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candle magic

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:21 pm
by tkgirl
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone has some tips to share regarding candle magic. Like what type of "holders" or bowls are best, and should I add anything in the holder to go around the candle, say herbs or crystals? and what kind? Also, is it helpful to I add anything to the candle itself, like an oil or sprinkle herbs on top of it? Sorry if I sound so ignorant, this is all still pretty new to me.
oh, and right now I am mostly doing candle magic to promote more positive feelings within me, and to perhaps draw a new love into my life.

Thank You! :)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:25 pm
by JackRabbitSlims
Okay so here's a link that has magickal correspondence. You might want to book mark it because I know that I myself have found it really helpful.

There are 2 sections in that list that pertain to your questions.

Its under herbal, and crystal correspondence. The herbal one is a bit hard to understand because for some reason they use really odd names.

But you could go to google and type in "magickal herbs and uses"

And you'd probably find really helpful sites. ... ences.html. shut down

There's the link. Let me know if its of help. :)

Oh and then! There is this site out of business

It has allll different types of rare and common herbs. You can get a lot of one for cheap. And they do money orders so you don't need a credit card to buy stuff.

They also have a great section on holders for candles. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:35 pm
by One Walker
Candle magic is very interesting but also wide-ranging as far as applications. I use glass holders myself. I would not recommend wooden bases for obvious reasons. :lol: Same thing for plastic. Metal ones can be used but with extreme caution because metal transfers heat and...

You could also use a flat stone. Just melt a little wax, drip it on the stone, then set the candle in the hot wax and let it cool and harden to hold it in place. Additional items for candle magic are also wide-ranging and can involve herbs, stones, even household objects like nails and such. Again, it just depends on the application. Candle color also plays an important role. Here's a quick reference:

Red: Health, Strength, Physical energy, Sex, Passion, Courage, Protection.
Pink: Love, Friendship, Compassion, Relaxation.
Orange: General attraction, Energy.
Yellow: Intellect, Confidence, Divination, Communication, Eloquence, Travel, Movement.
Green: Money, Prosperity, Employment, Fertility, Healing, Growth.
Blue: Healing, Peace, Psychism, Patience, Happiness.
Purple: Power, Healing, Severe disease, Spirituality, Meditation, Religion.
White: Protection, Purification, substitute for all others.
Black: Banishing negativity, Absorbing negativity, Symbolizes Outer Space and the Universe.
Brown: Animals.

For the positive feeling application you indicated I would use a Blue candle for Happiness, a Yellow one for Confidence, etc. It just depends on the exact positive feeling your looking for. Here's a simple ritual if you're looking for just a general positive feeling:

You'll need:

1) A White taper candle or one of the colors mentioned above.
2) A piece of White (or whatever the candle color is) pure cotton thread or string about one foot in length.
3) Wooden matches.

Take the candle in both hands and hold it upright in front of you using your palms.

Visualize the New You; transformed and fully enjoying the positive feelings that are now present inside you.

Say a short chant or simple words describing your change. Something like: "I will embrace The Light and no longer dwell on negative feelings." Say it with conviction and feeling. Push that power and conviction into the candle when you say it.

Place the candle in the holder.

Pick up the string and, holding both ends in your fingers, then slowly pull it tight while intensifying your visualization for positive change. Then wrap the string once around the middle of the candle and tie it off with a simple knot, saying:

"The knot is bound
The change is found."

Wrap the ends of the string around the candle a second time and tie again, repeating the same verse.

Repeat the wraps and tie-offs until the string is nearly all wrapped around the candle.

Light the candle with a wooden match. Let it burn down. The wax will engulf the string and then the flame will ignite it so make sure it is on a fire-proof surface!

Repeat this every day for two weeks or until the change has occurred. It helps if you can continue to visualize your change as the candle burns down and the string is consumed.

There's another pretty interesting candle ritual to bring Love but I won't go into right now. Try the Positive Change one first if you like. If your still interested in the Love one let me know and I'll post it for you. (or feel free to PM me.) Materials you would need for the Love one:

One Pink votive candle and candle holder.
One three inch square piece of paper.
One Cinnamon Stick.
A small tile, trivet, or other heat-proof surface upon which you can perform and work parts of the ritual.
Pink pure cotton thread or string of about six inches in length.
Wooden matches.

Hope this helped some! Blessings to you along your new path!

One Walker. :D

Re: candle magic

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:35 am
by SpiritTalker
Re: I was wondering if anyone has some tips to share regarding candle magic. ..

. what type of "holders" or bowls are best? Metal is unbreakable and won’t explode if it gets hot

. should I add anything in the holder to go around the candle? No. Herbs inside the holder can catch fire; if herbs are used then perhaps set the holder on a saucer & sprinkle herbs on the saucer

. what kind? Everyday kitchen herbs work very well, or grow-harvest-dry-chop your own. It adds something special if you use herbs with which you have developed a working relationship over time. Select herbs related to the Intent of the spell , see viewtopic.php?f=80&t=26933

. or crystals? Same with crystals ... nothing is placed into the holder but the candle; You could lay a pattern of stones around the candle in its holder

. and what kind? White and clear quartz are all purpose, red jasper is healing, hematite is protective, or consult the EUTM correspondences list. White, red and black represent the maid-mother-crone )O(

. Is it helpful to add anything to the candle itself, like an oil? Dress a candle with olive oil, plain or scented, to hold a psychic charge.
. or sprinkle herbs on top of it? Unless the herbs are finely powdered they can catch fire, but it has been a custom to do so.

. Basic candle spell - use birthday candles, chimes, tapers, votives or tea lights for the desired burn time & allow the candle to burn itself out during the spell. Discard stubs in the trash.
. Dressing the candle: dab five spots of oil on the candle & roll the candle between your palms as you set intention - pull power on the breath to the belly; repeat your incantation thrice; push power from the belly & out hands 🙌🏽. The five-spots represent the elements & oil seals your intention’s energy to the candle. Stand the cold candle in it’s holder.
. The spell: Light the 🕯candle and sit quietly while focussing on the flame for a minute or so until the flame is all you see. Think of the final results you want & KNOW this feeling in your gut like a hunch. KNOWING is a slightly altered state of mind & is a witch’s power. Give thanks To the Powers. Let the candle burn completely (it’s ok to snuff a flame and relight if needed).

. spell to draw love into my life - review EUTM love spell sub-section viewforum.php?f=180