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Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:36 pm
by Fae
It's nice to see others out there that experience similar things. I'd say to a certain extent I feel all of these things on occasion, but mostly for me emotional and animal. I worked triage in an animal hospital for a while when I was younger, and it was so overwhelming because at the time I didn't know how to properly ground or separate my own emotions from others.

For the past year or so I'd say I've mainly felt global and emotional, since the only animals I'm around often are my own. As I've gotten older I think I've learned to tune a lot of it out more, although I can't say whether that's good or bad at this point.

I'm also not sure I'd claim myself to be a true empath or anything, since most of what I feel that isn't my own is fleeting. Most of my emotional empathy is directed toward those that are involved with my life. It's strange, but I can usually sense when certain loved ones are near based on the emotional i pick up, whether I can visually see them or not. It's always nice to know you aren't aone

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:39 am
by Arakhne
Personally, I have emotional empathy to a lesser degree than global. Emotional-wise, I always am aware of people's true intentions/what they mean to say. I have constant sonder for literally everyone, and I soak up how they feel like a sponge... which totally sucks, considering how awful some of my friend's problems are D:
Then with Global... It is impossible for me to watch the news. Murder? I feel like a knife is turning in my gut, like a blanket of guilt, sadness, numbness, and a feeling of total... rushed-ness? I can't think of a better word XP
Tsunamis or floods, I always feel between spending too long in a cold bath, and trudging through swamp water. Wars, crimes against humanity, hate crimes, and so on always leave me feeling betrayed, nauseous that such people are on the same planet as I am. Even Droughts/Starvation turn my appetite upside down.

Sorry I got rambley, I've just never really put it into words before XD

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:49 am
by Katrinkah
I have experienced all off these on some level but I'm mainly an emotional empath. And yes people generally don't like being told personal things about themselves. I don't do any readings for anyone because they are usually met with lots of denial. And this goes all across the board. Even when I do handwriting analysis or tarot if there is anything unflattering people don't want to hear it. But it's ok, I try to pick out the most flattering things and keep it with that. Still a great tool for myself to use.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:50 am
by Katrinkah
Oh I also pray for roadkill, who ever posted about that. Lol.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:51 am
by WiccanWitch
Very sensitive to emotions based on tone, body language, word choice and just presence. So when someone tells me to relax and don't let their issues bother me that's not gonna work. I don't experience pain as an Empath except emotional pain. Since it's probably one of the most profound feelings we experience it tends to have the greatest effect on me.

I don't pray for roadkill necessarily but usually send them my blessings. If I see accidents or memorials at road side I usually send a "spiritual" kiss.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:41 am
by MysticDreamFaerie
Emotional & Nature: I've always been able to pick it up and later I end up feeling drained. Tree's has always been been extremely important to me through out growing up. Once I saw a tree getting cut and I immediately felt upset and cried. I thought it was just an emotional response cause I'm a quite sensitive person but much later I knew it was from the tree.

Usually people talk to me randomly and share details with me and I'm always told that I have one of those faces but I doubt this has anything to do with being an Empath. They just tell me problems going on with there life and I feel sad and emotional once they tell me. Once an old boyfriend of mine was sitting in a chair and just staring at the wall. I felt a lot of anger and negative coming out of him. Moments later I started crying cause it was literally too much for me. Again I thought it was just an emotional response but I literally could feel his anger, hatred and negative energy coming off of him. This is when I truly started to notice that I could pick up on people's emotions.

Anytime my mother is stressed out and venting about work, I suddenly get angry, frustrated and I end up getting a headache and a backache. I can feel all her stress and than it becomes my own and sometimes I have to lay down and take a nap due to this. It can be very draining sometimes. If I hear anyone dying or suffering on TV I get very emotional. Sometimes I try to avoid the TV all together but at the same time I'd like to know what's going on in the world. I'm all pretty new to this and I'm sure overtime I'll learn more about it.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:17 pm
by EmberWolf
Definitely physical empathy. I feel emotional empathy a lot, but I feel physical empathy strongest. I was even able to guess my sister's pregnancy before she told anyone, because I started feeling the symptoms of pregnancy myself :shock: in situations like that I start to feel it's more a curse than a blessing :P

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:17 am
by WiccanWitch
I'm thankful that I do not have physical empathy, Emberwolf. :) I experience emotional empathy. I am stressed by large groups of people especially when there's tension. Black Friday would be a good example but I never go, but being in a crowded theme park for example has the same effect. Everyone is impatient, irritable, etc. As a nurse I have times where it really effected me, but in my newer job I rarely have as deep of a response since people there are in and out in a couple hours, relatively healthy, and most are relieved, happy, or content when they go.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 12:26 pm
by SpiritTalker
I think I was first aware of animal empathy, because I could feel the family dog's anxieties and even humor. Dogs like to laugh at the silly things people do, and it's just good to be Dog. As I got older, away from home and it's familiar environment, I became aware of emotions. ... More as what I accepted as tel-empathy; i usually hum along fairly neutral, but I'd feel something and look around to see whose it was. I was not a very grounded kid or young adult. Visiting people in the hospital makes me queasy, and as soon as I get to the car I'm OK again. I spent three days in one for an infection and begged the doc to let me out when he wanted me to stay longer. I've been to the Malls less than 10 times and couldn't get out fast enough! I feel other people's feelings when I walk through their aura, and emoting people can project a huge field. I'm depressed for days if I go to the zoo, so three visits in a lifetime is enough. I was in my 30's before I heard of grounding and shielding. Relief! I still avoid crowds. And I love to sense my cats moods, especially when they get schmoozy and cuddly. There's a harmony, an almost constant hum to the Earth Mother and when I let myself feel that, it is up-lifting, soothing. I'd guess it's the Ohm. I sometimes try to sing the same tone in meditations and it puts everything in it's proper place.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:25 pm
by Datura
Seraphin_npocampo explained what I feel the best as an Emotional Empath:

I can sense and read other people's intentions, characteristics, and emotions. (Side note - thank you for the comma placement. It made me happy lol)

I just know things about people. When I was a kid, my family would tell me I was wrong and overly sensitive when I called them out. But I knew they were lying to me. I wouldn't let it go and would argue and well, that didn't end well.

Now I still doubt myself, even when I know I'm right. I've been proven right time and time again but I still doubt.

I know I'm supposed to ask permission to "read' someone, but many times things pop into my head and I will blurt things out. Now that I'm older, I've gotten better at knowing when to keep my mouth shut, but of course, that doesn't always work. I've had people afraid me because of what I told them I "saw". It's usually something that is deep down, bothering them subconsciously, and they aren't ready to deal with. I'll also call people out on their BS and they stop talking to me. Does a pretty good job on the self-esteem. But I guess they don't want to be around someone who can know things. And when I think about it, why would I want to be around someone who feels the need to BS all the time?

I wish I was more of an Earth Empath. I would love to feel more connected. I do not like the feeling of dirt on my hands and under my fingernails. But I do love to go barefoot whenever I can.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:26 pm
by Rowan.Airmid
I would consider myself an emtional empath first and a physical empath second..
I can see true intentions and feel what others are feeling whether or not they try to deny it or pretend they were not angry at that time - yea, right! I can also sense when my loved ones are emotionally or physically ill.
I can sense ailments and where they are coming from on the body itself when I am near the person but still find it hard to differentiate when I am experiencing these ailments myself and cannot find the origin, same with certain emotions. I can help heal or alleviate symptoms of ailments but I do not get a picture of exactly what it is in medical terms..
I can feel the Earth but I do have to focus.. tree hugging is wonderful!! I respect all life and cannot stand to harm.. which is difficult sometimes when you really want to get rid of those aphids on your herbs but do not want to do them harm at the same time --- ;)

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:17 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Omg,that's so me. 1st- emotional Empath: I've always known what people feel and when they havery a bad day. Positive to that is that I can also make them happy.
2-animal empath: a happy animal has always been like a medicine to me. And now I understand why I always hated going to the zoo.
3-earth empath: before and during each earthquake,even if I wasn't supposed to actually feel it, I was feeling nauseous and had headaches,and afterwards a great relief. Great example the one with the earthquake by the way.
It's nice to finally be able to name my ability!

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:28 am
by LadyMuse
I know I'm late to the party, but I'm really not sure what type I am. I can tell what other animals are thinking and feeling, but I don't necessary feel them myself. I hate being anywhere crowded, but mostly because it's too much chatter for my brain. I can here everyone, but if I touch someone I sometimes see or sense things. I don't strangers touching me unless their gloved. I've learned how to switch (I have multiple personalities) which allows me to "turn off" when I need to in business situations. It's how I've managed to go through most of my stressful situations.

In nature I feel its energy, but I don't feel as if they're my own. Not sure if I really am an empath or if I've learned how to block those feelings as my own.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:08 pm
by T'a Nuk
I think I began feeling animal empathy when I was very small. I considered the family dogs as relatives in the same way as my parents or siblings. I remember being around 4 or 5 and getting furious at my older brother for stomping on bugs, furious to the point of whacking him with a boot. I always sought the company of animals. I would venture into the woods following a squirrel or deer, even birds. I had a dog who would help me find new 'friends'. Humans, though animals, I have no issues with, I just tend to be blunt when presented with b.s., I would never make a diplomat.

During my trips into the forests I would feel the ground under me, as I rarely wore shoes unless supervised. I knew the touch of the soil, leaves, grass, pine needles, but it was a small stream that tuned me into the global frequencies. A single drop traveling from the mountain to me, to the sea, the sky, then back to the mountain again. How many plants and animals did it become a part of on it's journey?

In these ways, paths were shown to me that were responsible and loving, and gifts were given to me in the forms of knowledge, or being audience to an Elk mother giving birth, laughing at the jokes of the squirrels and crows, or the beautiful items I find to craft my art.

Re: Which Type(s) of Empathy Do You Experience the Most?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:10 am
by Shekinah
I performed empathic interrogation for the CIA ferreting truthful information from suspect enemies of State. Worked in Vietnam and now mostly Quantico, South America and Getmo. Empathic attunement to the flow of thoughts behind one's speech.