Your Gift / Ability Inclination

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:55 am
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i see auras

Post by emmi116 »

i see auras. i have my "aura button" that i can turn off for a little while, like when i'm driving or studying or practicing my instruments. i see people's auras and i also see the auras of sounds. i'm not sure if sounds can have AURAS but that's what i call them. only recently has the sound thing been happening.
i've been seeing auras all my life, but i know that you must practice to build of the sensitivity of yourself and intuition and build up the ability to focus with your eyes. i believe that if you google how to see auras you will find things such as concentration exercises to help you build up the stamina to concentrate on something for a long time.
i believe that my ability is responsible for my artistic and musical talents. but as for being able to change auras, that im not able to do yet. although i don't think i would want to because i feel that for example if someone is upset and has a weak aura it may be none of my business to change it so they feel better.

try and explore to see what interests do. i cannot say which gift is easier to achieve but experiment and see what happens.
love always,

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