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Re: GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:27 pm
by Shekinah
Katrinkah wrote:
MsMollimizz wrote: They keep claiming it's safe, if that's the case then why is
Monsanto fighting so hard against the labeling of GMO foods ?
That it the main reason I don't trust them ! What are they
hiding, what are they afraid we will find ?
EXACTLY! Keep researching. Truth is good for the soul ;)
There is no longer any such thing as organic foods because the chemicals and pollen are blowing in the wind everywhere except perhaps in a level 4 containment lab. Traditional farming methods can no longer feed the multitudes. Famine incites war. GMO beats Soylent Green. Humans, got to luv em.

Re: GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:52 pm
by SnowCat
I've noticed that the organic apples I buy don't have the wax coating. That's a plus. I think they have less pesticide residue too, as they're not purposely sprayed.


Re: GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:17 pm
by MsMollimizz

Are they still coming from the same place you've always
seen them from ???
Gentle Light

Re: GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:03 pm
by SnowCat
I'm not sure. I just recently started buying more organic produce. I do try to buy local when I can.


GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:11 pm
by RosieMoonflower
I should have chimed in sooner but I've been away from the site for some time, just focusing on other areas of my life. Anyhoo, I agree, most of the studies are done by the gmo companies themselves or at least are funded by them, so they really can't be trusted. A study done in Europe on rats featured on the documentary "OMG GMO" which could be called a conspiracy theory in the way it's portrayed, showed that rats fed gmos from birth to death who lived a full life span produced enormous breast tumors in the female rats. The male rats also showed unnatural levels of estrogen present hormones. The documntaty also explains what was being said about the farmers not being able to replant seeds from their plants, instead they are forced to rebut new seeds from the GMO seed company.

Here's what I know to be true, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but GMO's were introduced into the American diet in 1995, meaning we haven't had a generation that has been fed gmos from birth to death like the rats. We haven't really had a chance to see the long term effects on humans, and we are just consuming them anyways, and I just don't think that's okay.

And, the biggest issue is how are we suppose to feed everybody if we get rid of them??? I recently started my own garden. I do not live in the country exactly but in a neighborhood on the edge of town bordering the rural neighborhoods, but my yard is average size. My goal at this point is to just teach myself everything I can about organic home gardening and hope one day I can do it well enough to feed myself and my husband so we don't have to even worry about them anymore.


I'll also just throw in that I do think the food industry is as corrupt as big pharma, or the United States of agribusiness rather.. They tell us that we NEED milk, and that's just not true.. We NEED calcium but there are a lot of ways to get good calcium. They also tell us to replace one of your daily fruits with a serving of high fructose corn syrup.. Like, seriously..???????

Re: GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:23 pm
by MsMollimizz

I remember in '78-79 the talk around the dinner table with first hubby's family
this large company weaseled their way into the Agriculture business by genetically
modifying the plants so the seeds of fruits and veggies inside them were "dormant"
so the farmers had to buy seeds from them if they wanted to stay in business !
Well let's see now that sounds like the previous posting...
That fact came back to mind as I was drying and saving seeds of fruit to be planted
after it "all hits the fan" I know why my avocado seed won't sprout ! So now
I want to get my fruit and veggies from the farmers market...those seeds probably
won't sprout either ??? So these "people" have been around for awhile, greed !
When I got an email results from a petition I signed about the labeling of GMO
foods...the title was to US, "shut up and eat it !" Right after reading that I went
to the library's site looking for anything on "living off the grid" and being
self-sufficient !
I am tired of being a Guiney pig, eating foods I don't know what they will do to
my body, jerks killing our pollinators so we have to buy their plants, killing MY
wildlife so they can drill wherever they want, oil spills killing marine animals...
They are killing Mother Earth and I don't know how to stop it ! Maybe a world
wide "stop it spell" ??? Maybe I can find me a cave or somewhere I can get
off the grid ??? I'm so sick and tired of being frustrated with no coarse of action
to fix it ! Okay, rant over !
Gentle Light

GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:17 am
by Katrinkah
I am so with you on this one. It's disgusting really. Our FDA is a joke, and Monsanto actually has 2 "ex-employees" in really high positions there. The system is corrupt. We can't trust the systems that were put in place to "protect us". And going off grid is even illegal in some states. It's all part of the top 1% trying to keep the rest of us down. I'm sure they don't eat the crap they are pushing on us.

But it's ok! People are waking up! Soon the 99% will be awakened and take back this earth and fix the damage. I truly believe that! The trickle of awareness is already starting and it's only a matter of time before it spreads like wild fire! Hopefully that wildfire happens to burn down all the GMO crops. Lol!

Think positive thoughts my friend! Good things are coming.

Re: GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:39 pm
by MsMollimizz
I'll come back and reply soon when I have more time...
As soon as I read title of email about GMO labeling
"shut up and eat it!" I immediately went to library site
and requested books on living off the grid, I got them
today ! I saw something on travel channel or discovery
channels (?) about earth homes and how they are completely
self-sufficient. Recycling shower waters, toilet waters,
rain water the garden...etc. I just cannot
find any books(yet) about how to do that. Anyone have
any ideas on that subject ?
Gentle Light

Re: GMO Foods-anyone ?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:14 pm
by Katrinkah
You could totally dig a well for water. Or even get one of those rain catching barrels. I have seen them at whole foods...

I have seen a documentary on tiny houses and they didn't use water in their toilet, they used mulch. They would just add more mulch after using the restroom and then bury the used mulch outside after it was full. The woman who lived in the tiny house with her husband said she was really concerned about doing that, but then after doing it wasn't as bad as she thought...