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Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:58 pm
by MorningFate
Congrats on being able to AP. I haven't started yet, I still feel that I have more to learn. But hopefully I will be trying soon.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:20 pm
by [Enlightenment]
Thanks MF!

Keep us posted :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:17 pm
by Saria
Haley wrote:I almost astral projected once. I can't seem to recreate that night. It scared the hell out of me at first- I couldn't open my eyes- but once I knew what had almost happened I was in shock. I still don't know why or how I unknowingly astral projected and can't do it agian if at one time I could. Astral projection is strange that way.

There's another site:
This site is really great if you want to learn about telekinesis, psi balls, and all that other good stuff.
They're also the most arrogant, stuck up, ignorant and blind morons you'll ever run across. Don't make the mistake of entering the forum. They HATE Pagans.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:45 am
by Sobek
im interested, can you direct me to an instance of where that claim is made apparent saria?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:16 am
by Sercee
I'd like to know, too. I'm skimming through some of these posts, and all I'm finding is interesting psi stuff and the usual 'please help my brother' and 'r u 4 real' stuff. Actually it reminds me a lot of this forum LOL

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:51 am
by [Enlightenment]
If I remember rightly I also joined that forum, never posted mind, but had a good butchers while I was there - seemed ok to me :roll:

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:56 pm
by [ForestWitch]
spinnyhex wrote:I used to be able to do this as a child as a way of escape (i was a depressed child) and again when i was pregnant, i just sort of floated into it, but I cant do it any more.
I can't remember what i saw but im sure it took me to where i am now, as in my spirituality (that started off at such a young age.)
You know, I think I was able to do this as a child, too. I definitely remember sometimes just seeing everything get very small and then being somewhere else. I tried to explain it to my mother and she got very worried and acted as though I might be sick so I didn't talk about it any more and after a while I didn't do it any more either.

I can't say I've had any luck at all as an adult, but I have to admit that I haven't made a real concerted effort yet, either.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:31 pm
by [Epothes]
Well, the people at PsiPog are very skeptic and demand scientific evidence of some sort to be able to say something is real. They shy away from magick and many go as far as to call it "bullshit" as they close the minds of many beginners and bring closed-minded fools into the world. Nevertheless, I enjoyed Skywind's Active Psy website they host there.

As for astral projection guides and the constant statement of "think evil and evil will come," I think it's the greatest way to discourage many beginners from exploring the world at their full potential by instilling fear upon them. I know it's just a warning but most would think it would be common sense and most people would never think of such things unless it was mentioned which is one of the reasons I had such a hard time astral projecting for a while until I finally reasoned with everything.

Also, anyone else have an experience in the middle of the night at borderline sleep where you suddenly have a floating feeling under you as if you're floating on water? It freaks the hell out of me and I always end up jumping out of my bed suddenly thinking I'm going to fall, sink, or have some other unwanted thing happen to me.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:03 am
by Sobek
"Also, anyone else have an experience in the middle of the night at borderline sleep where you suddenly have a floating feeling under you as if you're floating on water? It freaks the hell out of me and I always end up jumping out of my bed suddenly thinking I'm going to fall, sink, or have some other unwanted thing happen to me."

i have things similar, the floating...never related it to water though. and sometimes spinning.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:52 am
by Eretik
Ah,spinning, isn't that the weirdest sensation? It means you are close,but a little out of sync. Relax and take a little time to balance, then try again. I used to get that a lot. It felt like my bed was turning on an invisible axis[ like a spit] I had to grip the sides to stop, which brought me back out. Floating also,but not as often as spinning. It can be very unnerving, it's good that there is help available nowadays, but scaring people is not a good thing, evil, indeed - why would you think it unless it 's suggested,a little scepticism is healthy, but think on this - in Christianity, it's seen as manifesting evil, unless it's a Saint, like St.Alphonsus, a mystic and astral traveller who appeared at the bedside of a dying pope, open to some, seen as 'holy' in the sanctified,but denied to the population as 'trickery' of 'the devil'- interesting, isn't it?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:14 am
by Sobek
its the biggest lot of double standards, poor ol' joan of arc was burnt for doing what her god asked her too and what good did it do her.

its cool the spinning actually means something, i thought it was just a bit of sensory deprivation.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:32 pm
by [Epothes]
Sorry, that's what I meant. Forget about the water, I meant floating (it's amazing how having a T.V., music, and a ton of other things on in the background can mess up your writing). As for spinning, I don't think I've ever experienced that or I may have forgotten having had an experience like that.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:31 pm
by mysticfyrefly
I"m confused about the whole thing too its happened to me 3 times that I know of and all of these times which i'm aware of I didn't have any control of it once I actually ended up in my mother in laws house floating around her house she came to me later that week and said she saw someone floating over her bed I never told her it was me. I thought i was dreaming and the other times I just felt like i was kind of out of control of myself after hearing some of you talk about it now i'm sure that i'm not the only one what i'm really wondering and my greatest fear is something else taking over but I also believe that we all have a thread we are connected to spirit and body anyone have any thoughts on that?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:26 am
by hedge*
Nothing can take over your body. Your spirit and body go hand in hand (and leg in leg.....). It is unique for you and you only.