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Really? Your still trying?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:21 pm
by JackRabbitSlims
My moms still trying to bring me back to christianity.

This morning she sat me down to tell me something god told her.

*le sigh*

She said that god told her to tell me, that he knew me before I was born. And I'm still his.


I told her, mom I need to tell you this. I will never be catholic or christian again.

My mind has been opened way past it, and truthfully I can never see myself believing in adam and eve, noah, or even the resurection of christ. (Did you know by the way, that there are like 3 other gods from religions 600 years before christianity, that are the same as Jesus' story? Like born of a virgin, made miracles, and was crucified. Soooo un-original)


She was like, okay. Then she tryed to be like, its funny that you don't believe. Isn't it weird that our calender is based off of before christ's death, and after his death?

I'm like, mom come on. This country was based off of christian values. Its all biased. Even the dollar bill is christian.

I asked her, do you really believe that life on this earth was started by adam and eve? And their two sons? I'm like, you realize if this was the truth, then the whole world is inbread?

She replied with "well in the bible it says that science will try to prove god wrong"

I'm like sorry ma but that's a cop out.

That's like saying, hey I know this isn't believable, and there will be more things in the future to prove me wrong, but don't even listen.

Why can't they just leave it be? I need my mom to stop telling me god is talking to her, with important messages for me.

Truthfully, the whole thing annoys the f*ck out of me.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:57 pm
by blackswordca
The only suggestion I can give is try to be understanding with your mother. She is trying her best to look out for your health in this life and the next.

For all the frustration and anger that she causes you by not accepting your choice, remember that she is your mother and cares for you.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:31 pm
by One Walker
Hi JackRabbitSlims!

Not to fan the flames but is it possible your mother was referring to souls being a part of the greater Is? The reference sounds like it. I mean, other than her preference for calling it 'God' the statement still sounds like a legitimate one.

One Walker. :D

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:14 am
by JackRabbitSlims
I know you guys are right.

That I should just be patient. And I'm trying. Its just hard because I've found such happiness, such a spiritual bond with my religion, that it bothers me that she's upset with it.

One walker: She means she scared that my soul won't go to heaven. She thinks I'm going to be damned.
I explained to her that I still know my soul will continue, that its not going to heaven, and I'm fine with that.

We just believe in totally different things.

I think I'll just settle with that.

That's for putting my head on straight you guys. :)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:20 am
by HallowHim
i'm sorry but in this case you'r wrong.your mother is trying to help need just to relax and everytime when she says to you something,you say ok mum whatever you say, don't worry i have the same problem with my mum. you be patient and everything is gonna be ok.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:26 pm
by JackRabbitSlims
How am I wrong hallowhim?

I don't think I'm wrong at all. I have every right to feel annoyed that someone is telling me that the spiritual path I've chosen in life is wrong.

And like I said before, I know she's trying to help, but her form of "help" is trying to bring me back to her way of thinking, back to her religion. She's not acknowledging that to practice this path, its a huge dedication and part of my life.

And I think that would be difficult for any pagan to deal with.

Again, as I said before, I'm trying to be patient. But I've never been a person that just rolls over and say "okay I'll just agree"

I'm the kind of person that feel obligated stand behind what I believe.

And at his point, it would be so pointless to tell her she's right.

Because she knows I don't think she is, and I know she thinks I'm wrong as well.

Maybe we'll never agree. And I guess I'll just have to deal with that.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:40 pm
by blackswordca
There are a lot of things my parents and I don't agree on. I think its getting past that is what matters. It took a lot of time, but eventually my parents accepted that I have to live my own life. Make my own choices and mistakes.

If memory serves your 18 or close to it. There is a good chance that your mother still thinks of you as her little girl. She will come around.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:36 pm
by One Walker
I like you're thinking, JackRabbit. The funny thing is, your mother still loves you and cares about you. Once she realizes that you're still a 'Good Person' and she's proud of you she'll probably settle down eventually. It may take a long time (years) but once she realizes you're on the Light path she may become more receptive to what your beliefs are-not that she'll start believing as you do but at least she should be okay with yours.

In a way, HallowHim is right in that what I think he was trying to say is that your mom won't budge on her beliefs any more than you will but she has the Right, or at least the responsibility as a parent, to raise her child the best way she knows how. Even though you're growing into adulthood and establishing your own beliefs-or Self- she still and will always look upon you as her 'child'. So, for the time being, this may be one of those 'Taboo' subjects you don't want to get into with her face-to-face because nobody's going to budge on it right now. Yes, you certainly have the right to feel annoyed when someone is trying to shove their concepts 'down your throat' but if you can put yourself in your mother's shoes you can kind of see where she's coming from and her extreme concern for you.

So you can just agree with everything she says: "Yes, mom"; or you may want to try something like this: Ask your mother if she thinks you are a bad or evil person. Chances are she'll say no. Then maybe tell her in your own gentle way that you realize she's tried to raise you to be a good person but that you are growing into your own Being and are starting to search out, discover, and decide things for yourself. Then tell her she's either going to have to learn to trust your decision-making processes and stay true to you as her child or admit that what she is really worried or uncertain about is the job she did bringing you up. She's going to have to become confident in the job she did (It's either that or admit she blew it. Few people and fewer parents can actually admit they blew it or made a serious mistake!). Then ask her again if she thinks you are a good or evil person. If she says she believes you to be a good person then tell her to trust in that and have faith in you to make morally sound judgments concerning what is becoming your own Life.

Chances are, over time and in the end she won't give a Hoot-N-Holler about what belief system you follow or endorse-even if it is a Mix-N-Match one strictly of your making. As long as you turn out to be a good person and one she can be proud of she'll stand by you and defend you to the blood.

I'm not telling you what to do in this situation, only suggesting a course of action based on past personal experience. Do what you think is best. Hope this helped some! Blessings to you on your path!

On a side note, I think the dream or vision she had was actually a message to and for her, telling her or trying to reassure her that though you follow different paths you're still on the Light path and not to worry about you. :wink:

One Walker. :D

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 3:26 am
by HallowHim
JackRabbitSlims wrote:How am I wrong hallowhim?

I don't think I'm wrong at all. I have every right to feel annoyed that someone is telling me that the spiritual path I've chosen in life is wrong.

And like I said before, I know she's trying to help, but her form of "help" is trying to bring me back to her way of thinking, back to her religion. She's not acknowledging that to practice this path, its a huge dedication and part of my life.

And I think that would be difficult for any pagan to deal with.

Again, as I said before, I'm trying to be patient. But I've never been a person that just rolls over and say "okay I'll just agree"

I'm the kind of person that feel obligated stand behind what I believe.

And at his point, it would be so pointless to tell her she's right.

Because she knows I don't think she is, and I know she thinks I'm wrong as well.

Maybe we'll never agree. And I guess I'll just have to deal with that.
anyway i know that is your life...but she is you'r mum,she have rights,she born you,just make yourself in her position-how you will feel when your children will be someday satanic,even muslim.,, you will try to help him...that's what your mum is doing...i'm not saying that you're wrong,but life is not good,,just be patient.. :wink:

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 12:13 pm
by JackRabbitSlims
HallowHim: I understand what you have to say but I'm sorry, I'm still having a hard time agreeing with it.

Just because my mother carried me around in her womb for 9 months, doesn't mean she has the right to make my my life choices for me, or that I have to follow her words of wisdom. I don't want to even think of the person I would be if I followed everything the parentals said.
In the case of my children,

I doubt my children will ever turn to satanism, or Luciferism for that matter, but if they did, it would have to be their choice. Even if they chose to be Orthodox Roman Catholic.

And if they we're sure that it made them happy, and they werent doing anything self destructive or harmful to others or themselves, I'd let it be. I have nothing against other religions, even though I may not agree with some.

That's called religious tolerence! :D haha

Religion is such a weird point.

It can be argued about till your blue in the face, but in the end people will choose to believe what they believe.

In the end, I know you guys are right. That she is my mom, and she's only looking out for my well being.

I guess sometimes it may be easier to keep my mouth shut that looking for a religious debate.

And who knows, hopefully as I get older she may become more open. (Although I doubt it ;) )

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:51 pm
by Alicat

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:16 am
by JackRabbitSlims
Wow. That actually really put it into perspective for me.

Thank you. :]