What are your personal beliefs?

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

You sound like a very upset type of person.. maybe you should try taking a walk outside and smelling the roses.. Some of us don't worry because there is nothing to worry about.. you seem like you have done some regretful things in the past and are worried about your future.

It seems you feel the only way to your heaven is to walk on eggs shells all of your life.. or obeying someone's ideas and views. sounds kinda of shakee. Maybe if your beliefs and feelings are very strong than great, practice what you preach.. if not, don't try to fill the void with being rude to others.

I feel as if you are here on this site to preach about your religous beliefs and are trying to impose on others beliefs.. great for yourself, ugly for other people.

Try to concentrate on what is wrong with you right now, not on how to tear others down for what they feel.. it seems you are here just to pick a fight with someone..

good luck and blessed be on your journey. It will be a long one..
Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

ps. you couldn't force me if you tried... :wink:
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

sorry but you got your bearings off quite a bit. im not at all upset, im 17, havnt done anything regretful (ok well i havnt killed anyone or done bad things like that) also, i do not feel like i have to walk on eggshells all the time. being a christian isnt that hard of a thing to do. many people seem to think you need to lock yourself up in a padded room to make it to heaven if you're christian..wrong.

Try to concentrate on what is wrong with you right now, not on how to tear others down for what they feel.. it seems you are here just to pick a fight with someone..

good luck and blessed be on your journey. It will be a long one..
Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

let me guess you are chrisitan wiccan? are you? I would really hope not.. but if you are, I guess there are stranger things in this world..

FYI: why are you here on a Wiccan site, can I ask?
I understand you are young and haven't experienced a lot of the world yet and I would hope that you are trying to understand wiccans, not try to down us all? Because what you just said sounded like the phrase, "Bite Me" am I right?

Well, I am done talking with you, I will go on to find some wiccan people on here, since I did come to this site for some spell work.. you are a waste of my time..and energy..

-s- :D :wink:
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

hey now, you can stop attacking me. all i said up there (which you may have thought was "bite me") was just what you had said to me seconds earlier. it happened to go both ways in the conversation. i was here because a friend showed me here, its just a place where people talk. i dont care if they are wiccian or christian or whatever they believe in, im just here to talk. i dont really look in the spell sections or anything, im just conversing with other people. sorry if it looked like i was being mean to you or attacking you in any way because it definately was not my intent. im not too sure if you can say the same but hey no hard feelings, ok?
Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

non taken :D

Post by _Snow_Falcon_ »

dread_pirate_steele wrote:Also, so much of the Bible was written over huge timespans by many different people whom probablly never met eachother yet the Bible never contradicts itself.
What are you talking about? the bible contrdicts it's self plenty. For example:(according to christians) We have free will, but God is all knowing. Therefore he has pre-knowledge of every aspect of our life, so he knows every choice we're going to make, and he even knows if we're going to heaven or hell. So we don't have free will.
Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

:lol: I totally agree with you on this... That is what I was trying to say. Good thoughts.. ::coolglasses::
Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

::coolglasses:: That is why I just chill, nottathingtoworrybout. I am loving life and living life one day at a time. That is all any of us can really do. The harder we push the hard the universe pushes back ::coolglasses::
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

just because He knows the decision you will make does not mean He made you make it.

You play a videogame. the charater has no freewill, you control it.

You watch a movie. you do not control the charater although if you've already seen the movie once you know what he's going to do. So because you know what the charater is going to do doesnt mean you control that charater.

if you kinda get that concept. i thought about that before and thats what came to mind right away.
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Post by Marie* »

Okay I am going to have to step into this little debate right now... I know Dread didn't come on here to banter or preach to any wiccan/pagan or any other religion you might carry. We all speak our mind on here, and our beliefs, there should be no battling it out. It's a simple "okay you have your ideas and I have mine, cool" And then explaining why we believe that. We all need to respect eachother. It does no harm for someone from another religion to come on and talk to everyone and make their beliefs known. This goes both ways. So let's all get along okay? :D


P.S. Now if someone comes on here and they are bashing the shit out of what you believe that is another story. I mean I don't handle people coming on here and saying what I believe is a bunch of crap and I am going to burn in hell for eternity, or swear at me every other word, but let's not push away those who are trying to understand why we believe what we believe. :D
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Post by Starwitch »

The biggest contradiction, in my opinion, is the idea that the Chrisitan God is a "loving God" and he cares about you so much that he even knows how many hairs are on your head, but nevertheless he is willing to not simply DESTROY your soul if you don't do exactly what he wants (after he gave you the free will to do differently), but instead he will condemn you to burn in eternal, lasting HELLFIRE where there is weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Oh my. You could be a "good person" all your life, give to charities out of every paycheck, but if you are not SAVED in the way that the Bible indicated that you should be, you shall burn in hell forever. Now that's what I call love, dammit!!

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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

Well God absolutely despises sin. When Jesus was on the cross he took every persons sin to ever exsist and who ever will live. Knowing how much we sin a day, thats a whole lot of sin. Because of that Jesus actually went to hell for three days. God offers you the free gift of eternal life in heaven with him, take it if you wish. "Being saved" will cleanse you of your sins, making you pleasing to God, you can go into heaven.

I kinda look at it like this: Your mom/dad offers you a gift that cost them so much, more than anything they could ever get you, except you totally deny it. slap in the face eh?
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Oh my, we're just getting so into the "forbidden subjects" lately, aren't we? :D (You know, mom and dad always told us to never talk with our mouthes full, keep our elbows off the table and never ever talk about politics, religion or abortion in mixed company....)
Well, my outlook? In the end, your dead. That's it. Just dead. Gone, expired, no more. The spirit goes on into the wind, or wherever. But it's gone too. The religion side of things serves two purposes, in a more conventional belief, a "crutch" so to speak, so that the end result of life isn't so scary and unknown. (Which can be demonstrated by those on death row seemingly always "finding god"). Secondly, those who heavily absorb in their religion (IE Wiccans, really a true 'part of life'), are just choosing a specific manner in which to live their life. Not necessarily to avoid a hell or even bad karma, we're just trying to live our lives as "just a decent way to be." ("An if it harm none, do what ye will.")
I never really understood many religions, but I've given a lot of them extensive research. (With the exception of Catholism/Christianity, oddly enough.) I try to honor each life and spirit rather than hanging on to what is going to happen once we leave our mortal coil. Seems to me a much more peaceful way to live.
Also, so far as the accuracy of the bible... no one knows. No one who was there is anywhere here. We'll never know. I believe he was a great man that did great things at one time. But I also believe he was just a person. (Ever heard of the DaVinci Code?)
A friend of mine and I did an experiment in high school (many years ago) where we wrote "The Book of Bob" to give it a test. Of course things circulating a Drama classroom do tend to be treated differently than in most other locations, but by the end of the school year, (and continually thereafter so far as we know, after having left)... that book that we wrote on tattered pages and "aged", then left in a hiding place that would surely be found, but still inconspicuious, had grown into "the word of the thespian god"... having reportedly been written of someone tragically killed in/near the school and involved in the theater, some 50+ years before. I'm not trying to devalue what Christians believe, or what any religion believes, I'm just pointing out that if a collection of people, no matter how small, want to believe in something, and have it be grand, it comes into being. At least for them. And really, that's a beautiful thing, to believe in something so much that it is true for you. Just never forget that each life is individual and we need not forget to live life while worrying about what may happen in the afterlife. (There should probably be a 'phobia' for that.... I mean they have Agoraphobia, Arachnophobia.... toiletseat-o-phobia).... (just a joke, kinda tired, rambling a bit there....)
Well, on that thought, I need to go kiss my beads, pray on my left knee and honor the grand hamster before bed. Hey, if believing it, no matter what it is, makes you feel good, good!

~Blessed Be~
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Post by moonlit »

Some ppl believe one thing.. others believe another.. just deal with it.
**Nothing is set in stone**

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