has anyone tried cursing?

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Post by gingerkitty »

H I there, isnt it a wiccan rule the three fold? not a witch one? as witches we are the rule . the religin has the rules not the craft.
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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

gingerkitty wrote:H I there, isnt it a wiccan rule the three fold? not a witch one? as witches we are the rule . the religin has the rules not the craft.
You are correct. However, even though I'm not Wiccan and do not subscribe to the three fold law I do have my own personal set of ethics I follow when it comes to casting as I believe most do. I do like the point you made, "Religion has the rules not the craft", I've never heard it stated that way but it's the truth ;o)
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
Aubrey Rose5
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i think

Post by Aubrey Rose5 »

ok my opinion is that instead of using a curse try to talk to thins guy first and if he refuses to listen get some friends to gang up on him hehe thats what i do
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Post by moonlit »

hahahahahaha! thats funny Aubrey!! I agree. Try to talk to him. My opinion is to use a curse as a last last last last last resort.

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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

"get some friends to gang up on him hehe thats what i do"

Well, I guess that would work as long as no one gets caught and goes to jail :o) But --magic is a lot less messy and of course it's minus the legal thingy..
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
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Post by fatalism »

"The first rule of magic is simple. Don't waste your time waving your hands and hoping when a rock or a club will do." --McCloctnik the Lucid
To some, combat magic is an abomination, and should never be spoken of except when accompanied by a dire warning to avoid it at all costs. Clichés about giving loaded guns to children will be dutifully spouted. I don't agree with the analogy. It would be more accurate to describe it as giving a child a box full of the parts to construct a gun, along with gunpowder, lead and shell casings with a reloading machine to make the bullets. It's highly unlikely that a total novice will be able to assemble the parts into anything harmful, to themselves or anyone else. By the time they accumulate the knowledge necessary to construct something dangerous, they will also know how to avoid shooting themselves in the foot.

What remains are the ethical considerations of arming people with the weapons of magic. Personally, I consider it to be similar to teaching people any other kind of martial art. It's very rare to hear about a black belt holder in karate going around beating people up for no good reason or getting into bar fights.

Like martial artists, most magicians with sufficient power to actually bring harm to anyone else:

A) Have better things to do with their time.
B) Have come to know that there are usually more efficient ways to deal with potentially violent situations
C) Have achieved a centered mind and the self discipline that makes senseless violence unappealing.

There will always be exceptions to the rule, of course. But such psychopaths are very inventive , and will always find a way to inflict misery on their fellow humans whether they practice magic or not.
From http://home.comcast.net/~max555/book/Combat.html
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Post by [aphrodite] »

wow Fatalism, compelling stuff.
Everyone has there own way of dealing with bad situations.

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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

McCloctnik the Lucid

I have never heard of the above person so I did a little research. He was found within the Chaos Magic genre. So, for those of us who don't practice Chaos Magic this quote's ideals will not apply.

"The first rule of magic is simple. Don't waste your time waving your hands and hoping when a rock or a club will do.

Well, for me this rule isn't in my book at all, let alone the first I'd apply to magic. IMO, a rock or club would be for those who have little or no magical skills. They are either to lazy, lacking intelligence or the self confidence to gain said skills.

By the time they accumulate the knowledge necessary to construct something dangerous, they will also know how to avoid shooting themselves in the foot.

I agree with this, it goes with my belief that a well constructed/executed spell will not bring harm to one's self. This IMO is gained through knowledge.

Like martial artists, most magicians with sufficient power to actually bring harm to anyone else:
A) Have better things to do with their time.

I do however, when it's called for I make the time as do others I know.

B) Have come to know that there are usually more efficient ways to deal with potentially violent situations.

I make an attempt to handle situations no matter what they are mundanely before I employ any spells. I've never encountered a *violent* situation before but knowing how Law Enforcement can be I'd call once for help then I'd break into my magical arsenal.

C) Have achieved a centered mind and the self discipline that makes senseless violence unappealing.

Senseless violence is unappealing to most I would hope. However in certain situations it could well be justified. Just for the record, to curse or hex someone doesn't always mean violence- it shouldn't be taken to mean that. There is a "Karmic Justice" spell that is going around and it falls under the hex/curse heading but it's only *intent* is to RETURN back to the person what they sent out.
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
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Post by gingerkitty »

I must agree with nyte-wytch on this that is what we have police for.I have done the return what you put on me spell and found it to do exactly that .it was some time ago but it still worked and no one but the person involved was effected including me.It isnt violant at all, it just reverted to them getting thier own back at themselves.why use violance when we have a special gift in ourselves?

Post by TaintedMagic »

Cursing is quite messy and tricky. There isn't a safe time to preform a curse spell. It's rather best to not do one to not jinx it :)
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Post by Ravenari »

I practice cursing, and I don't believe in the threefold - though I do have a strong set of ethics which revolves around accepting consequences for one's actions, and for taking responsibility for same actions.

It's almost crucial in some forms of shamanism, and early forms of European witchcraft, to know the 'art' of Ksurei, or cursing. I sometimes think that those who simply 'write it off' because it seems terrible, are missing out on something that is important to pagan practice. It's easy to misunderstand and revile something that you've never investigated with a logical and/or rational mind.

I don't excuse what I've done, I don't try and write it off with reasons like 'they deserved it', or dumb it down by going 'what I did wasn't that bad.' I always have my reasons, and cursing is never pleasant, period. I don't like it as a first resort (same with most spells), and don't think it's appropriate in most circumstances where people might just be angry and wanting to blow off steam.

Post by jonny_2690 »

Wolf Heart wrote: I would suggest waiting for the threefold law to take effect upon them for what they did/said to you or whatever the situations.
what if the curse is meant as part of the threefold law?
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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

jonny_2690 wrote:
Wolf Heart wrote: I would suggest waiting for the threefold law to take effect upon them for what they did/said to you or whatever the situations.
what if the curse is meant as part of the threefold law?

I think at times it could be, I've said it before--sometimes we can be the *tool* thru which Karma works....
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch

Post by HPCrowley »

Hey, I curse all the time: when I stub my toe, spill coffee, get screwed on a purchase.....oh, you mean an actual curse spell! Well, think of it this way: would you walk up to somebody and slug them in the schnozz without expecting repercussions? Of course not! As above, so below. If malevolence is wrong physically, then it's also wrong emotionally and spiritually. Channeling the amount of hatred needed for a successful curse is like hooking nitrous to your grocery-getter. Sure, it's powerful, but it will burn your engine up with the quickness.
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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

HPCrowley said:
If malevolence is wrong physically, then it's also wrong emotionally and spiritually. Channeling the amount of hatred needed for a successful curse is like hooking nitrous to your grocery-getter. Sure, it's powerful, but it will burn your engine up with the quickness.

The above statement is an opinion/belief that not all subscribe to. Read excert below from an earlier post of mine, It needs repeating...often I think.
Consistancy in anything is where proof is often found. The reason I do not subscribe to the Three Fold Law or Karmic retribuation is because no one to date has shown me the consistancy to the law or proof it exists. I've never felt or experienced it. I've hexed more than once and have never had a return. If something bad ever happens to me I'll put it under the heading "Oh well, shit happens". After much debate on many different forums/boards I know I will never experience it simply because I don't believe in it. How often has it been said here that a person's true power comes from "within a person"-you believe, you visualize, it manifests. SO I think for those of you who have bound yourself to this belief then if you ever hex etc -- from within yourself, using your own inner power you will manifest your own three fold punishment. I feel just that taking a look around everyday life should give a person practical, visable proof that three fold/karmic laws are inconsistant. I know most of you have heard "Bad things happen to good people everyday" or have you seen someone who does awful things all the time and get away with it. It's the combination of the above things that have molded my beliefs. If someone can show me different or suggest reading material etc then please do.
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
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