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Re: how you open your third eye

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:03 am
by Corbin
Lots of good replies, mine may is a little different and perhaps stranger to grasp. I've never been into the whole chakra thing.

So I was on a walk in the countryside and kept bringing problems to mind but each time I just seemed to let them slide off, I didn't engage with them it was 'oh well that will be fine', 'it will work out' - that kind of... Hmm... Attitude. Nope attitude sounds too engaging... Lightness. Enjoying the world around me.

It wasn't done consciously it was just 'where I found myself' - in harmony.

Later that day I meditated and tranced and in trance saw seven circular bronze & ornate 'locks' one above another vertically.

Then I saw each lock slide open, right then left, each lock halving alternate sides, forming a line down the center (and giving the locks kind of the appearance of a helix). Then the 'door' opened and there was light... Lots of 'whiteness' and it felt like my head cracked open (not in a literal painful way), like it had become opened to the air / outer expanse. Like something confined had been expanded. Like a tree erupting from the head. Like a wind blowing through. I really can't explain it.

Re: how you open your third eye

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:35 pm
by michaelmontgomery
Such a big subject... but here's a rocket engine short answer for you. BREATHING. Very deep and slow breathing and fixing your willpower directly on your crown. Yes the magical Eye of Ra, the Eye of Shiva, the Eye of Odin, which is the command station. The mysterious third ventricle belonging to your cerebrum, very importantly composed of the thalamus, the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland working together like a galaxy grade supercomputer. Breathing very slowly gives you more electricity which kickstarts the thalamus. Much much more complicated but that will get you started.

Re: how you open your third eye

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:02 pm
by Ellis Asher
Thanks MM,

I can see how it's abbreviated but it seems a very critical step and worthy of focus.


Re: how you open your third eye

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:43 am
by Corbin
It's only truely happened to me once (triggered during a vivid trance - which I documented) and one thing I observed was that it was preceeded by a period of what could be called 'a state of grace'. I had problems approaching on the horizon yet they were like fluid; they had no weight, almost no 'reality' they were recognised yet in the flow understood to be something to be taken in stride. I was walking a lot alone in the woods at the time - not meditating just simply observing.

Golden hour and blue hour are often best times for such balancing meditive walks, usually when the weather is mild and you lack aches or hunger : equilibrium has its coorespondences too...

Re: how you open your third eye

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:56 am
by Firebird
Do you all feel this area needs continual activation or, isn't more like once it's been open, its a door you cannot really close? Like riding a bike? Once you know, you know?
Bb, F

Re: how you open your third eye

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 7:49 pm
by earth_love
Hiya Firebird! I believe it stays open. Mine has been open ever since I can remember as a little girl. Nothing has ever changed, it's been a constant with me. As a little girl, I figured everyone was like that & it was a normal thing in life.