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Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:14 pm
by Marie*
Well , I do have to correct you on one thing... Xeno is a christian. But I invited him here to get a better perspective on our beliefs for certain reasons. (you know) :D :D And JB I am sure your posts said what you wanted to say and mine was no better, just my words.


Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:02 pm
by dread_pirate_steele
well, i come into the forums that dont have stuff to do with spells, because i dont do them. i go into (basically) everything else. just something to do.

k, someone asked for positive energy, and prayers. they asked for it, so im not gonna say "no. i wont pray for you... pagan." ill pray for someone if they ask of it, and why not let me pray for one of you? it just might help.

alright, a lot of times you would say a thing or two that you kind of assumed of me which wasnt true and that put me in a bad attitude while reading the rest of the message. next time you guys start talking about wiccian beliefs ect.. ill just read and not reply. i do wanna learn, but i thought "hey if i tell them how things are for me they can learn as much as me *anime smile*" but i guess i was wrong, i am sorry for that. i accept your apology and I will also say that I am sorry, for myself and my brother (i didnt approve of his second half of the post, it was pretty mean in my book.) i really am sorry.

I realize that other people choose different things, take different angles..once again im pretty interested in why. i wanna know what they see in it and stuff, what its all about. i dont want to make anybody here a christian because i know that you guys chose this path (mostly after being a christian)

thanks for being a little fonz on that last post (cool)


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 12:38 pm
by Celeste Isis Kerri
Here's my two cents worth!

I think it would be great if we had an all pagan board, but its not.
I think everyone else has a right to their opinion but not the right to push that on others. Its your opinion not mine or anybody elses.

Secondly to ASSUME that your religion is the "right one" make U (you) and ME both look like ASS'!

Just wanted to let you know that I like everyone here, but please be considerate of others feelings too. I understand both side and think it would be best if we moved on to better things! :)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:16 pm
by Starwitch
Amen sister! (uh.. is there a pagan word that means "Amen")? lol

i see....

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:35 am
by Miss_Molly
you're all quite lucky, my friends are mostly christians.. so i can see where Dubh Barin is coimg from, i hate to be preached about it but i guess..if they want to then they can. everybody is entitled to an opinion but when the enforce it on us..
i know my friends could never accept me because of what i belive... its something we all just have to lean to live with i guess...

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:03 pm
by Starwitch
Hi Miss Molly,

Yes, it's true in the real world, sometimes we have to tolerate people like that, but luckily on this forum, I have the final say and if some Christian is babbling about stuff that none of us want to hear about, I can just delete their posts (as can the other moderators.) :) It's nice to have control somewhere, especially since it seems the Christians control the whole country (the U.S, that is.)


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 5:05 am
by Miss_Molly
yeah well, im in the uk.. i guess its hard to open up here.. we are so narrow minded over here and i guess the fact that i have just moved dosent help me. lol.. o well... and i go to a christian camp in the summer for a week (i go fot my friends and i read a book through the services!! :roll: ) Naughty me!!! lol... im bored now!!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:28 pm
by Dark Princess
that's pritty mean because i am christians now i want to leave.... just kidding

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:49 am
by Miss_Molly
i dont know why a christian would join a site like this... (yes i know people who do that.) o well... such is life.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:44 pm
by [Epothes]
Hmm... I remember when I was a closed minded antiphilosopher skeptic that thought that all other people who weren't Christians were evil. Damn that mean priest...pastor...whatever. What people need to learn is how to be open to new beliefs. If you close your mind to all new things you're doomed to spiritual stupidity. It gets annoying but what we must do is push through it. Eventually they will see our side of things. Whether it is learned by choice or through several violent whacks to the head.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:31 am
by WolfWitch
Dubh Barin: A couple of things just for you.

1. (from original post in this line.) "post Military."

? You lost me on that one. Or is this a case of the Dislexia attaking your fingers. (Pardon my mispellings. I am quite tired at the moment.)

2. Don't feel bad. A lot of people join the Air Force (Air Farse) and hate it. You are not alone in your hatred. My brother in law feels for you. (He was AFROTC)

3. I'll make a trade with you. I'll light a candle to the Goddess for an end to your troubles if you'll light one for me to help with my rage issues. I currently have enough stress/tension/anger in me that it has become a solid knot of tension in my muscles from my ribs all the way to my shoulder blade. (Feels like a fence post.) Deal?

This is just what I felt I nneded to say. Take as you will.

: "Hey, I'm a guy....I'm here.....(pouts.) :cry:

Blessed be to all who seek it.


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:20 pm
by LawrenceDreaming
You gotta understand, it's the Christian's nature to preach and spread their religion, it's just what they do. As long as they are not harrassing anyone, I have no problem with them posting here.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:58 am
by Tomdiepstrap
LawrenceDreaming wrote:You gotta understand, it's the Christian's nature to preach and spread their religion, it's just what they do. As long as they are not harrassing anyone, I have no problem with them posting here.
That's not very nice! (Even though there is pleanty of evidence in history to support it)

Anyways, the Christians have as much of a right to be here as we do. As long as they don't pull the old converting act or calling us "Sinners in the eyes of god".

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:59 am
by Starwitch
It's not simply that it's their nature to spread the gospel. The problem is that they are taught by the Bible and by their churches that they aren't being true Christians if they don't attempt to convert heathens to Christianity. So it's not really such a simple matter of them simply being full of themselves. They really believe they are doing the right thing in God's eyes. Coming to a pagan board would be a great way to gain points with God.

Really, if they try to engage you, ignoring them is going to be the best policy. If you argue with them that only fuels their fire and let's them know that they got to you and that you are thinking about what they said.

Bright Blessings,

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:00 am
by Tomdiepstrap
She does have a point there. It IS in the bible.