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Heres What I Think

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:09 am
by Zeus
If you are proud of Paganism, and the fact that you actively practice witchcraft, then go for it. Tell your parents. If you arent proud of what you do or you feel ashamed - DONT BE! Paganism is a religion that (to me) makes a hell of a lot more sense than christianity.

Break it to them gently though - Dont just say "I practise magic" take time to explain Paganism and Wicca to them, tell them that it is not black magic, and spells to harm people's physical being are forbidden or may not work. ;)

Good Luck!

Zeus AKA Joel


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:30 am
by Scarlett Manson
I know I havent been on for mom finally figured out...she freaked out and almost burned my bass guitar and my I practice at night. Things aren't really improving,but I'm learning more by the passing of each day. I am strong in my beliefs and I wont give them up because my mother tells me to. She cant see that I'm my own person. I dont know what to do...

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:14 pm
by blackcat
I just told my dad the other day and he was suprisingly okay with it but he is still making me go to church and nothing seems to have changed :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:48 pm
by crystalwinters
My mother is a Christian and my father is a Catholic, but neither of the religions really suit me so that's why I'm now a Pagan. Just two weeks ago I started practicing witchcraft and I want to tell my parents that my beliefs are different from theirs, but at the same time I don't want to. I guess I'm just afraid how they will react towards me, especially if it will concern them beating my newly found Paganism out of me.

Just the other day my mom found my pentacle and asked me what I was doing with it, so I played dumb and just said that I found it. She then told me to get rid of it because it's a sign of evil, of worshiping Satan. I am so confused as to what to do...

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:40 pm
by EalainCoill
So far, I've not told my parents. My mother may or may not have found my stash of crystals and my book on stone magick. If she did, she didn't say anything about it. She's very religious, and, despite being accepting of most religions (Mormonism being one exception), I doubt she'd take kindly to me choosing such an unorthodox path as that of a pagan-leaning ecclectic. My dad would think I was being silly. My sister would think me to have lost it.
I don't see anything good coming out of telling my parents. So I won't, until it feels right. That may never happen. I don't know.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:37 am
by purplesummer
I was able to tell my dad about my faith. He honestly does not care. I could tell him I am going to become a Satan worshiper and he would not care. Mom on the other hand got mad that I ate meat on Ash Wednesday. I am not Christian, I don't follow the Christian rules or whatever. So my mom will probably not find out I am a pagan.

Honestly, if your parents can handle the truth, tell them. If not, it is best to leave them in the dark. Sometimes it is better.