Devil Worship

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Post by Addalaide »

Wolf Heart its intresting you have found christion who know we dont worship the devil. What really gets me is when i talk to ex pagans who converted back to christianity and say how evil we are and that the devil has put scales over our eyes to think that hes a loveing god/goddess! and that we will burn in hell!, thats the type of people i cant stand, i understand why christion do it, there religion belive its for got or for satan no exeptions its one or the others.
Merry Part
E Bukura e Dheut

Post by E Bukura e Dheut »

can you still believe in Jesus and Mary and be wiccan? ive always wondered that because you have so many people saying that its against the bible and what not
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Post by Addalaide »

My aunt dose, it dosnt make sence to me because the bible is aginst it to a degree, like if you have the christion god as your only god and mary as a virgin mother and Jesus as the son of god, and the son of a vergin, but you still want to worship with a ritual and things like that, then it makes sence i guess. But if you want the Christion God and a greek Goddess, then i dont see it as posable...but i guess it dose say you will have no other gods BEFOR me so i confused myself...i guess that means you can have a lesser god?

I dont think you can classify yourself as Wiccan or Pagan , but you can do rituals like the pagans do. But paganisum falls under the polytheistic religions, meaning more than one god. Christianity is a monotheistic religion meaning only one god.
The most accurate definition of paganism that I have found is that it is a general term for earth and nature religions. Under the category of paganism fall witchcraft, Wicca, neopaganism, druidry, Northern traditions (Norse), Egyptian, shamanism, asatru (sp), and elements of Hermeticism and ceremonial magic. ( There are likely dozens more, if you're interested I suggest looking it up at
( a friend of mine )

Hope this helps, sorry if i confused you i can be more clear, or try to be, if you dont understand.
Merry Part

Post by Bartholomew »

Are you guys saying that some religions can overlap others?
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Post by Sobek »

heres a couple of terms that may help you decide what you think that i learnt in religion class.

ecumenism: the term for where certain religion or denominations of religions accept certain similarities between each other and unite to expand and understand each other further

syncretism: the term for when bits and pieces of certain religious traditions are combined to suit the practicioner, such as "new age" type stuff.

some may disagree but thats what we learn in class.

if you think about it alot of religions share some core ideals and alot have alot of similar practices and stuff so why not.
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Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 10:56 pm
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Post by Addalaide »

After some reserch i also found out about a 3erd class, its called ( i might be off on the spelling a little ) Monoistic where the Buhddist and things that arnt classified in the other 2 classification.
Merry Part
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