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Re: New Planets

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:54 pm
by planewalker
I think that the moon and Mars may well have outpost sites that we could find. I doubt they are still manned. If they were their tech would still be in working order and they'd be here instead of there. Even if we went out of the solar system, the bases would be tied to what happened on Earth.

Re: New Planets

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:11 pm
by SpiritTalker
It looks like someone from Earth is going to Mars in the next few years. I hope it's international and not all one country. That would be so dumb.

Re: New Planets

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:54 pm
by badger2
Hans Deeg was my room-mate in New Mexico, and at the time, was part of the team that maintained the Very Large Array. A radioastronomer, Hans was also "looking" out through Draco to study red dwarfs, and there is some information on these exoplanets available.

But we think that a lunar colony makes sense at this time, as a stepping stone to Mars, etc. An experienced gardening-herbal witch sporting cold-tolerance genes would be most valuable on this fresh extraterrestrial surface.

Re: New Planets

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:37 pm
by Tutmosis
I imagine being born on the moon or another planet would make one a little different, in terms of their spirit, than us who were born on Earth.

I wonder what their astrological signs would be?

Re: New Planets

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:54 pm
by SpiritTalker
Imagine how crazy a binary star system's astrology might be. The mind boggles. And try to plot a chart for someone born on one of Jupiter's several moons, oye ve! Or in-transit between planets? Between star systems?

Re: New Planets

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:04 pm
by corvidus
SpiritTalker wrote:Ooh-Kaay. Have you made the philosopher's stone at home in your kitchen yet? Just how old did you say you are...? :)

Yeah, age of Aquarius. Is NASA hep?
Haha I just saw this.

Mybreply, re the 'pseudo-alchemy' comment in relation to the book of aquarius.

And my lab is way kooler than my kitchen ;)

Re: New Planets

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:05 pm
by Tutmosis
SpiritTalker wrote:Imagine how crazy a binary star system's astrology might be. The mind boggles. And try to plot a chart for someone born on one of Jupiter's several moons, oye ve! Or in-transit between planets? Between star systems?

Re: New Planets

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:00 pm
by Yex
SpiritTalker wrote:Imagine how crazy a binary star system's astrology might be. The mind boggles. And try to plot a chart for someone born on one of Jupiter's several moons, oye ve! Or in-transit between planets? Between star systems?
I think about this all the time!

Re: New Planets

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:22 pm
by SpiritTalker
Gives new meaning to " whatzer star sign?". Which one? :surprisedwitch: :roll:

Re: New Planets

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:05 am
by planewalker
Trappist-one up date! They're going to be using some of the first dedicated time on Webb to look for chemical tags for life. They've been able, by mixing observations from Hubble and Kepp[er, to figure out that the Trappist One planets are harmonacilly balanced. They may have been doing the panspermia bugaloo. If so, the life forms would , theoridically, be very resilient.

Re: New Planets

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:29 am
by Shekinah
SpiritTalker wrote:It looks like someone from Earth is going to Mars in the next few years. I hope it's international and not all one country. That would be so dumb.
Most likely the cost will be prohibitive for any one nation to make the journey, so such a grand journey will have to be multinational. My concern is two fold: As global affairs unfold we seem less inclined to even communicate with each other much less share technology and national wealth. Can stupid humans co-ordinate such an adventure? Also most of humanity are of religious persuasion carefully groomed by church, school and family to not be much interested in science that might prove their faith a myth. Governments support religion also because it makes the population predictable, malleable, docile and in an ignorant stupor. An enlightened population is difficult to control and bamboozle something political institutions want nothing to do with.

Re: New Planets

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:31 am
by planewalker
We're also seeing a secular brain washing from the media - all types. From cartoons to selling cars, from multi-million dollar movies to scholarly papers. If you've been paying attention the Pope, speaking eth cathrota {God forgive the spelling lol} has set forth that aliens don't conflict with church dogma and don't try to explain our religions unless they ask. Add to that that the"Godless" Communists will try to find something that aliens like and build it better than, or cheaper than, the aliens and cut a profit. A 12 year old anywhere but N Korea can tell you Luke & Hans great adventure. They might know half of the ten commandments. Then we hit the protestants, They'll just try to outlaw it because it might be fun and that having fun business is a sin. With out mentioning more than being on different sides of the Langley coin, I believe your missing the historical forces at play. Fear is being replaced by fascination and, when can we have flying cars? We're losing all our cultural heritage. We still watch old copies of STAR WARS. How many of the nut cases are out there to make it so unbelievable that people will just ignore it until a nice tight cap is pulled down on it. We have both seen the lengths of socio-psychological misdirection that this country has taken in the past. We do bread and circuses better then the Romans.

Re: New Planets

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:46 pm
by Mr Crowley
As for the 10 Commandments, some of the smaller details have been lost in history.

Re: New Planets

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:09 pm
by planewalker
I'd bet that some of the big details got screwed up too. Do we want to start a sub-forum "This story from X years ago was screwed up by... but I think.... . I don't think we'd run out of material. I've got one that I think they could find the evidence for from the Exodus. No chance Egypt is letting anybody do that dig. Here you go pre-existing Jewish homeland, we've just handed you undisputable proof of nation hood since how far BCE. Egypt wouldn't care with their history. A lot of their co-religionists would not be happy campers.

Re: New Planets

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:04 am
by planewalker