Found my patron diety?

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Found my patron diety?

Post by MelissaDarling »

I've heard that your patron diety chooses you and I'm not quite sure what people mean by that or how you would know. Something happened the other day and I was thinking maybe people on this site could let me know if this experience is what they meant about a diety choosing you...

The other day I was meditating and working on my visualization skills when all of a sudden I had the most vivid images in my mind I've ever actually visualized. I was suddenly above a road and on both sides of the road was forest, and I could feel myself flying. Not too long after seeing the road and the trees there was a cliff and as I got closer there was a woman standing on the cliff. My first person view turned into like I was standing there with the woman, and the flying creature that I was, was now sitting on her arm - an owl. The only piece of clothing that jumped out at me about her was a metal breast plate like armor. I didn't really think anything of it other than that it was definately a new experience.

That weekend I was out at a thrift store, and I found a small bust of a greek goddess. I didn't know who it was but I bought it anyways. When I got home I looked it up on google and it turned out to be Athena. I researched her a little bit and it turns out that her symbol is the owl. She also matches up with some of my personal traits.

Is this what "your patron diety will choose you" means? Does this mean that Athena is my diety?

Thanks for any help in advance :)
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Post by AP670 »

*shudders* Asking this question means yes...
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Post by NightRose »

Oh, I'd say that sounds like a pretty good sign to me. I wish it had been that simple for me! Mine kept giving me hints and didn't pop up til I figured it all out!

But I'd say, the vision, followed by the "coincidence" of picking up her bust at a thrift store...well, I'd say it sounds a little more like fate. Your next move should be to research all you can about her, and to begin talking to her. If she is in fact your patron deity, she'll respond to your prayers and reaching out.

Congrats! :)

Post by MelissaDarling »

Are there specific ways for me to reach out to a goddess? Or is it literally just speaking or praying?
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Post by NightRose »

Well, prayer is usually the best way. Just speaking is (at least to me) pretty much the same thing is praying. You can also meditate and try to meet her again on the spiritual plane like you did before. You'll find that most gods and goddesses are perfectly alright with sitting down to chat about things, instead of being the "COWER BEFORE ME, MORTALS!" type. Actually, I don't think I've met any of those type. But I digress.

For some gods and goddesses, you'll learn how they prefer to communicate. My patroness is Nyx, and she tends to visit to chat in the night (go figure, goddess of night and all that) or will communicate through dreams. My fiance's patron is Apollo, who rather prefers appearing at really bright times of the day (again, go figure, god of the sun and light).

Oh, and while researching, remember that the Romans called her Minerva. Same thing, different names.

Post by MelissaDarling »

Alright, thank you so much :)
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Re: Found my patron diety?

Post by White*wolf »

MelissaDarling wrote:I've heard that your patron diety chooses you and I'm not quite sure what people mean by that or how you would know. Something happened the other day and I was thinking maybe people on this site could let me know if this experience is what they meant about a diety choosing you...

The other day I was meditating and working on my visualization skills when all of a sudden I had the most vivid images in my mind I've ever actually visualized. I was suddenly above a road and on both sides of the road was forest, and I could feel myself flying. Not too long after seeing the road and the trees there was a cliff and as I got closer there was a woman standing on the cliff. My first person view turned into like I was standing there with the woman, and the flying creature that I was, was now sitting on her arm - an owl. The only piece of clothing that jumped out at me about her was a metal breast plate like armor. I didn't really think anything of it other than that it was definately a new experience.

That weekend I was out at a thrift store, and I found a small bust of a greek goddess. I didn't know who it was but I bought it anyways. When I got home I looked it up on google and it turned out to be Athena. I researched her a little bit and it turns out that her symbol is the owl. She also matches up with some of my personal traits.

Is this what "your patron diety will choose you" means? Does this mean that Athena is my diety?

Thanks for any help in advance :)
Congratulations [on finding Athena]. What a wonderful experience you had. :)
-Jessica [aka Whitewolf]
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