The Elements - What Are They To You?

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Post by Elem »

Thanks for your response, T. Guy.
Hello Elem, I think creating your own interpretation of the world around you seems like a daunting task.
It is a daunting task, but be aware that I'm simply seeking to interpret it in this way for my own peace of mind. My scientifically-oriented brain simply couldn't cope with the new beliefs, realisations and experiences I'd had.. Which lead to me abandoning my study and practice for some time. However, when I was more educated, I sought to reconcile this by trying to please the scientist in me :).

By no means am I intending to literally do scientific studies, research and complex mathematics in order to justify it to myself.. I'm simply seeking answers in essentially 'basic' scientific terms (i.e. without all the maths *shudders* Just looking at the maths involved in Quantum physics gives me nightmares..).

You might enjoy studying the science of light and electromagnetic energy in general as well as some basic chemistry/quantum-mechanics to help you flesh out your theories.
I already do :). I studied separate sciences at high school, obtaining high grades in all three, then went on to study Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology at A-Level in college - Again, obtaining good grades for the work I did.

I also did a stint at University studying on a Physics Masters.. But simply couldn't cope with the Maths and found myself unhappy on the course. Even so, I'm subscribed to New Scientist ('sad and geeky', I know :)), and read it every week to get my dosage of new scientific theories. Of course, I also have the wonderful Internet to help me out too if I need it ;).

As I've said in previous posts, I should perhaps rethink the name I've given to my path. I refer to the energies I use as 'The Elements' - Using this term to give name to different parts of one unified energy. I don't use it in the traditional sense, and should perhaps change what I call the energy I work with to save this confusion in the future.

For now, though, I use it simply for my own convenience.. Sorry if it causes confusion :).

As for Elemental realms and spirits, I'm not sure. I don't personally believe there are other 'realms' inhabited by 'astral' or 'non-physical creatures'. To me, these creatures are simply constructs of our own mind - Our mind's way of teaching, warning or punishing us, if you will..


Enough rambling for one day :).

Thanks for the post!

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Joined: Fri May 12, 2006 5:48 pm
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Post by naudica »

I see the elements as Fire, Wind, Water and Earth. But not just as a phyiscal thing. To me they are a source of power, a thing you can draw upon for aid or help. But not phyiscal, but mental. They represent everthing in a way. You can always divide an object in to a group. Like glass, it could be wind or water. Almost everyone has a favorite element to describe themselves, if you haven't you probably could. I'm obviously a water person.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
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