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Re: Crows

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 4:30 am
by barker
Bonita wrote:I also believe all the animals and birds hear our dogs and cats are very in tune with me too, like I ll wonder where one of them is and within seconds they come looking for me ...even the trees in my backyard I swear they know me well, my one tree friend answers my thoughts with subtle movement of the leaves when there isn't even a breeze in sight and just knowing makes me giggle in delight
Everything natural hears the universe with you. Trees, birds, pets, human others... if you want.

Re: Crows

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 5:05 am
by L.J.Hex
I went fro another smoke and called the crows. One came and walked right in front of me with no sign of being afraid. After a while several more gathered to sit on the treetop and a big pretty magpie flew over squawking its call and sat down on the closest tree. They are all over me today. So nice.

Re: Crows

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 7:48 am
by HopefulChild
My wife and I see crows every time we are traveling with our little girls. It took about a year before we realized the crows are not really traveling with us, as much as they are traveling with our little girls.

When we got to take a little road trip without our daughters, no crows. But there was a Hawk.

The girls call them Bird-Bros. "Hey Bird Bro, glad you could make it, sorry I don't have any snacks". SO cute.

Re: Crows

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:28 am
by SnowCat
That's interesting that the crows seem attracted to the girls. I had a murder if crows nesting across the street for a few years. They fussed at me every time I set foot outside the house.

Re: Crows

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 12:17 pm
by SapphireRoad
I see a yet another sign that reaffirms how much you're aligned with crows:

Re: Crows

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:20 pm
by HopefulChild
OH Wow that matches up to another topic started by someone about seeing 333 over and over recently.

Re: Crows

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:35 am
by L.J.Hex
Interesting observation about crows this weekend... They seem to be around every time I go outside alone. When I went with my bandmates, there's none or just one sitting on a tree bit further away. And I have kept seeing this big magpie flying around many times. Today when going to rehearse, the big crow sat on a tree watching us. Then later when planning to go back home, one flew over towards the direction of my apartment.

And I come back only to find out that my lovely dog had eaten my brand spanking new set of fish bones meant for making charms. He ate them all, every single one of them. So much a thank you for me forgetting to close the bedroom door when leaving.

Re: Crows

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 5:10 pm
by Firebird
oops, bad dog :o

so, I too have been hearing crows all day squawking outside. I think they are saying go for the Aspecting :flyingwitch:

bb, FF

Re: Crows

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:03 pm
by Bonita
LJ, awesome!! you too are connected to the crow community...the fact they disappear with your band mates who may not be as receptive to their energy

Re: Crows

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:25 am
by L.J.Hex
Bonita wrote:LJ, awesome!! you too are connected to the crow community...the fact they disappear with your band mates who may not be as receptive to their energy
Yea, Either all gone or a single one sitting bit further away. When I went outside myself, they flew very close and sat on the tree just above and so on. :D I'm heading to the forest today, remains to be seen if they will be around this time.

Re: Crows

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:23 am
by L.J.Hex
Either this is heightened awareness, or the crows are really starting to like me.

I just went out for a smoke and to my surprise I got a note for my altar cloth arriving... Then four crows (I think the same ones which I've been seeing lately.) flew over making a huge racket right above me, two then sat down on the closest treetop which they have taken as their place. When I came back in I had a message from a dear friend of mine.

So much "coincidence" with crows lately. I like it. :)

Re: Crows

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 10:07 am
by Bonita
Lovely! Heightened awareness for sure
Your crow friends must be so happy you know them now ...they have a human friend :)

Re: Crows

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 10:15 am
by L.J.Hex
Bonita wrote:Lovely! Heightened awareness for sure
Your crow friends must be so happy you know them now ...they have a human friend :)
I wish they will stick around all winter. These guys are clearly the old ones who like to stay instead of flying south. I have taken note that most of the ones who stay over winter are quite big and old.(=strong enough to survive, winter can get really harsh here some times.)

They didn't use to sit so often in that huge birch tree just outside my door, but now they have stopped there several times. I wish it will become their routine. Too bad I don't have fish entrails to feed them with. They love a decent fishy dinner. ;)

Re: Crows

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:57 am
by L.J.Hex
I'm at out summerhouse, heard the crows today on the other side of the lake. Lot of calls but they didn't want to fly closer. I'm hoping to see them in coming days.

Re: Crows

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 10:15 pm
by Bonita
Driving home the other day a I saw 5 of them yelling at hawk chasing him right out of the neighbourhood. A few days prior to that incident I had my tiny dog out and was day dreaming not focused on her when I heard crow cry out from a distance ...I looked up to see if I could spot crow and saw hawk circling above instead....I thanked my friend, crow and grabbed my lil one