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Re: The Baby Bear of Books

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:34 am
by BabyBear

nothing much been going on sides the fact that I am dating somone now ><
I've been rather artistic here the last few days and been sketching then water coloring stuff
and I've been sick
I think im picking up on the health of the cats I live with now >< and the energy of this place in general so I'm brushing up on old protection spells and shielding for my empathy

Re: The Baby Bear of Books

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:07 am
by BabyBear

So I am feeling better or at least getting there :D
Im going to the World Of Nations Festival this Saturday (May 5th) and I cant wait.
For those who dont know what it is:
World of Nations Festival is a annual festival where you pay 5 dollars for a day pass, 8 if you want a two day pass or 15 like I am for a VIP experience so you can eat and taste the wines and beers for free and they give you a 'passport' where you go around the festival and experience life from different countries and you get stamps on your 'passport' showing you went there.
This year they are having:

The Bahamas
Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
South Africa
South Korea
St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Lucia
Trinidad & Tobago
U.S. Virgin Islands

I cant wait to go to the ones I highlighted. You get to eat foods from there and do some of the traditional things and stuff will be on sale to get. smiley_dance And to top it all off now that I live where I do I actually have MONEY i can SPEND ON MYSELF :flyingwitch: I am hoping I can find a few good witchy finds :3 oh or something I can use in Cosplay cus im a nerd like that :P

If anyone has any suggestions on anything I must try from one of the contries feel free to tell me and if they do I will :D

Re: The Baby Bear of Books

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:54 am
by BabyBear

I just had to get some thoughts out, and where as I don't use the bible in my path, or most of Christian believes for that matter, I do however believe this:
The Bible
Can you use/believe it and still practice Wicca?

The Bible can be used in parallels to practicing Wicca, yet, you have to overlook miss interpretation of vernacular, verses and over all thoughts about it. The bible started as a history of the people (Old Testament) and states facts based on the times. HOWEVER VERNACULAR AND PHRASING ARE NOT THE SAME NOW AS THEN, and as such are commonly misinterpreted.

For example, did you know the old Greek word "malakoi" means "Soft". This, in those times, was an insult to men for a variety of things. Everything from wearing perfume or luxurious clothing, to not wanting to work/laziness, heck even for loving/lusting after women too much. "Soft" later got changed to "effeminate" in later texts and was then seen as "gay".
I menchin this because of
I Corinthians 6:9-10: “9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[/b]10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”.
This text actually should read "soft men" not "men who have sex with men".

Also another issue is most assume God created the first man and women and that was it, and he did, but see God also created others before them. God populated the world with mankind only to realize his mistake and later correct it.
If you look closely it states:
Genesis 1:27-28
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
then later states...
Genesis 2:7
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
If mankind was already made then how come it is only now talking of Adam.
Most over look the fact that this means God populated the world and then realized his mistake. He needed to connect the earth and man kind together with a soul/energy so that we could be complete. So he made man and women over again in a garden overflowing with life so that we could connect to the animals and nature. We are made of earth and there for we must honor it as we do our Creator.
If you don't think this way then ask yourself this: Where did Cain find his wife? Why is it that there are so many ethnicity of people if we all came from just the two? If we have proven that inbreeding would lead to genetic anomaly that would wipe out a population/group of people then how can we have came from the same two people?

Another issue is people overlook the context of things. Think of the Bible as a text book of history. It hold exerts from letters, diary's, biography's and autobiography's. You have to think of the message as they are being told within those formats and within the history of the time. How things were told by word of mouth (and you know how that can go) or the events going on during the time things were being said.
A perfect example, though somewhat irrelevant during modern times but still being used none-the-less, is a letter Paul wrote to a church. In it he states
1 Corinthians 14:34
“34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.”
The context here is that Paul was writing to a church that had a problem with a large group of women that were becoming disruptive, distracting and controlling. Which was hurting the reputation of the church. He gave many instructions among them being that the group of women should have no say in the church nor should they be in control of it.

Errors like this are so common and verses are over looked and not connected due to years of being taught how others were taught and so on. People rarely take the Bible for what it is. Its a book. Left to be interpreted as you see fit by historians. It contains history and fact yet the facts are miss interpreted through out history and miss taught through years of misunderstanding and in some cases greed and manipulation. Its your job to take the book learn it and find its errors. Interpret it as you see it not as others before you and learn from it what you believe you are drawn to learn.

Re: The Baby Bear of Books

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:42 am
by BabyBear
Well then....

Hi guys I know its been awhile. Life's been filled with many twists and turns this year and I had planned on coming back in Jan but some more stuff popped up and my path work has drastically declined the last year and a half do to all the twists.
I am slowly working back up to where I was both emotionally and spiritually and finally heading back on my way to a steady path yet again. :flyingwitch:

I am however back in the broom closet so to speak. Well just a little bit, most of my practice is open and accepted but I had a big move to a small town with my grandmother who has been very ill. My cousin and I were not getting along in the best way due to some medical issues with my cousin, and instead of staying in the unhealthy environment that was draining me emotionally and effecting me physically I moved out and in with my grandmother who needed the help.
Having moved and dealt with all the issues before and after times flew past me and here we are a year and a half later. :surprisedwitch:

i didn't think it would take me this long to pick up where I left off and although I have keep up with little things here and there I haven't been doing my weekly cleanings or daily path work and I can feel the difference it has made not keeping up with them. I just seem to be struggling with getting back into the swing of things >< being aspie doesn't help matters any either lol

smileylove Anyway I love you guys and sorry been mia for so long if have any questions or want know more about what i have been up to feel free to ask I truly missed you guys and hope to stick to things now that I feel a little more "me". smileylove

Blessed Be
Baby Bear

Re: The Baby Bear of Books

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:15 pm
by BabyBear
Update 3/4/17

This coming up week and past week have been busy. My nephew was born with a clef lip, it looks super adorable and he looks like a little lion cub :D, but still it needs to be fixed so the surgery is on Tuesday so my sister and mom are coming down to stay while he is having it and recovering. So my house is going be packed with people and I also need do a small spell for the surgery on Sunday for him.
Lets see other then that its been great and fun this month, our power bill is significantly better now that house issues are mostly resolved so not stressed over that anymore. My family/money altar is going strong and love the special water I made for blessing and purifying my altar and bedroom. Its been working amazingly and feels way more connecting to me then my old one so think this one will be my new go to. I just added some moon water, alcohol, blessed salt and patchouli oil to a mini green spray bottle, its been doing wonders.

anyway this is all i have for my first update back to the forum think im going do this every month at least once so I can monitor my pathwork and have something to look back on and show off some workings i do off an on.

blessed be,
baby bear

Re: The Baby Bear of Books

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:50 pm
by Firebird
Soooooooooo good to see you m'Lady!
It has been awhile. ::coolglasses:: we'll be seeing you then, this is great! And welcome bb nephew! :fairy:
Many blessings, Firebird

Re: The Baby Bear of Books

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:19 am
by BabyBear
Lol yep yep I'm back and kicking lol well I'm sick at the moment, caught something while was a the hospital for my nephew's surgery and been sick since Thursday night >< but I'm getting there. I even set up my altar again and such cause it's been this tiny makeshift one for a little while now.
What you been up to m'lady?

Blessed be
baby bear :D