinking as to how our feet would feel
in shoes designed for someone else to use.

Insert my size 11 boats into
your sexy 4-inch-spike stiletto heels?
Uncomfortable, to say the very least,
the thought does anything except appeal!

And what of your part in this crazy deal?
The quintessential circus clown, complete
with black Chuck Taylors half a foot too long,
forever tripping on your own two feet?!

And so I say we say we did, but don't,
if only for the sake of empathy
for blistered feet afraid to walk alone;
and walk instead together comfortably.

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:19 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
On early retirement...

Out to Pasture

I've recently been champing at the bit
to let you know exactly where I stand.
Although I spent my youth at your command,
I pride myself on knowing when to quit.

No riding crop will ever fall again
to add insult to injuries still fresh;
no spurs will further lacerate my flesh
to prompt me at the wills of evil men.

Unbridled and defiant, I resign!
Go find yourselves another working horse;
I'm off to greener pastures, and of course,
no riders will be saddled to my spine!

Before my time on Earth has reached its end,
I plan to go out bucking every trend!

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:16 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
On relaxation...

Channel Surfing

Flannel, checkered FTL's,
unrighteous holey crotch;
a bowl of Chester Cheetah's balls,
and not a thing to watch.

A thousand-thirteen channels and
a massive plasma screen
won't take me to the promised land
of things I haven't seen.

No mysteries for me to solve
or give the college try;
no dramadies I can involve
to help me laugh or cry.

The magic wand is yet to bring
such comfort to my soul,
and yet my cheesy fingers cling
to that remote control.

--Wricker Dreadtemper

Re: Plaid

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:18 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Reflections on Duality

I can see a lion in the mirror,
disguised inside the body of a lamb;
but looking deeper still, I see I am
uncertain as to which reflection's clearer--

the image of the hunter or the prey;
the bleating heart or savage roaring brute;
the mane of gold or cheaper woolen suit;
the stronger will or penchant to obey?

And so I'm left a clear dichotomy
disseminated in the looking glass--
a present paradox of ages past--
the simple fact that both of them are 'me',

but sheepish owing to the lion's pride,
the two lie down together deep inside.

--Wricker Dreadtemper