Is It Possible to Control Someone's Thoughts?

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

Is It Possible to Control Someone's Thoughts?

Post by delasoul »

This might be a very ridiculous question but I'm a little new!

I've read that if you are constantly thinking about someone (you might have a crush on for example, or someone you care about a lot, even your mother for instance)'s because they are thinking about you in that same moment. Does anyone believe that thinking about someone so much creates some sort of 'energy' that can be used to control someone's thoughts? For instance, if you have a crush and constantly think about them, it's because they're thinking about you too, so you can meditate and be able to control when and how much they think about you as well?

Not sure if I'm explaining myself well enough here but it's a start!
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Post by Crowfeather »

That's an interesting question, delasoul.
I know I have manipulated emotions before. I've incited from peace and relaxation to a powerful lust in others. (I don't do it anymore, not very ethical. And the lust was only in my girlfriend, I'm not magically date-rape-drugging people at random, I promise. And she consented to my experiment with emotions. So viola, no karmic backlash.)
But as far as thoughts, I'm sure there'd be a way to influence or nudge someone's mind, but if it's not of purest intent, it'll come back on you faster than you ever expected.
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Post by Silverslayer »

As Crowfeather said, this would most likely come back on you; it probally even would with the purest intent. People's thoughts are their own, and I don't believe they are to be tampered with.

Aside from that though, this is an interesting question. Has anyone had any experiences with this?
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Yes, I have had experiences with it. All the time actually. About a week ago, I finally performed an aura change, this person was a tiny bit annoying, I changed their aura in the hopes the would have a better attitude especially towards me. Alas, it back-fired and now he is just outright IRRITATING! My endeavours to change it again have been unsuccessful. This kinda tied in with this I figured...

I keep any who seem to be enemies, which there are very few, on a leash. 2 to be exact, ever hear the saying, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"? I do just that with these 2, one who clearly expresses his dislike of me, does so no longer, good friend now actually. The other began to believe the lies of the other one so I had to subdue him as well. It is sometimes a necessity for our own well-being to do such things. We aren't christians who claim to "turn the other cheek" we are allowed to defend ourselves, so think about that before you pass a judgement...
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Post by HallowHim »

i don't think so. if onlu you do a ritual wich is bad.. i mean how you will feel if someone else will do this with you..
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Post by [new_witch] »

i did it on a guy i liked i tried to make him feel something for me with reiki but it backfired he spoke to me very nicely for sometime but after that i dont know why but now he doesnt want to speak to me anymore i dont know what happened but i guess my experiment backfired
knowledge is my aim.
)(Apollo the Good)(
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Post by )(Apollo the Good)( »

I think it is rather dangerous to toy with the free will of others...
not always a positive measure to take. If it doesn't come back
now, it may one day! Who knows...

As for the "turn the other cheek" value of Christians, I think it is a far more
valuable principle than many give it credit. It promotes peacefulness in a very
positive way. I think it shows great strength beyond any visible measures.
Gandhi wasn't a "Christian", per say, however he used
this motto as a way of life and is one of the most influential people
who ever lived. Humanity recognizes the amazing willpower and
emotional strength it takes to subdue hatred and pure anger.

Not that I am saying I am like Gandhi! Nor am I stating we should never
defend ourselves. Lol 'Cuz you best believe when someone yells at me
or hurts me, I am ready to give them that hurt back on a deeper level. (I am a
very emotional and passionate person. Also empath.). But we are
discussing the morality of inhibiting someone's free will,
so it's a situation of "do as I suggest
and not as I do" :P

Love you all! :)
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Post by Imalorki »

Simple thing: If you don't want your mind f****** with don't F*** with others

Lady Karma doesn't appreciate it
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Post by HallowHim »

Witchy_Psychic_Kitty wrote:Simple thing: If you don't want your mind f****** with don't F*** with others

Lady Karma doesn't appreciate it

i agree with you :wink:

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