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What's a spell I can do? =P

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:00 am
by Azura
What's a spell that I can do... I'm a beginner... What's something easy... Do I have to use candles?.. What if I can't use candles?.....


Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:40 am
by Witch13
you should start learning things first before casting spells, try learning color magic, phases of the moon etc etc
your first time to cast a spell will come to you naturally dont force it!!
but since you asked i think you can charm a bracelet for good luck (lucky charm). find symbols of good luck, the colors for good luck, which gemstone is suitable, deities associated with good fortune .. have fun in the process.
being a witch is to find magic all around you.

i hope i was of some help to you, also i hope i wasnt harsh on you!! i only gave a little glipse of what i thing the rest is up to you of course :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:30 am
by Azura
Ok, thanks for ur answer Witch 13 =]. .... I want to get to doing spells, but I know I have to learn more first. I found this online witch lesson thing which is compiled of things to read, in the order in which its probably best to learn them, and its great for beginners to become acquainted with the basic knowledge that one should know to become a witch and such... Alright,.. I have to be patient and take it step by step...


Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:56 am
by Witch13
thats the spirit, and anything i can do to help you i am here pm me ;)

Re: What's a spell I can do? =P

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:16 am
by SpiritTalker
Old post

Spells to start with

Most importantly you should know what you wish to accomplish & what your energy is expected to do - attract, banish, hold in place. The goal determines the make up of a spell.

Re: no live-flame candles allowed - in magic a symbol is as real as the thing itself. Substitute LED, battery candles. A battery makes electricity which is the Fire element and the visual symbolism is obvious. Anoint & charge a petition instead of the 🕯 . Dab the petition paper with five spots of plain olive oil to represent the elements :-: & hold the psychic charge; then magnetize the paper with your intent by pulling power on the breath to the gut, think of the goal and push intent into the spell 👏🏽 . Then place the paper under the LED candle; set the timer & when it times out the spell is done. Shred & discard the paper to free the power. Reuse the LED candle again & again.

Or choose another simple spell method below. If you use scented oils, incense & kitchen herbs - use sweet scent for love, citrusy to cleanse, forest for wellness and spicy for protection. Use stones you find that have unique markings⚡️or shapes🌛💛. Write your own short incantations or “Earth, water, air, fire; work ye now as I desire. x I now acquire by earth, water, air, fire.”

Spell methods
. Lucky Sachet - fill a pouch with herbs scented to support the goal & a stone; & 🙌🏽; charge it all with intent; carry or place under your pillow at night
. Witches Bottle - add rusty nails, bent pins, salt, tangled thread, tin foil confetti and vinegar; charge 🙌🏽 to deflect harm; bury at the most-used entrance of home
. Candle - dress a small candle with oil to hold the psychic charge, 🙌🏽 set intent; let 🕯 burn completely out; discard leftovers in the trash.
. Chanting - repeat rhymed intent aloud while swaying your body to aid light trance to effect conditions.
. Cord/9-knot - chant as you tie 1 knot in twine per line of the rhyme -”By knot 1 the spell’s begun, by knot 2 it comes true, by knot 3 so it shall be, by knot 4 power is stored, by knot 5 the spell’s alive, by knot 6 the spell is fixed, by knot 7 it is given, by knot 8 it is fate, by knot nine X is mine.” Later undo the knots to free their power & discard the twine.
. Petition - write a goal on a small square of paper📝. Turn the paper 1/4 turn & overwrite the goal with the recipient’s name or initials, turn the paper again 1/4 turn & overwrite all with your signature. What is over dominates what is under. Add petitions to any other spell. Shred & discard.
. Sigil - write the goal, cross out vowels & duplicte letters; make an artsy hieroglyph of the remaining letters, draw a circle around it and cut it out. Anoint and charge 🙌🏽 with intent. Shred to release the spell.
. Stone “grid” layouts - lay stones or leaves & flower petals in concentric designs to radiate a goal✳️; 🙌🏽 Charge.
. Stone Stroking - induces light trance for healing. Sit & sway side-to-side while stroking any smooth stone & chant: ”Stone to stone, bone to bone, flesh to flesh, vein to vein, (name) is whole again.” You could sit on a swing or rocking chair, or just swaying your body to. When you fade out mentally you can stop. Rinse stone in flowing water to reset it before another use. Find water smoothed stones on beaches, by streams & in garden & hobby shops. It doesn’t matter what minerals it’s made of, just that it’s comfy to hold & rub.