Empaths and Animals/Direct use of empath skill

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Empaths and Animals/Direct use of empath skill

Post by Chaosdiablo »

Hi there!

I am curious to know whether others have had this same sort of experience. As I've become more in touch with my emapthic abilities, I've noticed that it extends to animals. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, I would love to hear how you focused your ability, so to speak.

Any tips on connecting more strongly with a being, human, animal, or spiritual, would be much appreciated. I am looking to "focus" my ability on one being.

As a final note, shouldn't empathic skils facilitate the communicating process between two beings?

Thanks very much for your time and input,

Post by ashliew »

I know it is possible but I havent had that type of experience myself
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Post by Release.the.bats »

I'd say it would be easier for you to develop a method of telepathic-esque communication if you had an empathic bond.
But it wouldn't really constitute, alone, as communication. Your not speaking, your feeling.
However, animals speak using sounds and body language most of the time.

Post by Mairte »

Well, I have had a similiar sort of thing happen a couple of times when I could FEEL a pets pain. Not sure if that is exactly what you were thinking though.
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Post by One Walker »

I have a slightly different viewpoint-and no disrespect whatsoever intended toward you at all Bats because I may be wrong-and that is body language and talk is the physical manifestation of a thought or feeling already present in the mind. If that is true then Empathy would simply be a means of directly accessing those thoughts and feelings without benefit of physical manifestation. Would that not constitute communication?

Communication doesn't have to be a two-way street. You can communicate a thought or feeling but it is totally up to the recipient to respond to it; acknowledge it; act on it; or even receive it. Regardless of the recipient's reactions the act of communication has still taken place and the information is still out there.

If that is the case, I would say a good way to improve you connection with this type of communication is simply to open yourself up more to that method and make sure the projector knows you have received that communication. If the projector becomes aware that you are receiving it they should become more open and comfortable with conversing in that fashion.

Of course I may be totally wrong but these are just my thoughts.

One Walker. :D
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Post by Imalorki »

My cat only chooses to respond some of the time...he's more of the reciever.

I guess the only way to strengthen the bond is to practice practice practice.

and yeah...feeling your friends(I refuse to say pet) pain is helpful when normally you don't know what is wrong.

Where I live...I cry on wood patrol when we have to cut up wood for a fire place...I feel their pain, their emotions when there relatives are chopped up. We only go for the dead ones but it is still painful. so I generally try to escape the duty and do something less harmful
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Hi Chaosdiablo! :28:

I totally understand what you're referencing here- and both Release the Bats and One Walker are correct. The manner in which an animal "understands" is similar to the way a human does, in my opinion. Some humans are more "tuned-in" and can perceive things and see things others can't... some are the 'only what's right in front of my face' types, both of which are totally fine.

Animals learn communication similarly to a child learning to speak and understand language; the first, most basic aspect of vocal conversation is picked up. The inflection first, then recognizable sound patterns. When I talk to my Maggie dog and she hears the "k" sound after I've put on my jeans, that means we're going for a walk. If she hears it again and I've had a shower, put on my makeup and have my high heels on, that means I'm going to work and won't be home for several hours. Same "k" sound, but different associations. Pavlov demonstrated this with his ringing bell-- an action so simple; repeated, caused a learned response in the dog. Bell=food.

That said, there are many humans and animals that are able to comprehend things on a vaster level than just via sound/inflection/pattern. I'm not exactly sure where this communicative ability comes from, but it's there. We humans generally refer to it as a "bond"... but no matter what it is, it's totally awesome to have and definitely something worth trying to perfect.

I would say based upon your comments, that you do have empathic ability yourself, and you also have a connection to the animals that are looking for a vessel to communicate with. I believe animals can "sense" who can understand them and in what ways, (I believe we humans can do the same thing, but I think 90% of the time it's totally unintentional with us)- and I think that ability in and of itself is how many of us end up selecting a pet (or their selecting us), who ends up working as our familiar.

On a psychological level, animals communicate through visuals and smells. Whenever Maggie is thinking of me, I smell her scent very strongly. I also feel her emotion at that moment and know if she's just saying hello or if she needs me to get home to her right away. (Only had the latter happen once, but when it did, I knew it.)
I'm not sure how she perceives me when I'm thinking of her, but I know she does. I've tried many times to send visuals to other animals and have observed that some hear me and some don't. In this way, animals are just like people- some are able to accept these ideas and some are unable/vehemently opposed to the idea of their being any "link" to animals, humans, or the spirit realms. To each their own- if that human or animal is supposed to get to a point where they can acknowledge one another on a deeper level, they will-- in their own time. :28:

...So far as working on your own ability, Chaosdiablo, I'd suggest you start by intentionally trying to send some visuals to an animal. Bear in mind that not all animals can receive, so keep working on it till you succeed. Once you can send, try sitting quietly somewhere and thinking of an animal that's close to you. Allow all your senses to be completely open and see what comes. After a while, there won't need to be any sitting quietly or concentrating to have these things happen, they just will. Baby steps first though. :wink:

Bright Blessings to you! Keep us posted along your journey, if you would. Feel free to post in the animals/pets forum section as well- this sort of stuff would fit very well there. :28:

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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

well I've had a few cats in my life and each of them I was able to somehow 'connect' with them for lack of a better word. It was only a mild form of communication though such as I would think to them (sounds funny when I say that) Mittens, come to me. and they would come bounding up to me. Dogs I haven't been very succesful with though.
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Post by Imalorki »

Dogs are less perceptive. Cats are as close to psychics as anything. Hence why witches like to use them(not meaning sterotypes). but they are ornery creatures.

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