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Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:32 pm
by luckimmortal
weed... ah, my true love. first I will say that its not a drug, its a plant with drugs in it, just like the sun, the sun is a star, but its chemicals alter how we think and feel there for it is a drug.

second ill say weed and magick go together like love and marraige..a horse an carriage. this i tell
i know alot of people disagree but weed has made my magic better (focus etc) and magick has made my highs better
3rd. anyone that thinks weed harms your body, tell that to the grannies that are members of MEDICAL mj clubs, people dying of aids that can now have an appetite..


Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:45 pm
by AutumnMaidens
Here in the Netherlands Marijuana is kind of legal, so much that it is not a gateway drug anymore because you are allowed to grow small quantities yourself and buy them from special stores. The fact that it is legal actually takes the thrill of using the drug away from alot of teenagers. My aunt who is almost in constant pain used pot once and nobody had ever seen her so happy, she stopped using it because of all the negative advertising and now seeing her smile and not be grumpy or tired or sick is rare.

My brother grew his own plant to make sure that the soil was good, there were no chemicals used and he smoked it through a pipe so he wouldn't need to add tabaco which holds a lot more nasty things. He uses it every once in a while and we once used it together but I used to have astma and grew over it and my fear of hurting my lungs in any way made me not enjoy smoking it at all so I don't.
Sorry if this came over as a campagne for soft drugs but it really isn't. I don't even concider pot a drug anymore instead I call it a hallucigenic herb.


Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:19 pm
by luckimmortal
. He uses it every once in a while and we once used it together but I used to have astma and grew over it and my fear of hurting my lungs in any way made me not enjoy smoking it at all so I don't.
Sorry if this came over as a campagne for soft drugs but it really isn't. I don't even concider pot a drug anymore instead I call it a hallucigenic herb.

try a vaporizer? thats what alot of med patients use any way..vaporizers are very popular and heats the cannabis but doesnt burn it, not only do you get more thc /cbd and other cannabinoids out of the "smoke". but becasue it doesnt burn it u can re use it for cooking, .. it only releases vapor, but not smoke. you cant even tell your inhaling anything at all when you use a vaporizers. very easy on the lungs and produces little to no carcinogens (tar). :mrgreen: :wave:

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:30 pm
by AutumnMaidens
Oh I'll deffinatly have a look into that, that sounds lovely. I usually sit around and second hand smoke it, because that's what happens anyway, but that sounds like an excellent idea.

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:48 pm
by luckimmortal
im a magick weed fairy lol ... risers.cfm"volcanoes" are kind of classic, the bigger ones can be a bit expenisive but you can share with more people, smaller ones are less expensive and just as good.

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:21 pm
by canobiecrazy
My first experience went well, and I now use Marijuana in place of my old medications for depression and insomnia, I no longer have to take Prozac or sleeping medications anymore. I have low tolerance, so a one hitter (about 0.1-0.2 grams) is enough to get me cheered up after a long day, or take that edge off when I try to go to sleep. Pot works so much better than my old sleeping meds, I sleep through the night now, and im not drowsy in the morning!

Marijuana is decriminalized in my state, but we still dont have Medical Marijuana, its kind of sad.

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:50 pm
by luckimmortal
thats great to hear, glad all is well,

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:09 pm
by Adder
I'd legalize possession but not sale, so if anyone wants it then they have to grow it. Meaning only seeds are legal to sell. I also wouldn't smoke too much of anything since the lungs work better with clean air and not air full of particles. Everything is toxic in the wrong quantities. I agree at the moment it is a gateway drug insofar that it keeps a dealer network sustained which usually eases access to harder drugs. That mice study about THC being good for the lungs said it injected the THC, and did not smoke it, so its applicability sounds limited to the chemical action as described and not the smoking of it... but wow, imagine injecting THC!!!! Not that I advocate injecting anything without medical training.

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:20 pm
by Dealande
I have found it to help open the path and have had very spiritual experiences. I will block myself out of fear of reaching over to the otherside, when I smoke it breaks that wall and I can free myself to experience what is beyond that wall.

I can get there without it, it just takes a lot more work and energy.

I have also found it helps with my painting and art work. It just flows from the paint brush, so easily.

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:28 pm
by Victoria Mnemosyne
I've only done marijuana (which I use often to be honest) and salvia (a few times). My salvia story is on here somewhere, and it was an incredibly transcendent experience. When I smoke marijuana, I feel that it enhances my psychic ability. Maybe because I'm less likely to disregard things my mind picks up on? But that definitely requires my state of mind to be already mystical. If I'm hanging out with friends and being silly, I'll just get really giggly and eat a lot of doritos =P

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:42 pm
by aussietom
when i was younger i used to smoke alot! without doubt every day! i was a stoner and some would say i still am just on and off! the last 9 months (i record my personal changes) i have been smoking again after a long break, only at night.

i find weed to be natural and like some people have pointed out, could be seen as made/built/manifest for us humans because of certain receptors!

first of all, with the anti view... please understand alot of information fed to you is poorly researched or purely not true! if you want real answers, you have to look for them yourself (most of the time) and question it, once found!

coming from someone that smokes alot, i would have to say, weed does do negative things to you if you percept it that way! as in, lack of motivation in things you dont want to do or not part of your Will! stimulates a very introverted state compared to a loud, distracted extroverted state! i can see those points both negative and positive like most things! and there are many more points!

i have never had a scary moment with weed or any other drug! i enjoyed lsd because everything made sense when i asked a question! if anything close to scary it would have to be my experiements with dmt! it only lasts a short time unless you have certain receptor blockers in your system! though i have a thought/theory that dmt is some sort of passage to the natural world!

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:17 am
by seawitch Artist
I used to smoke it quite a lot, as a sailor especially. In some parts of Africa it's cheaper than tobacco, the way things are going it could end up true here too! :mrgreen:
I used to use it for meditation and that's where it was close to the spiritual. I havn't used it in ages though because it makes me very anxious, it's not the same anymore, all these intensified strains spoiled it. Some are so strong they might as well be class A if I'm to be asked.
I might, just might try Moroccan herbal to smoke with the Mint tea they all drink over there and meditate on a cliffs edge looking across to Gibraltar, that gentle high the Hippies enjoyed with the sea and wind in my ears was what it was al about for me, not no more though.

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:45 pm
by Jericho
I smoke weed but not every day and every week. I smoke when it's available with my friends; then I pitch in the money so we can share. I've smoked about 5 to 8 times, I forget.

Even with all the amazing experiences drugs can create, I just stick with weed. I've never tried any other illegal drug but weed. When I'm high, I feel like I'm in a celestial state of peace and total power. My voice becomes unrecognizable by my brain; the pitch is higher and my laugh is consistent. Everything becomes clear to me. It's like the veil that always clouded the truth from me in reality is blown away, revealing a more vibrant atmosphere. The joy of my friends around me is soothing as I cloak myself with their warm aura. I feel like myself; I feel like I am free from the shackles of reality and despair and sadness and anger, like they have all disappeared and all that remained on Earth was peace and love for everyone to share. And my goddess, when I sing. I sound like an angel. I'm sure people here who have gotten high and sang their heart out heard their voice and felt like they just heard an angel sing.

I have gotten an uncontrollable body twitch attack when very high. But that was because I forgot to cover the little hole on the bong when I was inhaling. I think that was the problem. Anyway, it didn't hurt, but my friends freaked out. Meh.

The thing is, that when I get high, I have this little bit of consciousness inside me that takes care of me. Even when my mind is blowing with images and racing like a cheetah, that little sober me is watching over me, that I don't mess up. It's a weird feeling you get. It's like you're totally conscious and aware that you're high, but you can't stop the behaviour the weed initiates into you, and the behaviour you release from that. And that is the key: the consciousness inside of you. That little thing will take care of you, and you mustn't let the weed take you over completely. It can govern your mind and body but not your soul. The soul keeps you safe, keeps you alive. It's a matter of responsibility, awareness, and thinking of the consequences of weed before you smoke.

I sound like I'm making no sense because I tend to preach like that. -.- Excuse me. D;

I understand the cons of weed. That's why I only do weed, and only do it rarely, when I'm really stressed out.

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:26 pm
by FireRose
I had smoked weed for the first time when I was 18. I was out with some buddies in the woods, and it was amazing. I felt this amazing euphoria, and I felt from that time on when I did smoke, that I understood every spiritual truth, and I understood how the universe worked and I felt that everything was okay. I also felt that I knew everything that was going to happen had already happened, and I was annoyed at first, but as I got used to it, I steadily began to predict when things would happen. For instance, I was at a friends' house of mine and I looked up and said, "Someone's coming. Lock the door." (that last bit was, of course, a side of effect known as paranoia >.>) So, she did, and not 20 minutes later, someone knocks on the door and it turns out to be a friend of hers bringing a christmas present.

So anyways, I honestly think that the weed experience is what you give it. Since then, two years, three years ago, I've had a lot of anxiety around weed. It doesn't do the same for me like it did in the beginning. Sure, maybe every now and then i'll feel relaxed if I'm with good company, but most of the time it's uncomfortable. Honestly, i think it's because I smoked salvia once, and it was really horrible. it was an actual visual trip, with holographic, geometrical images, and I just felt like I'd lost my mind. *shudders*
Just do what feels right :)

OH--and one last thing: DON'T DO THE "LEGAL" SMOKE. It's really bad for you. Seriously...

Re: Marijuana

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:03 am
by greenvixen
MARIJUANA is a simple example that mother earth loves us and want us to be happy...