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Seeing things...not sure if this is the place for discussing

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:07 pm
by Imalorki
I see the number 13 everywhere and in everything...and I have this symbol on my neck made outta mole freckles...and I see it EVERYWHERE...and not coincidence or imagination.

may sound a little random but I am wondering about it.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:00 am
by aradi
I see that your an American

if you were Japanese and saw the number 4 you'd be scared as well

numbers dont matter its the other things that you should be afraid of

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:59 pm
by Imalorki
*distaste at American* I may be of this country but I'm not American...I'm of the Earth. America is a stupid country to me.
and I'm not scared of these things just curious on the reoccurence.

I don't mean to offend people with my opinion of America...but if it bothers them then somethings worng with them

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:39 pm
by Release.the.bats
I'm not offended by your unwillingness to accept the title of an American.
I'm wondering why.
What's your reasoning?
It seems to have grown into a trend to dislike America as an American, just as it did with Bush, Hot topic, etc.
I used to hate America despite being born here, I hated a lot of things when I was younger.
But, the fact is that even if you don't like this country, you cannot change where you were born.
As well, were not the only country with blood on our hands. Who is to say you wouldn't feel equally distasteful if you were born and raised in Russia? Or Brazil? Just because it's not in America dosen't mean everything is that much better or that they don't have their own governmental issues with invading countries, killing people, civil wars, religious wars, greed, hypocrisy etc.
Not trying to berate you with this at all.
I'm just wondering what your specific reasoning is.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:42 pm
by Imalorki
I think the main thing is that Americans think we are so great when in all actuality...aren't. Most countries hate us. Our standards are terrible (there are seniors in my class that would struggle reading See spot run let alone read One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and is just getting worse. Our technology is mediocre. We need to focus on ourselves instead of places thousands of miles away. We have a crud load of despair here that needs to be fixed (I think for the homeless we should sacrifice golf courses because it is an annoying waste of space that tries to kill my windshield). Homeless. Diseases. Too many people. Stupidity. discrimination. ban on gay marriage.
Granted a lot of countries are probably worse. But I'm not living there and haven't seen things personally. I bet if I lived somewhere else I would still distaste it.
And there are things here that I like...but those are less apparent in the midst of the faults.
The one thing that makes me the most furious is that in some areas especially in Arizona they are getting rid of PE and Music programs because they can't fund it anymore. We are the fattest nation, and the least creative. WE NEED THESE PROGRAMS! But no they'd rather support the football teams that can get away with bad grades because of No Child Left Behind and lenient favorists we call teachers. grrrr....

now on topic...aren't we going to discuss the original post? ;p