2012, spritual unbalance, and miscalculations

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
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Post by Peregrine »

shadowx wrote:I dont mind people thinking what they want but then they come here and start whole threads threatening me with eternal damnation or extinction and these people cant even spell their own names let alone comprehend a believable scenario for the end of the world!
I was watching one of my favorite shows the other day when, in one scene, the "king" says to his rivals, "There is no such thing as backwoods magic. The sky spirits told me this." I don't take offense for what others believe. I only get irritable when they insist I dismiss my experience to go with theirs. Especially when they feel a need to get violent either in this life or an afterlife.
shadowx wrote:And then when nothing happens they will all chicken out and pretend they never said anything. That's why i have a little list of all the members here who are believers ;) Come that day i will quote each and every one of them so they cant wriggle out of it! If they have the balls to stand up and say "Yup, i was wrong, i just went along with the crowd, my bad" then they will earn some respect and fair enough to them, but if they try to deny it all damn things are gonna get fun :D
When I know better, I do better.

The Dalai Lama was asked what would happen to Buddhism if science shows him something that contradicts Buddhism. His reply, "Buddhism would have to change."

You will not see an answer like that from the Catholic church. In fact, I read that their official approach is that if observation contradicts scripture, scripture takes priority. That's f'd up.

Now, if the Catholic church has changed their stand on that one, disregard this comment.

See how easy that is?
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
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Post by shadowx »

I just get irritated seeing the same crackpot theories over and over again and i get irritated when i get ignored with the "What makes you right and the others wrong" question.

The Dalai Lama was asked what would happen to Buddhism if science shows
him something that contradicts Buddhism. His reply, "Buddhism would have to change."
This is how i feel about my own path. I dont believe i know it all nor that i am the only one who is right. If someone can suggest something to me with a good theory behind it or if it makes logical sense then i will gladly accept it into my beliefs. If someone can reasonably prove the existence of god, or can suggest a reasonable mechanism for his existence then i will accept that and i will probably adapt my beliefs to include a god. Likewise if someone can reasonably show that i am wrong with good theory or evidence then i will adapt my beliefs.

But 2012 is all crap!

As for laughing at other's pain.... i wouldnt say that but i'm not going to miss the company of idiots who kill themselves because some cult told them to, in fact im glad theyre gone! Less idiots to annoy me!
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Post by Peregrine »

Yep, that can definitely be irritating.

It seems like such an easy, straightforward question: "What makes you right and everybody else wrong?" I'd be happy just to see an attempt to meet me halfway, such as "What makes you right?" and dismiss the attempts at saying the others are wrong.

I've seen it any time I visit one of those "Creationism verses Evolution" boards. If evidence for Creationism (ie a literal interpretation of Genesis) is provided, it screams of pseudoscience, to put it mildly. Seemingly legit questions to counter it are ignored, and the person asking suddenly finds himself/herself on the receiving end of ad hominem attacks. Either that or the same predictable scriptural quotes are provided again. Then the person disappears for a while and reappears to ask the same questions or provide the same "evidence" again as though nothing happened. It can be downright infuriating.

As for "Does God exist?" my first question to these people are always, "Define God." I cannot argue with a pantheist that says God is the universe because the universe exists. Maybe it is all just an illusion but I see the universe or at least parts of it, so in that since I'd feel foolish arguing it. Then again, pantheists don't feel a need to ankle-bite me. Is God a poetic term for a way of life, a "higher self," or an energy form? Okay, I'll go with that. My annoyance emerges when they insist it is the One True Old Man in the Sky who has revealed through ancient revelations that he's going to kick your ass if you don't live like I do. You know the drill. It does smack of emotional immaturity, instability, or insecurity and it is to be pitied when it happens.

You already took into consideration that things are updatable and blatantly stated, "I can be wrong." I was just sort of nodding in agreement and adding my own thoughts. I'm just musing here in my cosmic opium house... Feeling like Treebeard or something today, falling asleep on myself in midsentence.... Just my angle as of today. :)
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
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Post by Peregrine »

Traumwandlerin wrote:I guess, because those people need to feel special and can only feel a bit of selfworth when they are the few chosen ones and the other will end up in hell. Cause this will give them a godly reason for feeling better then others cause they aren't able to build a proper self worth instead. So instead of demeaning them with deconstruct their belief system enable them with showing them how to build up self esteem and then how to get read of this demeaning believe system.

So why are you gaining fun from demeaning others and se how bad comes to them?
I forgot to address another issue and that is I do not feel happy to see bad come to them. I think another reason people fall prey to some of these mindsets stems from being a product of their upbringing or from being too trusting on someone else's words. Some of these people are victims of their own mindsets and they live in fear, so my "tough love" is also an attempt to free them from that fear.

I speak as someone who had been indoctrinated since childhood of things like an eternal hellfire, an authoritarian viewpoint of the Bible, and a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation story. Another was that our church doctrine was the only right one and we would go to hell too if we did not make an attempt to go and spread the word to save other souls. Those sorts of mindsets are crappy places to live. The day I came out and said I no longer believed that way, I was quoted the Bible scriptures about the dog eating his own vomit with the argument, "We are not calling you that. God is."
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)


Post by Silly_Dreamer »

shadowx wrote:And what is the truth?

You are a believer no doubt?

Whether or not this will have any influence on our consciousness or the mechanics of our World (gravitational, climatic, radioactive, magnetic, plate tectonic, etc.) is the real issue I guess.

Regarding solar activity (flares) I think the last big one was 1947 and with respect to electronics I'm not sure that they can do any more damage than erasing data and disrupting radio frequency transmissions. So.... keep your software disks in a biscuit tin !!!!!
Didnt see this post until now. 2012 is bollocks.

An alignment with the galactic center will do nothing, at all. The gravitational impacts will be nil. The EM impacts will be NIL. NO EM wave, except a gamma ray burst perhaps, could reach us from the galactic center. Not to mention the supermassive black hole is pointing the wrong way (vertically) in the event of a burst.

Its bull.
If you can tell me why you are so special and correct, and yet all the people that went before you are wrong then i will listen, but you cant. You are the same as them, idiots. This page: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/commen ... 717864.ece

Lists 30 failed predictions. Tell me why you are right and special, and what makes them so stupid and laughable and then tell me why you are right and they are wrong and i might listen.

Go ahead... please.

I didn't predict anything at all, check the label on the end of the stick that your saliva's dripping from, does it say "right"? :roll:


Post by Silly_Dreamer »

Traumwandlerin wrote:
..... since earth is kind of ballshaped, where on earth do you have to stand to accidentily see the galactic center? Why is this space special? Standing on another point while watching the sunrise there will give you different angle, and you would look at another point in space-time.
The sun is approximately 93 million miles away and the Earth is only so big, that's why the observer's position on the globe doesn't amount to a large angular shift in viewpoint. Honestly, I don't know what the max. shift would be but simple trigonometry equations will quantify it for you.

I'm not saying there's anything significant about the alignment, I'm just giving my tuppence worth about what I think the Mayans may be referring to.

I respect all your opinions about 2012 but how can anyone disrespect mine when I haven't expressed them? all I did was reference existing opinions. :cry:
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Post by Traumwandlerin »

I'm not sure, cause when you look at the stars, pick two who are close together, but when you would measure the actual distance you would see how far they are away. Only a small change in position could have a big effect over long distance.

But even if this doesn't matter, there where other questions I asked. What about them?

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