Sunstoneleo's blog

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Post by sunstoneleo »

Ok, so my BF wants to get back with me. He called me this morning at like 5, and was bawling on the phone. He said he wanted to kill himself because he misses me. Well, I miss him to. Alot. There is no point in us missing eachother, he said he would try harder, and get a job. I hope he is telling the truth. Thanks for all of your support.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

My BF was supposed to call me tonight, and of course, he didn't. So instead, I am going to go outside and watch the lunar eclipse! I just walked outside to go to walgreens, and the moon was absolutely beautiful, but the eclipse doesn't start till like 9 I think, I am in central time, it is 8 here now. I can't wait!! I am so excited, can ya tell? Anyways, I am going to bring my camera outside, even though it's like 5 degrees out, but I don't care, I still want to see it.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

Ok, so I went to the doctor today because I have had this painfull cough for a few days, not to mention I just got over 2 colds\viruses that included the chills, a fever and every other cold symptom you can think of. So he gave me some antibiotics and perscription cough syrup and sent me home. Well, I took the stuff and I am still not feling any better. I know I should give it a couple days, but the antibiotics are only supposed to last 4 days. I dunno, but ever since I took them, my cough seems to have gotten worse. I really feel like crap, so I might just have to go back again. The thing is, I will probably have to take the bus there again which really sucks cause I have to walk in the cold which is really not good for my situation right now. Either was I guess I just can't win. Well, I will keep you guys updated. Thanks.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

I am feeling alot better today. I have a meeting at 8 this morning, and then someone is going to bring me to work after that. I decided to move in with my BF. Yes I know, dunmb idea, but I am like $500 behind on rent, and if I move in with him, I will have a hell of alot more money to pay bills and such. So yes, it is finalized this time. I am not sure when I am moving, but it is sometime soon, like within the next few months. He said he is going to give me a little bit of money when he cashes his check this month so I can pay off some of my bills. I really need it, I am so broke right now.
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Post by hedge* »

Antibiotics do take a day or two before you feel their effect - even short courses of them.

Big hugs babes.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

I started my first wicca/pagan seeker class today. I had alot of fun. I haven't gone back to the doctor yet, I am going to go tomorrow. And yes, I am still sick. My worker is taking me tomorrow so I do not have to take the bus, which is really nice. I don't think I am going to be able to move in with my BF like I planned, because my social worker said it was a bad idea. I am really having money troubles, so I might see if I can move in with my sister instead. I don't even know if she wants to, but hey, I can always ask her.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

Check out my videos of me singing! I love to sing, and maybe hope to go pro someday...... yeah right. But you never know, I just have to get the courage to sing in front of people. I want to try American Idol next time they come to my city, but there are so many people out there. But all I can do is try. Now if I can only figure out how to get there........
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Post by sunstoneleo »

I got this game called Okami, it is fricking awesome. Here is what it is about, I got this from

"Okami depicts a stark world devoid of colour that the player must return to its natural state. In Okami colour represents the life blood of the land and sucking this life are supernatural monsters that inhabit the surrounding areas. Game Informer says, "It’s the constant new discoveries, environments, and objectives that makes Okami extremely difficult to put down. This game is top of its class across the board – from story to presentation to ever expanding gameplay."

And here is the cool part:

*Players take control of Amaterasu, the mythical sun god in its earthly form of a wolf, and must seek out and defeat these monsters, returning colour and hence life to the area.

* As a deity, Amaterasu’s power is in part derived from humans believing and this is accomplished in two ways – by bringing colour and life back to areas and by listening to the wishes of the people and fulfilling these desires. The more faith people have the stronger Amaterasu becomes and the easier it will be to defeat the monsters.

* Okami’s visual style is based on traditional Japanese art. Although a digital reproduction, the developers have ensured that the analog feel of paper plus the delicate calligraphy and pen work of this art form have not been lost.

Cool, huh? So I think of it as a somewhat of a pagan game. It was very hard to find though, my boyfriend looked at 3 different stores and finally found it.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

So I just found out that I am -76 in my bank account and I know it's going be more than that soon since I have 5 pending transaction........ I'm screwed! I am trying to take out a loan so I can move in with my BF, because I know I can't cover all the costs myself. There is a pet deposit, first months rent, movers and last months rent. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I hope I figure something out soon because I can't live like this anymore.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

Now I am -$241 with my bank account!!! But I have an extra $100 that I can put in the bank and my BF is going to give me $100, and I get my check on Friday but I am not sure how much it is going to be for. Well, I hope I survice this! Wish me luck everyone.
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Post by LUNAAMOR »

good l i hope everything get better for you
i got my finger crossed :D
"Light up the Darkness" Bob Marley
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Post by sunstoneleo »

Thank you. I did a money spell, but I am not sure if it worked yet. I hope this all works out for me.
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Post by LUNAAMOR »

check your pm i sent you a message
"Light up the Darkness" Bob Marley
Posts: 232
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Location: minnesota

Post by sunstoneleo »

So I kind of fixed my money problem, but now I might have another one. Ah, life. Anyways, what happened was, since i had all of these pending requests the first time my account bounced, they never fully charged me for it, (which is now adding up to be over $200!!!) So I might be in the hole again, but what's new.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

Hi everyone :) Sorry I haven't been on here in so long. i have been doing good. I have been looking at apartments because I am planning on moving in with my boyfriend. i have an apt. set up for this monday to go look at one with him and my social worker. Now I jsut need to find out a way to scrounge up about $2,000 for first month's rent, pet deposit, and the damage deposit. I think this is going to be a hard one. I also graduate from my transition school in June, and I am trying to get another job as a floral designer. Wish me luck!
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