auras or synesthesia?

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auras or synesthesia?

Post by emmi116 »

all my life i've been able to see auras. my mom explained to me what auras were when i was young so all my life i've been accustomed to seeing colors just about everywhere. only recently have i been seeing colors associated with sounds-mostly music. but not all music though. like the songs on the radio...only some of them do i allow myself to see...because well i drive with the radio on. it helps me relax and focus on the road but if i let all the colors and shaped appear-there would be some problems haha:lol:

i do the same with auras. if there is an aura i don't like the look of or like the feeling i get then i make myself not see it...just because i'm afraid of that energy finding it's way to me because of my sensitivity. i know the deal with synesthesia where in your brain your senses kinda get cross wired....but how come only recently has this been happening (when i say recently i mean more like 6 months) if what i have is truly synesthesia then wouldn't i have been seeing colors and shapes with sounds all my life?

i love my ability to see auras although sometimes it can get when im driving and i'm at a stop sign intersection. if it's not an all way intersection and i have to look at another driver for them to let me go sometimes their aura takes up the entire car and i'm like WHOA!!!! and it startles me. or when i see an animal or just look at a tree.

so do i see auras or are my senses crosswired?
love always,
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Post by Imalorki »

you see auras my is a fine thing though I agree with you that it is distracting...especially when you FEEL them...ugh...hateful auras fill the air so bad I can TASTE it...

I think it was just a development thing when it comes to how it changed. any other occurences?
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Yes, you see auras my dear. I have the ability as well I am able to "turn it off" so to speak BUT when I do want to see an aura I have to focus extremely hard to see it.
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Post by emmi116 »

kitty: it makes sense how it could have changed with development. i had an occurrence today too, i discovered that my dog's aura changed!! we rescued her about 6 months ago and her aura was weak and grey. i was combing her outside today after school and when i combed one spot a little clump of fur flew out and out popped a little spurt of lime green! i was startled and i think i startled her a little bit too, it was quite funny. along the 6 months we've had her i first saw her grey aura but then i kinda turned off the aura button after a while because it was making ME feel depressed and afraid but then i guess the button turned back on because she's lime green now! :D she was running and oh my goodness her streaks were everywhere. it made me happy!

phoenix: my "aura button" is always it's on a default setting or something. i can "turn it off" completely but i feel that doing so drains me a bit so i only turn of little things at a time that i see such as the radio music when im driving or studying

thank you both for clarifying!
love always,
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Post by Imalorki »

anytime sweetie...because when I help people with this...I realize a few things myself...Insight is mean to me :P

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