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Black Cat

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:26 pm
by Witch1693
this question might sound kinda wierd because it goes alone with a story, well..many stories that all go along the same lines.

ill just start this off with that every single place i go, i see the same exact black cat, with a brown foot. ill walk around with my friend, and wherever we go, ill just see that cat every here and there and occaisionally itll be infront of us, and right where we would turn the corner, it would turn that same corner before us. and its not just when im with my friends, ill be taking a walk at night and hear it meow, look behind me and itll just slowly follow behind me all the way till i get back in my house. ill be driving to my friends house, and ill see this cat just sitting on the side of the road. and when i get to my friends house, itll be sitting next to the driveway. this story may sound a little hard to believe. but im not really sure if theres a paranormal//wiccan explanation to this


Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:48 pm
by )(Apollo the Good)(
The cat could, of course, be one of your spirit guides. Or maybe your totem animal is simply a cat and it feels drawn to you.
Also, I believe that as Pagans/Wiccans, because of the energy we are aware of and the work we do with it, we are closer to animals than many others. I feel that animals can sense a lot more energy than humans can. Perhaps you stick out to this cat because of your awareness of the Magick within and around us that connects us. If you are struggling, it could be sent to give you comfort.
However you look at it, I would not be alarmed by this beautiful animal at all :) Take peace in guidance brings. [/code]