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Get to know your Familiars...

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:38 pm
by Moon_Stone
Hi guys... this forum is mighty quiet, so I'm going to start posting things here for all to learn. Most of us know our familiars, but there is still much to learn about them. Hopefully this will help.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:09 pm
by willow_witch
i would liek to know/meet mi familar, does anybody know a way i can contact/find out mine?????


The Cat Family

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:37 pm
by Moon_Stone
'The cat was an animal of the Goddess. The cat (especially the black cat), along with the owl, the bat and the wolf, was the animal most commonly associated with witches, beginning from the witch-frenzies of the middle ages. In Scotland, the Mother of Witches was called the Mither o' the Mawkins (cats). It was said that gray blossoms of the pussy willow were sacred to witches because they were the souls of unborn cats. '
Now, on to the types of cats....
*Magickal Attributes of the Domesticated Cat:
A strong protector, especially when faced with a confrontational situation. Knowing when to fight your way out of a bad situation and when to retreat. Independent and self-assured, Searching for hidden information, Seeing spirits.

Domesticated Cats:
'The ancestors of the domesticated cat were probably the African wild cat, Felis chaus, and/or the Kaffir cat, Felis lybica. These two species were tamed and honored by the ancient Egyptians. Through Egyptian influence, domesticated cats were dispersed around the Mediterranean area. Roman legions and settlers took them into Europe and Britain, where they obviously bred with local species.
A cat once common in Britain and other parts of the continent is the European wild cat, Felis silvestris. It looks like a tabby cat in size and general color, but is more powerful and heavily built. It is still considered very savage. No one has managed to tame one. On occasion these cats have cross-bred with the more gentle domestic cats. The European wild cat does not like civilization and today has retreated into the wilds of Scotland, remote areas of Central Europe and on into Asia Minor.
In ancient cultures, the cat was both a solar and lunar animal. It was said to be psychic and could predict coming disasters. People thought it could also affect the weather, hence the expression "raining cats and dogs."
Many deities were connected with some branch of the cat family, Artemis and Diana were both called the Mother of Cats; the Roman goddess Liberty was portrayed with a cat at her feet. Although the followers of Zoroaster believed that cats were familiars of the evil god Ahriman, the Moslems believed the cat was a good creature given by Allah to help humans. The Hindu Goddess Shasti rides a cat, the symbol of prolific fertility and birth.
In Egypt, cats were sacred to Bast and Pasht; this veneration was well established by at least 1570 B.C., and by 950 B.C. was found in all of Egypt. Bast represented the gentler aspect of the cat, while Pasht signified the more aggressive aspect. Egyptians gave the cat the name mau, after the sound it makes. A black cat was especially lucky and was the emblem used by physicians to advertise their services. The temple cats of Bast, upon death, were mummified and buried with great ceremony.
Even cats belonging to common people were mourned upon their deaths- the family shaved their eyebrows. Killing a cat anywhere in Egypt brought the death penalty. The idea of the cat and its nine lives derives from an Egyptian belief that the goddess Pasht had nine lives.
In Celtic traditions, cats were associated with the Underworld powers, the dead and prophecy. Often they were portrayed as evil creatures, but this may have been because the wild cats in Celtic countries were untamed. Irish legends tell of a cat called Little Cat, who was a guardian of treasure. In Whales, Great Cat was a powerful being born of Henwen, an enchanted sow.
In Norse myth, the Goddess Freyja's chariot was pulled by two cats. After the people converted to Christianity, Freja became a witch and her cats became black horses possessed by the devil. This new legend said that after seven years, the cat-horses earned the right to become witches disguised as black cats. This re-write of the Norse Goddess story may be the origin of the unlucky black cat superstition. Those taught to fear the devil would consider black cats to be his evil helpers.
The Chinese said that the cat was a yin animal connected with evil, the night and shape-shifting. They believed that the appearance of a strange cat meant a change in fortune and that a black cat meant sickness and misfortune. In Japan however, the cat was considered to be a positive-powered animal, a creature symbolizing peace and transformation. Cats were popular with Japanese sailors, for they said that the animals had power over the dead and kept away evil spirits that dwelt in the ocean. Although some of their legends tell how the cat was full of trickery and sometimes associated with ghosts, the Japanese still hold the animal in high esteem.'

*In Britain and many places in Europe, a black cat crossing the road or entering your house is considered to be very good fortune.
*In parts of Yorkshore the wives of fisherman keep black cats at home to ensure their husbands' safety at sea.
*In southern England a black cat crossing the path of a bride as she leaves the church is said to grant a fortunate marriage.
*A sneezing cat is said to bring good luck to a bride, as well as being a sign of rain.

Good to know. smileyface More to come... the Cheetah is next.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:40 pm
by Moon_Stone
Yes Willow, I can help with that... unfortunately I can't get to it tonight... but I won't forget and I'll send you that information as soon as I can. :28:

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:59 pm
by willow_witch
thanks Moonstone :D


Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:19 pm
by Fanny
that was really well said ...I loved it , cant wait to read more of it :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:44 pm
by Moon_Stone
Thanks Fanny- I had a little help from my books too though. (Cat names, I have no idea.) :28:
I'm thinking about one post like that a week till I can't think of any more animals.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:54 pm
by Fanny
MoonStone wrote:Thanks Fanny- I had a little help from my books too though. (Cat names, I have no idea.) :28:
I'm thinking about one post like that a week till I can't think of any more animals.
that would be awesome!!!! :) cant wait to read them :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:08 pm
by _Snow_Falcon_
MoonStone wrote:Yes Willow, I can help with that... unfortunately I can't get to it tonight... but I won't forget and I'll send you that information as soon as I can. :28:
Can you send it to me too please? :)

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:11 am
by Moon_Stone
Sure Snow Falcon, I'd be happy to- I'll actually just post it here... and i'll do it tomorrow (well Sunday, my time zone's a bit off I think).... but I will do it tomorrow- promise! :28:

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 7:36 pm
by Moon_Stone
Ok, I've been slacking, so here's two... the cheetah and the cougar. :28:

Magickal Attributes of the Cheetah: Swiftness, speed. Develop your self-esteem so that you move with a regalness of bearing. Making events occur quicker.

The Cheetah:
The cheetah is the fastest animal on Earth, reaching speeds of 45 miles per hour. It is found in Africa and at one time also in Asia, from the Caspian Sea to Sumatra. It is as large as a leopard and has both long slender legs and tail. It's fur is very short and coarse, it feels more like dog hair than a cat's. Cheetahs hunt by sight, even in the moonlight. They live in family groups, cooperatively hunting and caring for their young.

In the far past, Cheetahs were trained by humans to hunt gazelles and antelopes in Assyria and Egypt, to be later replaced by dogs in this aspect. Found in an ancient record of an Egyptian festival procession honoring Dionysus were lions, leopards and cheetahs.

Magickal Attributes of the Cougar:Savagery, fury, remorselessness. Cunning, hunting and seeking; freedom. Using power in leadership. Balancing power, intention strength. Self-confidence when facing crowds or troublesome people.

The Cougar:
This animal has many other names, puma, panther (which is actually incorrect, the true panther is the black leopard), painter, catamount and mountain lion. It was once very prevalent in the Western Hemisphere, from Southern Canada to Patagonia. Today it's usually only found in remote wilderness areas of Florida, Louisiana, and the far western states from British Colombia to Mexico. Cougars are deep golden brown in color, immensely strong; as well as able to spring 20 feet in one leap. Despite their hair-raising shriek, their curiosity often gets them in trouble with humans.

The cougar is a very respected animal among Native American people, representing leadership, strength and physical grace. The Algonquins and Ojibways knew the cougar as a form of the "underground panthers," evil beings who lived and dwelled in an Underworld. The Cherokees believed that the cougar, along with the owl, were sacred creatures because of their power to see in the dark.

Although there are no records of cougars living or even existing in the islands of Polynesia, there is a legend told of a sacred cat, whose description is much like that of a cougar, with flames coming out of it's head, legs and back.
Sadly though, the cougar along with the bobcat, lynx and bear are still being hunted in the Western Hemisphere. On rare occasions, often due to circumstance, the cougar will venture into inhabited areas. It's tendency though, is to avoid humans as much as possible. Even though known for it's hair-raising scream, the cougar will also purr and mew like a cat.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:35 am
by Kentu The Runecaster
I'm not exactly sure he's my familiar, but he's a 16 year old black cat who was given to my mom the same week I came home from the hospital, and he's protected anyway he can all my life, so yeah is he a familiar or what?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:59 pm
by dragonprincess99
Moonstone ,

I have been wondering if my cat is one of my familiars . She has always been with me from the time she was born . She only stayed with her mom long enough to nurse then wouldn't stop crying until I picked her up . She is still like that . If I forget to let her in a room I go into she throws a huge fit and tries to rip the door down . Since I have started my journy into witchcraft I have noticed she is always on my lap the instant I start reading until I stop . She cleans me gives me kisses and she has not once left my side since she was born 3 years ago .

Blessed Be ,

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:23 pm
by Moon_Stone
Hi Donna and Xeph... yes, I'd definitely say that both of your kitties are there to protect and guide you. A physical familiar can be any animal that stands by you in times of need or anytime, really- and guides you to where you should be. It is said that most animals do this anyway, it is just usually the people that are more open to the ideas and concepts of Witchcraft/Wicca that notice it. Our physical familiars are very useful in rituals, which can usually be observed by their insistence of being part of what you are doing when forming or executing a spell or any type of worship.

Now me for example, my beautiful, sweet, precious dog Maggie often seems oblivious, but she has a true heart and also stands by me through thick and thin. I'd not call her my familiar though, just my friend; my watcher. Each time I meditate or speak a spell, she's with me. She watches and protects, so perhaps that is her way of acting as my familiar. (Hadn't thought about that in detail till now.) :28:

The best advise I can give anyone with an animal or many animals in their life, is to honor and protect the sweet soul you are graced with in this world. There is much to learn from your animals, of goodness and purity and so much more, that so often goes un-noticed.

~Blessed Be~

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:26 pm
by dragonprincess99
Thanks Moonstone I really enjoy reading your posts . I think in just about every aspect of my life when I needed comfort I ended up having one animal or another adopt me . I have had numerous animals each of which I think were here for the times I seriously needed someone . My girl Freedom has been great comfort to me in the last 3 years , and I am so thankful for her . She is definatelty a blessing . Although she squeaks and doesn't quite know how to meow she sounds like a large mouse . :lol:

Blessed Be ,