Daily AstroLunar Forecast

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The curious Gemini Moon puts us in the mood to communicate. Today's best bet is to communicate with your higher spiritual self, as there is an opportunistic sextile between the Moon and Uranus, which opens the lines of communication between our higher selves and our ego self. There is also a sextile between the Sun and Moon today, this is a waning sextile that opens us the opportunity to reformulate the way we react and respond to life and to follow our hearts desires instead of what is 'expected' of us. As grand as it sounds this can be a scary proposition, especially within relationships. We often make concessions just to keep the peace, it is time to let go of that and be more authentic.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook


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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Moon in sensitive Cancer makes flowing trine to Neptune in Pisces. This waxing self-expressive trine stimulates our creativity. When the Moon is in Cancer we are all very aware of our feelings. This trine can help us to find a voice for our feelings. Journaling, writing poetry, playing music, or a quiet walk along the shore can help us to access the healing this day can offer. Be gentle with yourself.

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Thursday,August 21, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Moon in sensitive Cancer is challenged today we are faced with forces beyond our control as we attempt to free ourselves from the past. Venus, the planet of love, both the love of self and others is challenged by Pluto. We are required to make emotional adjustments around our relationships. Jealousy, compulsion and obsession are real possibility today, so guard against that. If there is a silver lining to this day, it's that we can understand mentally how and why we are these energies are in our lives. Getting down to the core of it for most is a matter of just not loving the self enough and/or trusting that spirit has your back.

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Moon shifts into Leo today, sparking our creative juices. Today the Sun is in the last degree of Leo, it's ruling sign. The Sun in Leo is generally a fun time, which many of us experienced.Yet as we look around at the world, we also bore witness the shadow side of Leo, domination, self righteousness and childish behavior. Leo rules the heart and the dichotomy between an open heart and a closed one is very evident in the outside world. It's time to choose differently and make this world an expression of love & life.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Moon continues it's journey through Leo. The Sun moves into Virgo today. Virgo brings our attention to those things that need work, need to adjusted so that things will be fair and equitable. And looking out at the world there is certainly enough fodder for Virgo's grist mill. Mars the planet of action makes an irritating inconjunct to Uranus in Aries, Mars is aggressive and Uranus is explosive, so walking on egg shells is not a bad idea today. Try not to piss anyone off, as they will not be reasonable. Avoiding trouble is a better way to go, because there is trouble aplenty. Stay safe and be kind to one another.

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Moon in Leo always adds a touch of drama to the day, not that we need anymore drama after yesterday's Mars irritating aspect to Uranus. Today it is Mercury in Virgo's turn to be irritated as it makes an inconjunct to Uranus. We are challenged to become uniquely who we are despite a sense of inferiority and/ or fear that we will no longer be wanted. This makes for an uncomfortable day, where dissatisfaction, the cause of which we can't put a finger on, is the primary sensibility.Whether you are in part of the world were fighting for your rights occurs amid bombs bursting in air or not,the old guard fights hard to keep their power.Yet rest assured, their days are numbered.

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New Moon in Virgo: Doing what is Necessary- V. Scerbo

Post by Silus7 »

On Monday, August 25th there is a New Moon in Virgo. New Moons are always times of planting seeds for a new cycle of manifestation. In Virgo we are planting the seeds of discernment. As an archetype Virgo is the energy of making adjustments in a step by step manner to make things more perfect. There is a detail orientation in Virgo unmatched in the Zodiac. This New Moon comes at a time when we are witness to the breaking down of the old guard and an emergence of a new paradigm.

Virgo’s goal is to make things work more efficiently. No matter what the job, Virgo comes in with it’s checklists and informational manuals and gets to work on making it better. So this is a wonderful New Moon to start a new health regiment, begin to clean out your closets, whether metaphorical or actual and start making your life work better for you.

The Chart for this New Moon is quite potent. The Sabian Symbol for 3 degrees of Virgo is “Two Guardian Angels” , Invisible help and protection in times of crisis. A comforting symbol at a time when the old paradigm in breaking down and the new paradigm is being formulated as we go.

As we look around, Nations, leaders, and certain groups are acting in the same ‘old’ way, power over, victim/victimizer, destruction of the nature environment in the name of sovereignty and dominion. The folly of this is almost laughable, if it wasn’t so tragic. There seems to be no corner of the world untouched by violence, upheaval and strife. So what’s the answer? This New Moon has some suggestions.

In the chart of the New Moon is a Yod or Finger of God configuration. This interaction between 3 or more planets creates the necessity to make adjustments. The planets involved are Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Uranus. Uranus in Aries, as the focal point of the yod, asks the question how can we become who we are uniquely meant to be. Aries requires ultimate freedom in order to function, yet Aries energy unchecked can create a very destructive atmosphere as everyone feels as if their way, is the right way.

Saturn and Mars are within arc minutes of their biennial conjunction, yet their relationship in this New Moon chart to each other is a balsamic one. Balsamic conjunctions ask us to let go, forgive and come to understand that we are all one. Asking Mars & Saturn, the planet of war & the planet of authority in the sign of death (Scorpio) to let go and forgive, may seem like magical thinking, yet it is exactly what we need in order to give each other the space and freedom to become our true selves.

Mercury in Virgo makes an opportunistic sextile to Mars and Saturn. This kind of sextile gives us the opportunity to reformulate our ideologies to create a more progressive equitable future. Mercury in Virgo is more than happy to work out the details of this! This does take some adjusting on both the part of Mercury, the mind, and Uranus, that drive to be free. So what mental constructs need to be released in order to make freedom for all a workable solution?

We are indeed in a time of crisis. Crisis brings into focus what is truly important. When we are in crisis we must function in the present moment , unconcerned with the past or the future. Yet it is within the present moment that we co-create our reality and determine our future. It’s time to truly figure out how to move forward in this time of great change. It will take time, patience, organization & discernment. So this Virgo New Moon is the perfect time to get started.

Dr. Victoria Scerbo at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook


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Monday, August 25, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

Today is the New Moon in Virgo. We are planting the seeds of discernment. As the old paradigm breaks down it becomes more and more evident that the old ways of doing things is futile. But what to replace it with? This New Moon gives us clues, requiring us to make adjustments in our thoughts and emotions, to reformulate the way we think and act into a new way were each of us gets to share our uniqueness without judgment. We are all in this together, It's time to remember that what unites us is greater than what divides us.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Moon moves through Virgo today and we are all in the mood to put our nose to the grindstone and start making the adjustments necessary for our lives to work better for us. A square between Venus and Saturn, while no fun, can give us a valuable perspective concerning our values and how they line up with current cultural values. What needs to be let go can be as we move toward a more individuated way of living. Relationships based on societal expectations can also crumble. Life is too short not to follow your heart, despite what others say to you.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Moon spends half the day in Virgo before it shifts into relationship orientated Libra. Libra values peace, yet today peace is at a premium as Venus makes a last quarter square to Mars. The two planets that symbolize the Female (Venus) and Male (Mars) energy within us all is in a crisis producing aspect. This can be felt internally, seen externally, or both. We have come to a point were we are questioning our expectations around relationship, and the expectations of society. We are becoming authorities in what is best for us as individuals and in turn, what works best for the world at large. This is an internal process that externalizes itself in the greater world. The truer you can be to yourself, the more peace you will experience and in turn, the world becomes a more peaceful place.

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Libra Moon favors diplomacy, and we may find ourselves deep in process of coming to some fair and equitable understanding with others today. Creativity is favored as the lines of communication are open, yet we can find ourselves up against the power structure of the old guard. This is not the death knell to negotiations however. Persistence will pay off, the Virgo Sun reminds us that if at first you don't succeed. Do it again and again and again and progress will be made!

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Libra Moon has a very early opposition to Uranus, expect erratic dreams, if you can sleep at all. The Sun in Virgo makes an opposition to Neptune in Pisces. Oppositions are times of awareness and within the Virgo/Pisces Axis we are dealing with the necessity of healing. We become aware of what needs to be forgiven, healed, attended to and processed. This awareness hearkens back to this past February 23rd when the Sun conjoined Neptune starting a new cycle of illumination around the need for healing. From now until the next conjunction of Neptune and the Sun (Feb 26, 2015) we will be integrating our healing journey into the collective. As we heal as individuals the world heals and it's very evident looking around just how much work is ahead of us!

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Moon slips into deep, dark Scorpio. When the Moon is in Scorpio we tend to keep our emotions close to the vest, no wanting to show our hand, lest someone takes advantage of us. Trust is something that needs to be earned so if there is anyone in your life that is truly trustworthy you can come to a deeper understanding of yourself and your issues by talking to them. A good day for a little tea and sympathy. Scorpio can also bring out the stinger so try to avoid probing into places others don't want you to be, otherwise you may feel the sting, and that's never pleasant!

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook


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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

The Scorpio Moon makes a number of contacts today. We can delve into the waters of our psyche and come to terms with our need for personal power; the struggle between moving in a new direction, while attempting to release things we are attached to; the reality of the situations we find ourselves in; and the need to move forward despite or because of them. A very internal day for people. And a time to look over the last 8 months and come to understand what we have learned and where we need to go next.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook


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Monday, September 1, 2014

Post by Silus7 »

After 2 & 1/2 days of deep, transformational energy The Moon shifts into Sagittarius and the heaviness of the last few days lifts. Sagittarius gives us perspective and helps us to understand the value of the uncovered pain we unearthed while the Moon was in Scorpio. It is the recognition and understanding of those deep feelings that become the philosophy we choose to live our life by. If left in the depths, then we are controlled by forces we don't understand, yet when brought to the light , become the wings with which we rise.

AstroLunar Forecasts by Dr. Vicki at The Seeds of Transformation. Follow her on Facebook


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