CAN anyone help me? ................................

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CAN anyone help me? ................................

Post by jenny19831 »


hi there ok dont no why im asking dont no if anyone can help me but i have had couple of tarrot cards done all diffrent i had a misscarage in aug 08 and tryed so hard to get preg again still nothing and we on june my partner is on zinc im about to start these other ones to help doctors wont help us till aug this year but dont no why i have a 8 year old daughter and feel ok in my self , can anyone pick any things up i feel so down and crying all the time , thought i would be preg this month but yet again pmt today
if anyone can help thank you xxx
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Post by NightRose »

I can't really offer much help magic-wise, other than link you to the fertility spells in the index here: ... spells.htm

Otherwise, I recommend that you be taking vitamins so your body is all ready to go to support a child and keep you in prime health. Personally, you can monitor your fertility and your ovulation (peak time to try for children) using a basal thermometer ( ... ature.html) Now, you'll have to do this for a month or so to get a good idea of what your normal temp is, but the days when it increases are the days you are most likely to get pregnant, so of course, have lots of sex those days.

Also, try to keep your stress level low, if possible. Your body is looking at you and trying to judge if it is capable of supporting a healthy child. Large amounts of stress or intake of harmful substances can send out warning signals that make your body reject implantation.

I wish you the best of luck. And remember, don't give up hope. If you can't do it alone, there are so many great doctors out there who can help.
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Post by AP670 »

Tell your self I am pregnant. I am having a baby. over and over again. Do not think about it in any other sense.

Post by jenny19831 »

hi there thanks people might try that xxx
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Post by Starwitch »

Athiest's idea is a good one. Affirmations and positive thinking can definitely improve your situation. I have obtained magical results from the use of affirmations and self-healing techniques.

Another thing you may want to do is to have your hormone levels checked. Go to a place that specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (Google it for info) and you can see if there is a hormonal problem.

Your partner could be infertile. Infertility among men (and women, but especially men) has risen dramatically in the past 50 or so years. I saw a show about it. And male fetuses are much more likely to miscarry because they aren't able to stand up to the environmental toxins that are everywhere these days. (Not saying that males are weaker, but that's just what the scientific evidence is showing.)

Here are some articles relevant to that: ... 03645.html ... f&oq=&aqi=

There are many more like this. You can search for phrases like 'infertility caused by environmental toxins' and things like that. Maybe try Google Video, YouTube, Google search, etc.

If you end up not getting pregnant, you may want to consider that the Earth is already way overpopulated and that humans are like a horrible virus upon the Earth, destroying everything in our path (and even under our path - digging coal, diamonds, petro, etc.) The Earth is screaming for help but instead of doing our part, we humans just keep reproducing and reproducing, creating more waste, more heat, killing more animals and cutting more trees down. I'm sure none of that will matter to you if you have your heart set on having a baby, but you may want to consider telling your child(ren) about it so they can possibly make a different lifestyle choice. I haven't had any kids and so far I'm very happy with my decision. Kids require so much time, attention, money, and energy. Think of all the wonderful things you can do if you DON'T have more kids - travel more, buy more cool gadgets and clothes and stuff, give more to charity, volunteer your time, learn more about Wicca and spirituality... I could really go on and on, but I'm sure you may be irritated with me already so I'll let it go. Just wanted you to know that there are other alternatives (good ones) and that you don't have to have more kids. It's entirely possible to be very happy without them. Cameron Diaz said recently that NOT having kids is the fashionable thing to do nowadays (couldn't find the exact quote, sorry.)

Watch the movie The Global Brain and see if you still feel like having another kid after that. Maybe you'll decide to adopt a Chinese girl or get a new dog.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. If another child is not in your future, maybe you will decide to see it as a blessing instead of a curse. Visit the childfree websites if you want inspiration and support for NOT having kids (that really applies to everyone, who I hope is really considering foregoing having children to help save the planet. It's not a very popular topic yet but it will be in the future.)

Bright Blessings,

Post by jenny19831 »

thanks alot that is all true xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Post by emmi116 »

just keep thinking positively. if you don't conceive then you and your partner will have to accept the fact that it wasn't meant to be. and just remember, there are many children already out there waiting for good homes and good families.
love always,

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