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Re: Freaking Out About Death

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:13 pm
by SpiritTalker
Have any of you had otherworldly experiences with dead loved ones?
Yes, .

Or any other kind of lingering spirits?

And must we all be reincarnated, or do we have a choice to stay with our loved ones on the other side?
If we made a decision to linger it wouldn't be interfered with, and just puts the over-soul plan on hold until we let go of illusions & fantasy. Eternity is forever, so what's a few centuries?

Re: Freaking Out About Death

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:50 pm
by Throughalloftime
Thats comforting to hear. I want to be with my husband even after death. He will most likely die before me because he is 6 and a half years older than me.

Re: Freaking Out About Death

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:16 pm
by planewalker
You never know what will happen ten minutes from now, much less, next month or year. Enjoy life. Don't fear death. I've seen people be consumed by a fear of death. They never truly learn how to live. Will all the worrying in the world make death stay away past it's appointed time. Death is a natural part of life.

Re: Freaking Out About Death

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:05 pm
by Throughalloftime
Telling me not to fear death is not making me fear it less. The fact that it's "a natural part of life" (which is the biggest understatement ever) is not making me accept it.

Re: Freaking Out About Death

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:06 am
by planewalker
Your pain ceases. You'll gain a perspective of the multiverse that is not to be missed. You will be able to be with family or friends who have past and/or wait for others who will come afterward. There is a time-freeness to death that let's time paradoxes exist. You are never forced into a single path. You can believe something so much that is all you will allow yourself to do. But that is up to you. No one forces you. You may force yourself. Free will can cut deep as a knife. That's why it's good to keep control of your free will. It doesn't matter if you except death. Someday death will accept you.

Re: Freaking Out About Death

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:20 pm
by Throughalloftime
So youre saying you do have the option to be with loved ones?

Re: Freaking Out About Death

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:01 pm
by SnowCat
Last night I visited the afterlife. I saw my ex, his sister, and his mom. He really wanted me to stay with them, but I explained that I couldn't. I still have obligations here. So the short answer, is yes, you can still be with loved ones. It's just on a different wavelength.


Re: Freaking Out About Death

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:08 am
by planewalker
One of the paradoxes is that a friend, lover or relative my have wanted to incarnate right away. It could be someone who died ten years ago. You'd still meet and have the time you need together. Time free dimensions do that. Sometimes, if I need to know something one of my Grams taught me, I'll "walk" the little death. I may have twenty seconds elapse in this dimension, but I spent the better part of a day in "elsewhere and otherwhen".